A graduate of the wartime MIT Radiation Laboratory, Sayre was now at Oxford studying molecular biology with Dorothy Hodgkin.
Having worked with F.C. Williams during the war, he made a visit to Manchester to see the computer, explaining that it might help in X-ray crystallography, Williams passed him on to Alan.
who showed an unusual kindness and geniality, making Sayre 'perfectly at ease with him'.
They talked for two and a half days, interrupted only when 'the telephone would ring to say that the machine was free for a few minutes in case he wanted to use it.
And he would gather up sheaves of paper and ribbons of punched paper tapes...and disappear for a bit.'
David Sayre was able to guess that Alan had worked on cryptological problems during the war.
The point was that X-ray crystallography, which was now being applied to the problem of determining the structure of proteins, was remarkably similar in nature to cryptanalysis.
The X-rays would leave a diffraction pattern, which could be regarded as the encipherment of the molecular structure.
Performing the decipherment process was closely analogous to the problem of finding both plain-text and key, given the cipher-text alone.
The result of this analogy was that... Before we finished he had re-invented by himself most of the methods which crystallographers, up to that time, had worked out.
He had, for this purpose, a breadth of knowledge greatly surpassing that of any crystallographer I have known, and I am confident that he would have advanced the crystallographic situation very decidedly if he had worked in it seriously for a time.
As it was, he may have had hold of one line which in 1949 had not yet appeared in crystallography, concerned with establishing quantitatively how much information it is necessary to have on hand at the outset of a search for a solution to ensure that a solution can be found.