And so a seminar was arranged at which Turing would give his proof.
And a few days before the seminar he said: 'No, there was something a little wrong in the argument, but the argument would work for cancellation semigroups.'
And so he in fact gave his proof for cancellation semigroups.
The proof required quite new methods, technically more difficult than those of Computable Numbers.
It showed that at any time, even though he was so out of touch, he could revert to being 'a logician'.
It was a great comeback, and yet for him it would not have been coming back, but going back.
He spent some more time on the original problem for groups, but did not dedicate himself to it.
It offered the innocence of the work of his twenties, before he had got mixed up with the world's affairs, But it did not offer the direction in which to move onward.
Alan submitted his results to von Neumann's journal, where it was received on 13 August 1949, and elicited a reply from the big man himself:
Dear Alan... Our machine project is moving along quite satisfactorily, but we aren't yet at the point where you are.
I think that the machine will be physically complete early next year.
What are the problems on which you are working now? and what is your program for the immediate future? With best regards, Yours sincerely, John, September 13 1949.