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2024年6月英语六级听力真题(第1套) 录音(2)

编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Recording Two
  • 录音二
  • The genetic code of all 1.5 million known species of animals and plants living on Earth will be mapped to help save species from extinction and boost human health.
  • 地球上已知的150万种动植物的遗传密码将被绘制出来,以帮助拯救物种免于灭绝并促进人类健康。
  • Scientists hope that cracking the genetic code of plants and animals could help uncover new treatments for infectious diseases, slow aging, improve crops and agriculture, and create new bio-materials.
  • 科学家们希望通过破解植物和动物的遗传密码,能够有助于发现新的传染病治疗方法,延缓衰老,改善农作物和农业,并创造出新的生物材料。
  • In Britain, organisations including the Natural History Museum, the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew and the Wellcome Sanger Institute have joined forces to sequence Britain's 66,000 species of animals and plants.
  • 在英国,包括自然历史博物馆、皇家植物园邱园和威康桑格研究所在内的组织联合起来,对英国66,000种动植物进行测序。
  • Dubbed the Darwin Tree of Life Project, it is expected to take 10 years and cost 100 million pounds.
  • 这个项目被称为“达尔文生命之树项目”,预计将耗时10年完成,耗资达1亿英镑。一旦完成,所有信息将向研究人员公开。
  • Once completed, all the information will be publicly available to researchers.
  • 许多科学家认为地球现在已经进入了第六次大规模灭绝。
  • Many scientists believe that Earth has now entered the sixth mass extinction, with humans creating a toxic mix of habitation loss, pollution and climate change, which has already led to the loss of at least 77 species of mammals and 140 types of birds since 1500.
  • 人类造成的栖息地丧失、污染和气候变化等不良影响,自1500年以来,已导致至少77种哺乳动物和140种鸟类的灭绝。
  • It is the biggest loss of species since the dinosaurs were wiped out 66 million years ago.
  • 这是自6,600万年前恐龙灭绝以来最大的物种损失。
  • Scientists say that sequencing every species will revolutionize the understanding of biology and evolution, bolster efforts to conserve as well as protect and restore biodiversity.
  • 科学家们表示,对每个物种进行测序将彻底改变对生物学和进化的理解,同时加大在维护、保护和恢复生物多样性方面的努力。
  • Dr. Tim Littlewood, head of Life Sciences Department at the Natural History Museum said, "Whether you are interested in food or disease, the history of how every organism on the planet has adapted to its environment is recorded in its genetic makeup.
  • 蒂姆·利特尔伍德博士是自然历史博物馆生命科学部门的主任,他说:“无论你对食物还是疾病感兴趣,地球上每一个生物如何适应周边环境的历史都被记录在其遗传构成中。
  • How you then harness that is dependent on your ability to understand it.
  • 如何去利用这些信息,取决于你理解它的能力。
  • We will be using modern methods to get a really good window on the present and the past.
  • 我们将使用现代技术来真正揭开现在和过去的神秘面纱。
  • And of course, a window on the past gives you a prospective model on the future."
  • 当然,对过去的了解会为你提供对未来的预测模型。”
  • Sir Jim Smith, Director of Science at Wellcome said, "Try as I might, I can't think of a more exciting, more relevant, more timely, or more internationally inspirational project.
  • 威康桑格研究所的科学总监吉姆·史密斯爵士则表示:“尽管我绞尽脑汁,也没能想出一个比这更激动人心、更息息相关、更及时或更具国际启发性的项目。
  • Since 1970, humanity has wiped out 60 percent of animal populations.
  • 自1970年以来,人类已经导致60%的动物种群灭绝。
  • About 23,000 of 80,000 species surveyed are approaching extinction.
  • 在调查的80,000个物种中,约有23,000个接近灭绝。
  • We are in the midst of the sixth great extinction event of life on our planet, which not only threatens wildlife species, but also imperils the global food supply.
  • 我们正处于地球上生命的第六次大规模灭绝事件之中,这不仅威胁到野生动植物物种,还危及全球粮食供应。
  • As scientists, we all realize we desperately need to catalogue life on our fragile planet now.
  • 作为科学家,我们都意识到我们现在迫切需要对我们这颗脆弱星球上的生命进行分类编目。
  • I think we're making history."
  • 我认为我们正在创造历史。”
  • Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.
  • 根据你刚刚听到的录音回答19-21题。
  • Question 19.What do scientists hope to do by cracking the genetic code of plants and animals?
  • 科学家希望通过破解植物和动物的遗传密码来实现什么?
  • Question 20. What do many scientists believe with regard to Earth?
  • 许多科学家对地球有什么看法?
  • Question 21. How does Sir Jim Smith, Director of Science at Wellcome, describe the Darwin Tree of Life Project?
  • 威康桑格研究所的科学总监吉姆·史密斯爵士是如何描述“达尔文生命之树项目”的?


Recording Two


The genetic code of all 1.5 million known species of animals and plants living on Earth will be mapped to help save species from extinction and boost human health.


Scientists hope that cracking the genetic code of plants and animals could help uncover new treatments for infectious diseases, slow aging, improve crops and agriculture, and create new bio-materials.


In Britain, organisations including the Natural History Museum, the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew and the Wellcome Sanger Institute have joined forces to sequence Britain's 66,000 species of animals and plants.


Dubbed the Darwin Tree of Life Project, it is expected to take 10 years and cost 100 million pounds.


Once completed, all the information will be publicly available to researchers.


Many scientists believe that Earth has now entered the sixth mass extinction, with humans creating a toxic mix of habitation loss, pollution and climate change, which has already led to the loss of at least 77 species of mammals and 140 types of birds since 1500.


It is the biggest loss of species since the dinosaurs were wiped out 66 million years ago.


Scientists say that sequencing every species will revolutionize the understanding of biology and evolution, bolster efforts to conserve as well as protect and restore biodiversity.


Dr. Tim Littlewood, head of Life Sciences Department at the Natural History Museum said, "Whether you are interested in food or disease, the history of how every organism on the planet has adapted to its environment is recorded in its genetic makeup.


How you then harness that is dependent on your ability to understand it.


We will be using modern methods to get a really good window on the present and the past.


And of course, a window on the past gives you a prospective model on the future."


Sir Jim Smith, Director of Science at Wellcome said, "Try as I might, I can't think of a more exciting, more relevant, more timely, or more internationally inspirational project.


Since 1970, humanity has wiped out 60 percent of animal populations.


About 23,000 of 80,000 species surveyed are approaching extinction.


We are in the midst of the sixth great extinction event of life on our planet, which not only threatens wildlife species, but also imperils the global food supply.


As scientists, we all realize we desperately need to catalogue life on our fragile planet now.


I think we're making history."


Question 19.What do scientists hope to do by cracking the genetic code of plants and animals?


Question 20. What do many scientists believe with regard to Earth?


Question 21. How does Sir Jim Smith, Director of Science at Wellcome, describe the Darwin Tree of Life Project?


重点单词   查看全部解释    
extinction [iks'tiŋkʃən]


n. 消失,消减,废止

bolster ['bəulstə]


n. 长枕,靠垫 vt. 支持,鼓励

toxic ['tɔksik]


adj. 有毒的
n. 有毒物质

describe [dis'kraib]


vt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成

organism ['ɔ:gənizəm]


n. 生物体,有机体

recording [ri'kɔ:diŋ]


n. 录音 动词record的现在分词

code [kəud]


n. 码,密码,法规,准则
vt. 把 ...

harness ['hɑ:nis]


n. 马具,系在身上的绳子,甲胄,安全带

humanity [hju:'mæniti]


n. 人类,人性,人道,慈爱,(复)人文学科

relevant ['relivənt]


adj. 相关的,切题的,中肯的





