Polanyi had long led an opposition to the notions of Planned Science.
Even during the war he had founded a 'Society for Freedom in Science', and after the war attempted to combine political and scientific philosophy, marshalling a variety of arguments against various kinds of determinism.
In particular, he seized on Godel's theorem as a proof that mind would do something that was beyond any mechanical system, it was this subject that most engaged Alan and Polanyi in discussion.
Alan would run over to the Polanyi home, which was not far from his lodgings at Hale.
Once Polanyi visited Alan, only to find him practising the violin in freezing cold, not bothering or not daring to ask the landlady for proper heat.
He rejected Eddington's argument for free will from the Uncertainty Principle, But, unlike Eddington, he thought that the mind could interfere with the motions of molecules,
Polanyi also favoured an extension of the 'Jabberwocky' argument, that science was all in the mind anyway, and had no meaning apart from the 'semantic function' which the human mind alone could supply.
Karl Popper, who held similar views, said in 1950 that 'It is only our human brain which may lend significance to the calculators' senseless powers of producing truths.'
Popper and Polanyi both held that people had an inalienable 'responsibility', and that science only existed by virtue of conscious, responsible decisions.
Polanyi held that science should rest on a moral basis.
'My opposition to a universal mechanical interpretation of things,' he wrote, '... also implies some measure of dissent from the absolute moral neutrality of science.'
There was a schoolmasterish tone to this 'responsibility' that was rather different from gentle Eddington's vision of Mind-stuff perceiving the spiritual world.