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2024年6月英语六级听力真题(第2套) 长对话(1)

编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Conversation One
  • 对话一
  • I’ve just bought a new blender.
  • 我刚买了一台新搅拌机。
  • What's that?
  • 那是什么?
  • A blender, you know, a machine that blends food.
  • 搅拌机嘛,你知道,就是搅拌食物的机器。
  • Uh, yes, of course, the electric kitchen appliance.
  • 嗯,是的,当然,厨房电器。
  • Exactly, this one is state-of-the-art. I've been meaning to buy one for a while, and I did thorough research on which specific model to get. I read through maybe hundreds of online user reviews. Anyway, it's amazing.
  • 没错,这台是最先进的。我想买一台搅拌机已经有一段时间了,而且我对买哪个具体型号做了深入的研究。我浏览了大概有几百条网络上的用户评论。总之,它太棒了。
  • Really? What could be so special about it? I mean it's just a blender.
  • 真的吗?它有什么特别之处呢?我的意思是它只是一个搅拌器。
  • Well, basically, it's just a very good one. It feels heavy and sturdy and well made. It also has lots of power and can easily cut and crush practically anything. This way, the soups and juices I make come out really fine and smooth, with no lumpy bits.
  • 嗯,基本上来说,它是一个非常好的搅拌器,手感沉、坚固而且做工精良。它的功率也很大,可以很容易地切断和粉碎几乎任何东西。这样一来,我做出来的汤和果汁又细腻又柔滑,没有颗粒。
  • Um, I see. I have never thought of getting one myself. It sounds like the kind of thing that, for me personally, I would rarely use.
  • 嗯,我明白了。我从来没想过自己买一个。就我个人而言,这听起来像是我很少会使用的东西。
  • I've never had one before, and now that I do. I use it all the time. I make a fresh fruit juice in the morning, maybe not every morning, but 3 or 4 times a week, and it feels fantastic. It’s a really healthy habit.
  • 我以前从来没有过,现在我有了。我一直在用它。我早上会榨一杯新鲜果汁,也许不是每天早上,但一周也有三四次,这感觉棒极了。这是一个非常健康的习惯。
  • I can imagine that must feel quite satisfying. I can picture you getting all creative in the kitchen and trying out a multitude of different ingredients, and it's obviously going to be healthier than buying packaged juice from a supermarket.
  • 我能想象那一定令人感到非常满足。我可以想象你在厨房里尽情发挥创意,尝试多种不同的配料,这显然比从超市买包装好的果汁更健康。
  • It's so much healthier. It’s not even close. Did you know that store-bought juice is like 10% sugar?
  • 这样要健康得多。超市里的还差得远呢。你知道从商店里买的果汁含糖量是10%吗?
  • Right, so then you bought it for the health benefits?
  • 对,所以你买它是为了健康?
  • Mostly yes. Basically, it allows me to have a more varied diet with a far wider assortment of nutrients, because it's not only fruit in my morning juices you see. I can also throw in vegetables, nuts, yogurts, cereals, anything that tickled my fancy.
  • 基本上是的。总的来说,它让我的饮食更加多样化,营养成分更丰富,因为我早上喝的果汁里不只有水果。我还可以加入蔬菜、坚果、酸奶、谷物等任何我喜欢的东西。
  • Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  • 根据你刚刚听到的对话回答1-4题。
  • Question 1. What does the man say he did before buying the blender?
  • 男士说他在买搅拌机之前做了什么?
  • Question 2. What does the woman say she has never thought of doing?
  • 女士说她从来没有想过要做什么?
  • Question 3. What does the man say is a really healthy habit?
  • 男士说什么是非常健康的习惯?
  • Question 4. What do we learn about store-bought juice from the conversation?
  • 从对话中我们了解到从商店购买的果汁的什么信息?


Conversation One


Ive just bought a new blender.


What's that?


A blender, you know, a machine that blends food.


Uh, yes, of course, the electric kitchen appliance.


Exactly, this one is state-of-the-art. I've been meaning to buy one for a while, and I did thorough research on which specific model to get. I read through maybe hundreds of online user reviews. Anyway, it's amazing.


Really? What could be so special about it? I mean it's just a blender.


Well, basically, it's just a very good one. It feels heavy and sturdy and well made. It also has lots of power and can easily cut and crush practically anything. This way, the soups and juices I make come out really fine and smooth, with no lumpy bits.


Um, I see. I have never thought of getting one myself. It sounds like the kind of thing that, for me personally, I would rarely use.


I've never had one before, and now that I do. I use it all the time. I make a fresh fruit juice in the morning, maybe not every morning, but 3 or 4 times a week, and it feels fantastic. Its a really healthy habit.


I can imagine that must feel quite satisfying. I can picture you getting all creative in the kitchen and trying out a multitude of different ingredients, and it's obviously going to be healthier than buying packaged juice from a supermarket.


It's so much healthier. Its not even close. Did you know that store-bought juice is like 10% sugar?


Right, so then you bought it for the health benefits?


Mostly yes. Basically, it allows me to have a more varied diet with a far wider assortment of nutrients, because it's not only fruit in my morning juices you see. I can also throw in vegetables, nuts, yogurts, cereals, anything that tickled my fancy.


Question 1. What does the man say he did before buying the blender?


Question 2. What does the woman say she has never thought of doing?


Question 3. What does the man say is a really healthy habit?


Question 4. What do we learn about store-bought juice from the conversation?


重点单词   查看全部解释    
sturdy ['stə:di]


adj. 强健的,健全的

crush [krʌʃ]


v. 压碎,碾碎,压榨
n. 压碎,压榨,拥挤

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的

smooth [smu:ð]


adj. 平稳的,流畅的,安祥的,圆滑的,搅拌均匀的,可

specific [spi'sifik]


adj. 特殊的,明确的,具有特效的
n. 特

kitchen ['kitʃin]


n. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间

thorough ['θʌrə]


adj. 彻底的,完全的,详尽的,精心的

varied ['vɛərid]


adj. 各种各样的 动词vary的过去式和过去分词

creative [kri'eitiv]


adj. 创造性的





