l'm happy with the children here,
and at the same time, l'm sad because their father's gone.
但同时我也很难过 他们的父亲已经不在了
They always say, "Daddy did it this way.
他们总是说 爸爸会这么做
爸爸以前都这样 爸爸以前都那样
Those kids are so proud of their father.
l can't find words.To me, it's just such a loss, too soon.
我无语了 这是太大的缺失 也太快了
lt left such a gap and made us see what was missing.
造成了很大的缺口 也让我们看到所遗失的
Why hadn't we embraced him? Why hadn't we loved him?
我们为何没有包容他? 为什么不爱他?
He gave us so much love and so much wonderful music.
他给了我们那么多爱 那么好的音乐
And l think that this is what we'll always remember him for.
l love the fact that everything he sang, he sang from his heart.
我很喜欢他 每首歌都是发自内心唱出的
And l love listening to him singing, every record he's ever recorded.
我好爱听他唱歌 听他的每张专辑
Michael's legacy is that he will be known as the greatest entertainer ever.
迈克尔留下来的 就是史上最顶尖的表演者这名号
Michael was a great talent.
He was the best overall talent that l've ever seen in my life,
and l've been following talent since l was three years old.He was the best l ever saw.
我可是打从三岁起就在看艺人 他是我所见过最好的
l'll remember that little boy that l met when he was 10 years old,