Polanyi attacked the Laplacian picture on the grounds that it induces the teaching that material welfare ... is the supreme good and that political action is necessarily shaped by force.
These unpalatable doctrines he associated with the Soviet government rather than with that of the other Great Power, complaining at the suggestion that 'all cultural activities should subserve the power of the State in transforming society for the achievement of welfare.'
Alan produced for Polanyi a photograph of a horse-race finish,
in which of two neck-and-neck horses one could be said to have won if a jet of spittle were counted as part of its body, and not otherwise—a contingency not allowed for in the rules.
But the thrust of the Christian philosopher's arguments lay in a very different direction from his own.
This was the background to a formal discussion on 'The Mind and the Computing Machine' held in the philosophy department at Manchester on 27 October 1949.
Just about everyone in British academic life with a view to express had been assembled.
It began with Max Newman and Polanyi arguing about the significance of Godel's theorem, and ended with Alan discussing brain cells with J.Z. Young, the physiologist of the nervous system.
In between, the discussion raged through every other current argument, the philosopher Dorothy Emmet chairing.
'The vital difference,' she said during a lull, 'seems to be that a machine is not conscious.'
But such a use of words would satisfy Alan no more than would Polanyi's assertion that the function of the mind was 'unspecifiable' by any formal system.
He wrote up his own view, which appeared as a paper, Computing Machinery and Intelligence, in the philosophical journal Mind in October 1950.