Hopefully, by now, we’re all savvy enough to stop saying “third world” countries. But saying “developing nations” sounds condescending too. We usually end up calling them “those nations”, which might be even worse. Which nations? “Those nations... over there. Don’t touch them.”
希望我们都足够有见识,不要再说“第三世界”国家了 。但是,说“发展中国家”听上去也很盛气凌人 。我们经常称他们为“那些国家”,这听上去更加糟糕 。哪些国家呢?“那里的……那些国家 。不要触碰他们 。”
So... what should we call “those nations”? First off, the term “Third World” is really wrong. It comes from the 1950’s, and at the time, the First World meant countries aligned with the West or the United States. The Second World was nations aligned with Communist Russia. This only sort of made sense then, and makes absolutely no sense now.As for the “Third World”, that referred to everything else...it includes “those nations” we mean when we say “third world”, but it also included places like Greenland and the United Arab Emirates. It was a real catch-all and as such it’s not super useful.
那么,我们应该怎样称呼“那些国家”呢?首先,“第三世界”这个术语非常错误 。这个术语来自上世纪50年代,当时,第一世界指的是与西方国家或美国联盟的国家 。第二世界指的是与共产主义俄国统一战线的国家 。当时或许说的通,而现在则完全说不通了 。而第三世界,则指的是除了上述两种之外其他所有国家,包括我们所说的“第三世界”的那些国家,但是也包括格陵兰和阿联酋 。所以,这个称呼就像一个总受器,不是很有用 。
So... what about the term “developing nations”? India, China, and Brazil are actively developing and sort of fit in to that category, but people tend to call those “newly industrialized countries.” Or just India, China and Brazil.“Developing nations” also include places like Syria and Somalia. But they aren’t developing at all. In fact they’re spiraling. So, the word “developing” in developing nations doesn’t actually mean anything.
那么,“发展中国家”这个说法呢?印度,中国和巴西都在积极发展,似乎符合这一类别,但是人们更倾向于称他们为“新兴工业国家” 。或者仅仅是指印度,中国和巴西 。“发展中国家”还包括叙利亚和索马里等地方 。但是他们根本就没有发展 。实际上他们的经济在下滑 。所以,“发展中国家”一词中的发展并不能代表一切 。
You could say “poor nations”, but not if you go off their GDP. Currently Iraq is 56 on the UN’s list and Iceland is 123. When you’re talking about poverty, you don’t mean Iceland.
你可以说“贫穷国家”,但是如果查看一下GDP的话你会发现并非如此 。目前,伊拉克位于联合国GDP榜单第56位,冰岛位于第123位 。当你说到贫困的时候,你指的肯定不是冰岛 。
So for the last time: what should you say? Well, it’s awkward and long, but you should say Countries On The UN’s List Of Least Developed Nations. Which is a mouthful, but accurate.
那么,我们应该怎样称呼这些国家呢?呃,这有点尴尬 。但是你可以说联合国最不发达国家榜单上的国家 。这有点拗口,但是很精确 。
These 48 countries on the official and somewhat regularly updated list are “those nations”. Granted, it doesn’t include all the nations people mean when they throw around those other terms. But when you’re talking about world poverty, it’s a place to start.
官方经常更新的榜单上的这48个国家就是我们所说的“那些国家” 。就算如此,也不包括人们说到其他术语时所指的所有国家 。但是当你提及世界贫困问题的时候,可以从这里开始 。