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The english we speak(BBC教学)第79期:Plain sailing 一帆风顺

编辑:Aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Hello. I'm Rob. And this is Li!
  • 大家好。我是罗布。这位是李!
  • Hello.
  • 大家好。
  • The weather is so great today we're outside on the sea, sailing in this beautiful boat. What do you think Li?
  • 今天天气真好,所以我们出海来玩,坐在这条美丽的船上航行。李,你觉得怎么样?
  • Impressive. Rob, I didn't know you had a sailing boat–in fact I didn't know you could sail a boat!
  • 令人印象深刻。罗布,我不知道你有一只帆船——实际上,我不知道你会驾船!
  • Don't worry Li, I know what I'm doing.
  • 别担心,李,我知道我在做什么。
  • Mind that rock!
  • 小心那块岩石!
  • Whoa…it's ok Li. I'm in control–just keep your hand on that rope.
  • 哇……没问题的,李。我能控制——你要一直抓着那条绳子。
  • We've got the wind in our sails, the sea is calm–
  • 我们在航行中遇到了风,海面很平静——
  • we can just easily sail around this island and be home in time for tea.
  • 我们很容易在这座岛周围航行,而且能及时赶回家喝茶。
  • Oh right. I thought our excursion was going to be trouble free–or plain sailing.
  • 哦,好吧。我想我们的旅行会顺利的——或者是会一帆风顺的。
  • What? Plain sailing? We're not sailing any planes Li.
  • 什么?飞机航行?李,我们可不是在航行飞机。
  • No Rob. Plain sailing. It's an expression used to describe an activity that goes well or smoothly and is easy and uncomplicated.
  • 不是的,罗布。是一帆风顺。这是一个用来形容活动进展顺利、容易、不复杂的短语。
  • Yes of course–this sailing is going well and is actually quite easy–so you're right–this is plain sailing.
  • 当然——这次航行会很顺利的,实际上也很容易——所以你是正确的——这次会一帆风顺的。
  • But can we only use the phrase to describe sailing boats?
  • 不过我们只能用这个短语来形容驾驶船只吗?
  • No. Although it was originally a sailing term, it can really refer to any activity.
  • 不是。虽然这来自于帆船用语,不过也可以用来指任何活动。
  • Listen to these examples:
  • 来看下面这些例子:
  • Driving through the city was difficult but once we were on the motorway it was plain sailing all the way.
  • 在城市里开车很难,不过我们要是走高速公路就会一路畅通无阻。
  • Once we found some office space and recruited staff, setting up our business was plain sailing.
  • 只要我们找到办公地点并招聘员工,建立我们自己的企业就会一切顺利。
  • So plain sailing means things are going well.
  • 所以一帆风顺的意思就是事情进展顺利。
  • I have to admit Rob, your sailing skills are very good and …oh watch out for that big wave!
  • 罗布,我必须要承认,你的航海技巧非常棒,而且……哦,小心那个大浪!
  • Whoa...ouch! I've hit my head on the boom.
  • 哇……哎呀!我的头撞到帆桁上了。
  • Oh no, we're heading for the rocks again…hold the rope Li, quick!
  • 哦不,我们前面又有岩石……李,快抓紧绳子!
  • I've changed my mind Rob, this isn't plain sailing anymore!
  • 罗布,我改变想法了,这不再是次一帆风顺的航行了!
  • That's taken the wind out of your sails Rob.
  • 罗布,那已经使你泄气了。
  • Err, it's still windy Li. Look at the sails.
  • 嗯,李,现在仍在刮风。看看那船帆。
  • No Rob. That's another sailing idiom-
  • 不,罗布。这是另一个有关航行的习语——
  • to take the wind out of your sails is an expression that means your boasting and arrogance has been challenged.
  • 这个表达的意思是你的自夸和傲慢遇到了挑战。
  • Let's hear some other people using this expression:
  • 我们来看其他人对这个表达的应用:
  • I was all ready for a big argument but when he bought me some flowers it took the wind out of my sails.
  • 我已经准备好大吵一架了,但是他给我买了些花,这挫败了我的锐气。
  • The negative feedback from my boss has really taken the wind out of my sails.
  • 从老板那里得到的负面反馈给了我当头一棒。
  • Hmm, Li you've certainly taught me a lot about sailing today–there are some really good expressions–
  • 嗯,李,你今天教了我很有关航海的东西,有许多好的表达,
  • but one thing you haven't taught me is how to sail this boat.
  • 但是你没有教我一件事,那就是如何驾驶这艘船。
  • You said you knew how to sail it.
  • 你说你知道怎么驾船的。
  • Well when I said I had been sailing several times I had….but I meant on a ferry….as a passenger.
  • 嗯,我说我有过几次航行经验,但我的意思是我作为乘客坐在渡船上航行的经验。
  • Oh. Watch out!
  • 哦。当心!
  • That was close. I've a feeling this really isn't going to be plain sailing after all.
  • 好险啊。我有种感觉,这不会是场一帆风顺的航行。
  • Too right! Bye bye.
  • 太对了!再见。
  • Bye. Now Li could you just hold that rope there please.
  • 再见。现在,李,请你抓住那边的绳子。


Rob: Hello. I'm Rob. And this is Li!

Li: Hello.
Rob: The weather is so great today we're outside on the sea, sailing in this beautiful boat. What do you think Li?
Li: Impressive. Rob, I didn't know you had a sailing boat–in fact I didn't know you could sail a boat!
Rob: Don't worry Li, I know what I'm doing.
Li: Mind that rock!
Rob: Whoa…it's ok Li. I’m in control–just keep your hand on that rope. We've got the wind in our sails, the sea is calm–we can just easily sail around this island and be home in time for tea.
Li: Oh right. I thought our excursion was going to be trouble free–or plain sailing.
Rob: What? Plain sailing? We're not sailing any planes Li.
Li: No Rob. Plain sailing. It's an expression used to describe an activity that goes well or smoothly and is easy and uncomplicated.
Rob: Yes of course–this sailing is going well and is actually quite easy–so you're right–this is plain sailing. But can we only use the phrase to describe sailing boats?
Li: No. Although it was originally a sailing term, it can really refer to any activity. Listen to these examples:
Driving through the city was difficult but once we were on the motorway it was plain sailing all the way.
Once we found some office space and recruited staff, setting up our business was plain sailing.
Li: So plain sailing means things are going well. I have to admit Rob, your sailing skills are very good and …oh watch out for that big wave!
Rob: Whoa...ouch! I've hit my head on the boom. Oh no, we're heading for the rocks again…hold the rope Li, quick!
Li: I've changed my mind Rob, this isn't plain sailing anymore! That's taken the wind out of your sails Rob.
Rob: Err, it's still windy Li. Look at the sails.
Li: No Rob. That's another sailing idiom – to take the wind out of your sails is an expression that means your boasting and arrogance has been challenged. Let's hear some other people using this expression:
I was all ready for a big argument but when he bought me some flowers it took the wind out of my sails.
The negative feedback from my boss has really taken the wind out of my sails.
Rob: Hmm, Li you've certainly taught me a lot about sailing today – there are some really good expressions – but one thing you haven't taught me is how to sail this boat.
Li: You said you knew how to sail it.
Rob: Well when I said I had been sailing several times I had….but I meant on a ferry….as a passenger.
Li: Oh. Watch out!
Rob: That was close. I've a feeling this really isn't going to be plain sailing after all.
Li: Too right! Bye bye.
Rob: Bye. Now Li could you just hold that rope there please.

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adj. 简单的;不复杂的

carnival ['kɑ:nivəl]


n. 嘉年华会,狂欢节,饮晏狂欢

flight [flait]


n. 飞行,航班
n. 奇思妙想,一段楼

negative ['negətiv]


adj. 否定的,负的,消极的
n. 底片,负

plain [plein]


n. 平原,草原
adj. 清楚的,坦白的,简

boom [bu:m]


n. 繁荣,低沉声,帆杠,水栅
vi. 急速增

smoothly [smu:ðli]


adv. 平滑地,流畅地

assured [ə'ʃuəd]


adj. 确实的,保障的,有自信的 动词assure的过

describe [dis'kraib]


vt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成

beat [bi:t]


v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动
n. 敲打,





