Folks, if I could share... here at Sunnyside we’ve got just about anything a toy could ask for...
伙计们 容我为你们介绍... 一个玩具想要得到的东西 阳光幼儿园应有尽有
Spare parts, super glue and enough fresh batteries to choke a hungry, hungry hippo.
备件 强力胶 电池 电池之足可以塞满一只极度饥饿的河马
Think you’re getting old? Well, stop your worrying.
担心老无所依? 打消这个顾虑吧
Our repair spot will keep you stuffed, puffed and lighted up.
我们的修理点会为你填充 松化 保你焕然一新
And this... well, this is where I live. Ken’s Dream House.
而这里... 正是我住的地方 肯尼的梦之屋
It has a disco, it’s got a dune buggy and a whole room just for trying on clothes.
内有迪厅 沙滩车 还有一个专用试衣间
You have everything. - Everything, except someone to share it with.
你拥有一切 - 一切 独缺一位女主人
You need anything at all, you just come talk to me.
如有任何需要 请告知我
Here we are.
Well, thank you, Big Baby. Why don’t you come meet our new friends?
谢谢你 大宝宝 来见见我们的新朋友 好吗?
Poor baby. We were thrown out together... me and him.
可怜的宝宝 我和他... 我们是同时被丢弃的
Abandoned by the same owner. But we don’t need all this at Sunnyside...
被同一个主人遗弃 但在阳光幼儿园 我们不需要主人...
We own ourselves. We’re masters of our own fate.
自主命运 我们就是自己的主人
We control our own destiny.
Oh, watch out for puddles.
哦 当心脚下
Here’s where you folks will be staying.
The Caterpillar Room.
Look at this place! - Wow!
瞧这地方! - 哇!
Holy moley guacamole! - Jackpot, baby!
全能的主啊! - 中头奖了 宝贝!
Hello. Hello. Hello.