l'll remember that little boy that l met when he was 10 years old,
that little feisty, cute, incredibly talented youngster,
很有冲劲又可爱 充满才华的青年
that went on to become one of the greatest entertainers that ever lived.
To me and my children,he meant so much to our lives.
对我与我的孩子来说 他是我们生命中很重要的一部份
He was, to me, the greatest entertainer l had ever seen in my life.
他对我来说 是世上最棒的表演者
He was a gentleman and he was vety kind.And l'll always love him, always.
他既绅士又很温柔 我永远都会爱他
He was one of the warmest and most loveable persons you could ever meet.
他是你所能遇见最热情 也最可爱的人
l think Michael's greatest achievement, throughout his life,was making people happy,helping people.
我想迈克尔一生中最大的成就 就是带来欢乐 与帮助他人
lf somebody needed an operation, or a family starving that needed food,
若有人需要动手术 或是有家庭挨饿需要食物
he would send over groceries for a year and things like that.
l think that's where he really got his enjoyment,seeing somebody sad become happy.