So, Emily, I want to start with a pretty basic question -- what can a poll tell you?
A poll can give you an idea of what Americans or whatever population we've looked at thinks.
So if we are looking at a poll of folks in Nevada or folks in North Carolina, what that population thinks about something, and there's no way to do that better than a poll, because we can systematically reach a random sample of the population that we're looking at and ask them questions that represent the larger population.
Some people often say like, "Well, I didn't get called for this poll, so how can it be representative?"
Well, if we were asking everyone every time, that would take us like years and be very expensive.
So we make sure that we get a randomized group of folks that we can reach out to that represent others.
So even if you haven't been reached out to a poll, someone who probably thinks and feels similarly to you has been.
So, then, on the flip side, what does a poll not tell you?
A poll can't tell you what's going to happen in the future. They are snapshots in time.
So we're looking to -- when we -- when we word those questions, we say, "If the election were held today, for whom would you vote?"
So people are answering for that time period.
We also can't really dig down too deep on people's thoughts and feelings, because we try to keep questions pretty close-ended so that we can translate those into percentages.
We do ask open-ended questions sometimes that give people the ability to expound further, but polls are good at measuring closed-ended opinions -- that's easier for respondents to respond to and give us a snapshot of what they think at that time.
That snapshot idea feels really important because I think, when you see a poll of whether people like one candidate more than another, it feels immediately like, "Oh, that's going to tell me what's going to happen in November and what the results of the election are going to be."
But it's -- it's not quite -- like, there's a real distinction there.
This isn't supposed to tell you who's going to win in November.
This is telling you how people feel right now.
Yes, it's October. They might change their opinions.
I know that can be hard for people to believe, but there are undecided voters out there.
Things happen in their lives and things happen in the world that can change people's opinions.
So when we ask questions about the economy, if they lose their job between now and then -- God forbid -- they could say that their personal finances are not as good as they were before, and vice versa -- if they get employment or they get a raise or get a promotion, they can say that they are more financially stable than they did previously, and that can impact their opinions in other ways.
So, let me ask this -- I think a lot of people, when they turn on TV, when they open the newspaper, they'll see some headline about a poll, like, "Newest Poll Says that Kamala Harris is Up," or "Kamala Harris is Down," or whatever.
But take me back to -- like, where does that poll come from?
Like, what is the -- the origin of that poll and what is the path that that poll had to take to end up with this headline that makes some broad pronouncement about how Americans' view on something has shifted?