Alan told him about the Shannon theorem which he had exploited for the Delilah, and Sayre made use of it in a paper which much advanced the theory of the subject.
But Alan did not decide to work seriously in this area, or perhaps it would have been too crowded and competitive a field, He always wanted something that would be self-contained.
Claude Shannon was himself another visitor. Since 1943, their discussions on machines and minds, information and communication, had been opened up to all.
In September 1950, there was a London symposium on 'information theory' at which Shannon was the star guest.
His paper on chess-playing, which explained the principles of minimax play and tree searching, had just appeared.
Someone reviewed it and made a remark that Alan thought had confused cause and effect, or in typical Turing language, it was... like taking a statistical analysis of the laundry of men in various positions and deciding, from the data collected, that an infallible method of getting ahead in life was to send a large number of shirts to the wash each week.
Afterwards, Shannon went to Manchester to see the prototype machine, then in its last days, and Alan told him all about the zeta-function calculation.
The conference which gave occasion to this visit was a manifestation of the 'cybernetics' movement.
Another was that in July 1949, following a talk by K. Lorenz at Cambridge on animal behaviour, an informal cybernetics discussion group had been started, meeting in London about once a month over a dinner.
It was called the Ratio Club. McCulloch who with Wiener was one of the original high priests of cybernetics, addressed the first meeting.
He also travelled to Manchester to see Alan, who thought him 'a charlatan'.
Alan was not in the Ratio Club's founding group, but at the first meeting, his name was put forward by Gold and the biologist John Pringle, who had been Alan's undergraduate contemporary at King's.