And, so, then in the period directly leading up to that scene that we heard at the beginning of this episode, like, what was her life like then? Where was she living?
So, by that point, she had moved in to a house with a guy that she had met at the bar.
It was coming up on Christmas, and she was really eager to have a place to live and a place that she could bring her boys.
And she met this guy, and he said, you know, "Why don't you move into my spare room?" And she said, "Yes."
And when was it that she realized that she was pregnant?
She realized that she was pregnant in early February. She told me that she was terrified.
Everything went through my mind, like, "How am I going to do this alone?"
She just assumed that as soon as the guy she'd been living with found out that she was pregnant, she would be kicked out of the house.
They hadn't started dating yet, but they would, and she just kind of knew that he wasn't going to want somebody who was pregnant with another guy's baby living in his house.
So, obviously, in this moment, Patience had a decision to make about what she was going to do about her pregnancy. How did she think through that?
Well, she told me she knew pretty immediately that she needed to get an abortion.
But that was a really hard choice. I mean, she just knew she didn't have the resources to care for another child.
And she didn't like the idea of having an abortion.
My whole life, I didn't believe in it. I always wondered like, "If you didn't want to have a kid, then give it to somebody that does."
And I had a friend that wanted a kid so bad, and she couldn't have them. And I would have loved to give her a kid.
And I would have, because I knew she could have cared for him.
But I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I have a kid out there that's always going to wonder, "Why didn't you want me?"
Wow. I just -- It sounds like this was an incredibly painful moment for her. Yeah, it really was.
But she decides, in the end, that she thinks getting an abortion is the right path. Was that legal in Nevada at the time?
Yeah, I mean, in 2018, so that's pre-Roe v. Wade being overturned, abortion was legal in Nevada up to 24 weeks, which is around the point where a fetus could potentially become viable.
And that's the same today. The laws didn't change when the Supreme Court decision happened.
And did Patience know how far along she was at that point?
She wasn't sure how far along she was. She thought maybe around four months.
She never saw a doctor or went to the hospital at all during her pregnancy, so she never got an ultrasound.
She would later tell officers that she only got a few periods a year, so she really was not sure.
Okay, so, Patience decides that she's going to seek an abortion. What happens next?
So, Patience scheduled an appointment at the abortion clinic in Reno, but she had no way to get there.
You know, Winnemucca was where Patience lived. It was a 2-1/2-hour drive. Her car was not working.
She, you know, wasn't even -- She was relying, at the time, on family and friends to even take her to the grocery store.
She tried to get a ride. She wasn't able to.
And after a few weeks, she just decided, you know, "I'm going to try to take care of this myself."