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时间:2012-08-20 18:31:39 来源:可可英语 编辑:Rainbow  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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1. through: 从头到尾,在(整整一段时间)中

2. wacky: 荒诞的

3. best of all: 最好的

4. carry a baby: 怀孕

5. stick a pin: 按下一枚大头针,就像用大头针把什么东西固定住,也就是保持这个话题 stick: 插于 pin: 别针


1. screw up: 搞乱

eg. That cute girl (or boy) won't eat you if you screw up this date.那个可爱的女孩(男孩)又不会吃了你如果你搞砸了这次约会。

eg. The truth is that most people mean well, even if they screw up every now and then.事实上,许多人都是好意,即便他们是不是地把事情办砸。

2. get on with: 继续(做某事)

eg. What should you do if you really cannot get on with your boss at work?如果你在工作中实在无法和老板处好,你应该怎么办?

3. put aside: 暂不考虑

eg. Put aside this question for a moment.这个问题先撇开不谈。

4. put over: 推迟

eg. You have to put over the project by the end of this year.你必须在今年年底完成这项工程。

5. take out: 拿出,取出,拔出

eg. If you like what you see, why not take out a print subscription?如果你喜欢你看到的内容,何不出一份打印费呢?


1. That's it. 就这样。

2. You'll be set. 你就可以了,即可。


相关热词搜索: 老友记 视听 精讲




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