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  • For the first time, the number of Americans who use marijuana almost every day has grown greater than the number who drink alcohol almost every day.
  • 几乎每天都吸食大麻的美国人数首次超过了几乎每天都饮酒的人数。
  • This change, some 40 years in the making, comes as marijuana use has become more common and legal in nearly half of U.S. states.
  • 这一变化历经约40年,与此同时,大麻的使用在美国近一半的州变得更加普遍和合法。
  • In 2022, an estimated 17.7 million people reported using marijuana daily or near-daily.
  • 在2022年,估计有1770万人报告称每天或几乎每天使用大麻。
  • In comparison, 14.7 million people reported being daily or near-daily drinkers, an examination of national survey data shows.
  • 相比之下,一项对全国调查数据的审查显示,有1470万人报告称自己是每日或近乎每日饮酒。
  • In 1992, when daily pot use hit a low point, less than 1 million people said they used marijuana nearly every day. Alcohol is still more widely used.
  • 1992年,当每日吸食大麻的人数达到最低点时,只有不到100万人表示他们几乎每天都吸食大麻。酒精的使用仍然更为广泛。
  • But 2022 was the first time this high level of marijuana use overtook daily and near-daily drinking, said the study’s writer, Jonathan Caulkins of Carnegie Mellon University.
  • 但该研究的作者、卡内基梅隆大学的乔纳森·考尔金斯表示,2022年是大麻使用量首次超过每日和近乎每日饮酒的水平。
  • “A good 40 percent of current cannabis users are using it daily or near daily, a pattern that is more associated with tobacco use than typical alcohol use,” Caulkins said.
  • 考尔金斯谈到:"在目前的大麻使用者中,有 40% 的人每天或接近每天使用大麻,这种模式与烟草使用相比,与典型的酒精使用更有关联。“
  • The research, based on data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, appeared recently in the publication Addiction.
  • 这项研究是基于全国药物使用和健康调查的数据,最近发表在《成瘾》杂志上。
  • The survey is a highly regarded source of self-reported estimates of tobacco, alcohol and drug use in the United States.
  • 该调查是美国烟草、酒精和毒品使用情况自我报告估计值的一个备受推崇的来源。
  • From 1992 to 2022, the per capita rate of those reporting daily or near-daily marijuana use increased by 15 times.
  • 从1992年到2022年,报告每天或几乎每天使用大麻的人均比率增加了15倍。
  • Caulkins suggested in the study that people may be more willing to report marijuana use as public acceptance grows.
  • 考尔金斯在研究中提出,随着公众接受度的提高,人们可能更愿意报告大麻的使用情况。
  • Most states now permit medical or recreational marijuana, though it remains illegal at the federal level.
  • 大多数州现在允许医疗或娱乐性大麻,尽管在联邦层面上它仍然是非法的。
  • In November, Florida voters will decide on a constitutional change permitting recreational cannabis.
  • 11月,佛罗里达州选民将决定是否修改宪法,允许娱乐性大麻。
  • And the federal government is moving to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug.
  • 并且联邦政府正在采取行动,将大麻重新分类为危险性较低的毒品。
  • Research shows that high-frequency users are more likely to become addicted to marijuana, said Dr. David A.Gorelick of the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Gorelick was not involved in the study.
  • 马里兰大学医学院的 戴维德 A.戈雷利克博士没有参与这项研究,他谈到,研究表明,高频率使用者更容易对大麻上瘾。
  • The number of daily users suggests that more people are at risk for developing problematic cannabis use or addiction, Gorelick said.
  • 戈尔利克提到,每日用户数量表明,更多的人有可能发展为大麻成瘾的风险。
  • “High frequency use also increases the risk of developing cannabis-associated psychosis,” a severe condition where a person loses touch with reality, he said.
  • 高频使用还会增加患上大麻相关精神病的风险,这是一种严重的疾病,患者会失去与现实的联系,他说道。
  • I’m John Russell.
  • 我是约翰·拉塞尔。


For the first time, the number of Americans who use marijuana almost every day has grown greater than the number who drink alcohol almost every day.


This change, some 40 years in the making, comes as marijuana use has become more common and legal in nearly half of U.S. states.


In 2022, an estimated 17.7 million people reported using marijuana daily or near-daily.


In comparison, 14.7 million people reported being daily or near-daily drinkers, an examination of national survey data shows.


In 1992, when daily pot use hit a low point, less than 1 million people said they used marijuana nearly every day. Alcohol is still more widely used.


But 2022 was the first time this high level of marijuana use overtook daily and near-daily drinking, said the studys writer, Jonathan Caulkins of Carnegie Mellon University.


A good 40 percent of current cannabis users are using it daily or near daily, a pattern that is more associated with tobacco use than typical alcohol use,” Caulkins said.

考尔金斯谈到:"在目前的大麻使用者中,有 40% 的人每天或接近每天使用大麻,这种模式与烟草使用相比,与典型的酒精使用更有关联。“

The research, based on data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, appeared recently in the publication Addiction.


The survey is a highly regarded source of self-reported estimates of tobacco, alcohol and drug use in the United States.


From 1992 to 2022, the per capita rate of those reporting daily or near-daily marijuana use increased by 15 times.


Caulkins suggested in the study that people may be more willing to report marijuana use as public acceptance grows.


Most states now permit medical or recreational marijuana, though it remains illegal at the federal level.


In November, Florida voters will decide on a constitutional change permitting recreational cannabis.


And the federal government is moving to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug.


Research shows that high-frequency users are more likely to become addicted to marijuana, said Dr. David A.Gorelick of the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Gorelick was not involved in the study.

马里兰大学医学院的 戴维德 A.戈雷利克博士没有参与这项研究,他谈到,研究表明,高频率使用者更容易对大麻上瘾。

The number of daily users suggests that more people are at risk for developing problematic cannabis use or addiction, Gorelick said.


High frequency use also increases the risk of developing cannabis-associated psychosis,” a severe condition where a person loses touch with reality, he said.


Im John Russell.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
illegal [i'li:gəl]


adj. 不合法的,非法的
n. 非法移民

permit ['pə:mit,pə'mit]


n. 许可证,执照
v. 允许,许可

acceptance [ək'septəns]


n. 接受(礼物、邀请、建议等),同意,认可,承兑

psychosis [sai'kəusis]


n. 精神病,精神不正常

severe [si'viə]


adj. 剧烈的,严重的,严峻的,严厉的,严格的

addiction [ə'dikʃən]


n. 沉溺,上瘾

source [sɔ:s]


n. 发源地,来源,原始资料

problematic [.prɔbli'mætik]


adj. 问题的,有疑问的

survey [sə:'vei]


v. 调查,检查,测量,勘定,纵览,环视

comparison [kəm'pærisn]


n. 比较





