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MONICA: Honey, you made the bed again. I told you, you don't have to do that. This isn't camp.

亲爱的, 你又铺床了. 我告诉过你,你不必做.这又不是露营.

RICHARD: Ooh, then I guess the panty raid last night was totally uncalled for. Ok, I am going to take a shower and today I will be singing Jim Crochee's Leroy Brown.

噢, 我想把昨晚的犯罪现场收拾一下.我去冲个澡,一边唱吉姆.考奇的“雷罗伊.布朗”.

RICHARD: Monica... Hey Mon, I have a question. Is Leroy the baddest man in the whole damn town or the fattest man in the whole damn town?

摩妮卡... 嗨 摩妮卡, 我有个问题.雷罗伊是整个丹姆城最坏的男人还是整个丹姆城最胖的男人?

MONICA: Baddest. Otherwise the song would be Fat Fat Leroy Brown.

最坏的. 另外歌词还有“胖啊胖的雷罗伊.布朗”.

RICHARD: What're you doing?


MONICA: Just waiting for you sweetie.


RICHARD: Are you remaking the bed?


MONICA: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You know what, the way you did it was just fine.

对不起, 对不起. 你知道, 你铺得已经很好了.

RICHARD: Then, you're redoing it because...

那么, 你重新铺是为了...

MONICA: If I tell you, you'll think I'm crazy.

如果我告诉你, 你会以为我疯了.

RICHARD: You're pretty much running that risk either way.


MONICA: Ok, you see, the tag shouldn't be at the top left corner, it should be at the bottom right corner.

好吧,你瞧,标签的那头不能在左上角, 应该在右下角.

RICHARD: Oh, well that's not so crazy.


MONICA: I'm just easing you in.


RICHARD: Oh, alright.

哦, 对.

MONICA: Alright, you see these little flower blossoms? They should be facing up, not down, because, well, the head of the bed is where the sun would be. You don't love me any more do you.

还有, 你看见这些花蕾图案了吗? 应该朝上, 而不是朝下,因为, 太阳在床头那边.你没那么爱我了吧.

RICHARD: Actually, if it's possible, I love you more.

事实上, 也许,我更爱你了.

MONICA: Really? Wow, well then come on, I wanna show you how to fold the toilet paper into a point.

真的吗?噢, 那好跟我来, 我告诉你怎么把纸巾折出个角来.

文章关键字: 老友记 视听 精讲 犯罪现场




