August 8th: 8月8日
8th of August: 8月8日
月份在前或日期在前都可以,但注意日期要用序数词,也就是first, second, third, fourth, fifth...
Lucky number: 吉祥数字
Auspicious: 吉利的、吉祥的,lucky是更口语的近义词
The color red is very auspicious in Chinese culture: 红色在中国文化里代表吉祥
8 is auspicious because it sounds like the word for getting rich: 8很吉祥,因为它的发音很像“发”
The pronunciation is similar to...: 发音相似,谐音
1) Make money: 赚钱 (动词短语)
I make money by working: 我靠工作赚钱
Apple makes money by selling phones and computers: 苹果靠卖手机、电脑赚钱
How does your company make money? 你公司靠什么赚钱?
2) Wealth: 财富 (名词)
Build wealth: 建立财富
Accumulate wealth: 累积财富
这两个说法都比make money更正式,而且适用范围也窄一些,和中文用法一样
It generally takes a long time to build wealth: 通常建立财富要花时间
Smart investment strategies can help you accumulate wealth: 明智的投资策略可以帮你累积财富
Wealthy: 有钱的(形容词)
She comes from a wealthy family: 她来自一个很有钱的家庭
3) Fortune: 大笔的财富,比wealth更多(名词)
Make a fortune: 赚大钱
Make a fortune in...: 在什么行业、领域赚大钱,比如:
Bill Gates made his fortune in software: 比尔盖茨通过软件赚了大钱
Make a fortune doing ...通过什么方式赚大钱,比如:
She is making a fortune selling things: 她卖货赚大钱
4) Rich: 有钱、富有,(形容词)
Get rich: 发财
Get rich quick: 发快财
Strike it rich: 发财,有很走运的意思
5) Make a killing: 跟“杀”没什么关系,意思是狠赚一笔
He made a killing in the stock market last year: 他去年在股市狠赚一笔
6) Prosperous: 繁荣、兴旺的(形容词), 同样也比较正式,不过它也是非常好的祝福语
May you have a prosperous new year! 祝你新年大吉、兴旺发达!
Prosper (动词)
May you prosper in the coming year! 祝你新年大吉、兴旺发达!
Prosperity: 繁荣、兴旺(名词)
May the new year bring you more prosperity: 祝你新年更兴旺!