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  • We're going to Homebrew.
  • 我们要去Home Brew电脑俱乐部
  • No... Abs...
  • 靠 绝对不去
  • I am not presenting anything at Homebrew.
  • 我不会在Home Brew做展示的
  • I'm... No.
  • 坚决不要
  • Why do people drive so slow? Get out! Move!
  • 这些人为毛开的这么慢? 闪开 让路!
  • I'm telling you right now, I've been to Homebrew.
  • 我现在告诉你 我曾去过Home Brew俱乐部
  • I understand the caliber of people who speak there.
  • 那些人口才不错
  • I'm not one of those people.
  • 我可不是那样的人
  • I'm telling you this thing is amazing. I'm not...
  • 我跟你说这东西很好 我不是说...
  • You're gonna be great, Woz.
  • 你会很了不起的 沃兹
  • Steve, could you do me a favor, could you just please slow down a little bit so that I feel like
  • 史蒂夫 请你帮个忙 你能...开慢一点吗? 这样的话
  • there's a chance we might actually get there alive.
  • 我还有机会活着到那里
  • I want to get there first so we can present first.
  • 我希望我们第一个到达 第一个展示产品
  • You know if we're gonna do this thing,we need to come up with a name.
  • 你知道的 如果我们要开公司,我们得想个好名字
  • Yeah, I know. Something catchy. Something...
  • 是的 我知道 这名字得好记 吸引人 像...
  • I've been thinking about it....electric.
  • 我觉得名字里...应该要有"电子"
  • It needs to feel like... I don't know.
  • 它得有点像... 我不知道
  • What about Enterprise Computers?"
  • 企业号"计算机公司怎么样?
  • No.No Star Trek names.
  • 不,别给我来"星舰迷航"那套
  • What about Kirk Enterprises? I swear."
  • 柯克企业"怎么样 我发誓...
  • I will drive this car right off this road. Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine!
  • 我要开车撞树了 好吧 好吧
  • I will run the car right off the road.
  • 我真的会撞上去哦
  • Jesus! Calm down! Seriously.
  • 喔 天啊! 冷静 严肃一点
  • Okay. Nothing Trekkie. Jesus.
  • 好 不要"星舰迷航"那种 上帝啊
  • It just needs to be, like, something that people will relate to, you know?
  • 它需要像...与人相关的东西 你知道的?
  • Like, it needs to be something that you see,
  • 一些常见又好记的
  • and you're just, like, "Man, I just gotta have it."
  • 而且是人们喜欢的 "哥们 我想拥有它 "
  • Apple
  • 苹果


We're going to Homebrew.No... Abs...I am not presenting anything at Homebrew.I'm... No.

我们要去Home Brew电脑俱乐部。靠 绝对不去,我不会在Home Brew做展示的,坚决不要。

Why do people drive so slow? Get out! Move!

这些人为毛开的这么慢? 闪开 让路!

I'm telling you right now, I've been to Homebrew.

我现在告诉你 我曾去过Home Brew俱乐部

I understand the caliber of people who speak there.I'm not one of those people.


I'm telling you this thing is amazing. I'm not...You're gonna be great, Woz.

我跟你说这东西很好 我不是说...你会很了不起的 沃兹

Steve, could you do me a favor, could you just please slow down a little bit so that I feel like

史蒂夫 请你帮个忙 你能...开慢一点吗? 这样的话

there's a chance we might actually get there alive.


I want to get there first so we can present first.

我希望我们第一个到达 第一个展示产品

You know if we're gonna do this thing,we need to come up with a name.

你知道的 如果我们要开公司,我们得想个好名字

Yeah, I know. Something catchy. Something...

是的 我知道 这名字得好记 吸引人 像...

I've been thinking about it....electric.It needs to feel like... I don't know.

我觉得名字里...应该要有"电子",它得有点像... 我不知道。

What about Enterprise Computers?"No.No Star Trek names.


What about Kirk Enterprises? I swear."

柯克企业"怎么样 我发誓...

I will drive this car right off this road. Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine!I will run the car right off the road.Jesus! Calm down! Seriously.

我要开车撞树了 好吧 好吧。我真的会撞上去哦,喔 天啊! 冷静 严肃一点。

Okay. Nothing Trekkie. Jesus.

好 不要"星舰迷航"那种 上帝啊

It just needs to be, like, something that people will relate to, you know?

它需要像...与人相关的东西 你知道的?

Like, it needs to be something that you see,and you're just, like, "Man, I just gotta have it."

一些常见又好记的,而且是人们喜欢的 "哥们 我想拥有它 "。



重点单词   查看全部解释    
enterprise ['entəpraiz]


n. 企业,事业,谋划,进取心

adroit [ə'drɔit]


adj. 熟练的,灵巧的,机敏的

touched [tʌtʃt]


adj. 受感动的 adj. 精神失常的

reminder [ri'maində]


n. 提醒物,提示

approach [ə'prəutʃ]


n. 接近; 途径,方法
v. 靠近,接近,动

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

executive [ig'zekjutiv]


adj. 行政的,决策的,经营的,[计算机]执行指令

strategy ['strætidʒi]


n. 战略,策略

shoulder ['ʃəuldə]


n. 肩膀,肩部
v. 扛,肩负,承担,(用肩

license ['laisəns]


n. 执照,许可证,特许
vt. 允许,特许,





