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  • But what is now that I'm saying, Logging off?
  • 但是,我现在说的什么?logging off吗?
  • What is the difference between logging off and logging out?
  • “logging off”和“ logging out”有什么区别?
  • Oh my gosh, Michelle, we're getting into a can of worms.
  • 哦,天哪,米歇尔,我们正在把问题变得棘手。
  • I know. I just opened it, I just opened it and they're everywhere. We're gonna we're gonna have to come back to this. We're gonna add to do another episode.
  • 我知道,我刚打开,我刚打开,到处是问题。我们得言归正传。我们会加做一集。
  • Let's really get down to like sign in, sign out, shut down, sign on, yeah power up. There's a lot, there's a lot. we'll come back to them.
  • 让我们谈谈,比如登录、登出、关机、登录,是的,开机。有很多这样的例子。我们回归正题
  • I agree, because we could really get into it this one, but so we're dealing with "off" today.
  • 我同意,因为我们今天真的可以深入探讨这个问题,但我们今天要处理的是“off”问题。
  • So, but you could say could you can you log off and meet me in my office in 10 minutes? So, that's an example. Right, got it, got it.
  • 那么,但是你可以说,你可以注销,然后十分钟后到我的办公室见我吗?那么,这是一个例子。好的,明白了,明白了。
  • And then we say I like. So, this one you asked me at the top of the show "block off", right? So, this was a great example.
  • 然后我们说,可以。所以这就是你在节目开头问我的“block off”,对吧?这是一个很好的例子。
  • Let's borrow some time at the end of the day for a quick check in.
  • 让我们今天做一个快速的检测。
  • So when I say that to you, what am I asking you to do, Michelle?
  • 那么,当我对你说这些的时候,我是在要求你做什么呢,米歇尔?
  • You are asking me to reserve a special time for something, to not make any other plans to save time.
  • 你是在要求我为某事预留一个特殊的时间,不要制定任何其他计划来节省时间。
  • Exactly, exactly, so I'm going to expect that time will be available or I can block off your schedule tomorrow morning, so you can drop your daughter off at school.
  • 没错,没错,所以我希望有时间,或者我可以把你明天早上的日程空出来,这样你就可以送你女儿上学了。
  • This might be like, someone's assistant is managing someone's calendar, right? Right.
  • 这可能就像,某人的助手在管理某人的日程安排,对吧? 对。
  • Yeah, if you're a personal assistant you definitely might be managing a calendar.
  • 是的,如果你是一名私人助理,你肯定可能会管理一个日程表。
  • If you're a receptionist, maybe the doctor's office. Let's block off from 9 to 10 for the meeting before patients come in,something like that, exactly.
  • 如果你是接待员,也许是医生办公室。让我们在病人进来之前,把9点到10点的时间空出来开会,大概就是这样,没错。
  • So that again, so blocking off and then what's the next one, Michelle?
  • 那么,再一次,blocking off,然后下一个是什么,米歇尔?
  • The next one is "put off", so that one is different. That's to delay.
  • 下一个是 putoff,这个不一样。它的意思是延迟。
  • So, we can put off that project until we finish this phone call.
  • 那么,我们可以把那个项目推迟到我们打完这个电话。
  • Yeah, so "to delay", to postpone, to push it ahead. Right, these are all things we might say, yeah. And then should we see one more? Yep, "head off" is to leave.
  • 是的,所以“to delay”,“to postpone”,“to push it ahead”。没错,这些都是我们可能会说的,是的。那我们再看一个吗?好的,“head off”是离开的意思。
  • I also, I actually more frequently say head out, right? Here's the can of worms again.
  • 我也,我实际上更常说head out,对吧?这里又有一堆麻烦事了。
  • Oh yeah, we can get into that another day, but do you say "head off" more than "head out", Michelle, I'm gonna head off. I think I say either. I think I would say either.
  • 哦,是的,我们可以改天再谈这个,但你说“head off”比“head out”多吗,米歇尔,我要走了。我觉得都有说。
  • Yeah, focusing on "off " , so I'm going to head off a little early today.
  • 是的,专注于“off”,所以我今天要早点下班。
  • I like it, I like it having a little variety in your phrasal verbs is key. Yes yes, exactly, exactly okay, Michelle.
  • 我喜欢这样,我喜欢,在你的短语动词中有一点变化是关键。是的,是的,完全正确,完全正确,米歇尔。
  • So which of these do we use in our conversations back and forth our emails around business? Mmm, good question, which one do we use the most?
  • 那么,在我们来回的商务电子邮件对话中,我们会使用这些中的哪一个呢?嗯,好问题,我们最常使用哪一个?
  • I would say we use most "log off" and 'block off", "block off, block off,probably.
  • 我得说我们最常使用的是“log off”和“block off”,“block off,block off,可能吧。”
  • Yeah, yeah, I think that because we talk a lot about advanced, scheduling, calendars, making sure we have certain chunks of time available.
  • 是的,是的,我认为这是因为我们经常谈论高级的、日程安排、日历,确保我们有一定的可用时间段。
  • That because we have busy lives outside of work, especially you, with kids and everything.
  • 那是因为我们在工作之外的生活很忙碌,尤其是你,有孩子和其他的一切。
  • You need to block off time, block off time at the end of recording to talk about something, right? Right, actually we need to do that today. I found schedules. So, yeah, it works well for today.
  • 你需要留出时间,在录制结束时留出时间来谈论一些事情,对吧?是的,实际上我们今天需要这样做。我找到了时间表。所以,是的,今天也是。
  • But yeah, I think that that one is really good for scheduling because we're always everybody's always trying to, especially in this new way of working as you were talking about.
  • 是的,我认为这对日程安排很有帮助,因为我们每个人都一直在努力,尤其是在你所说的这种新的工作方式下。
  • Right, you know we're always trying to,It's just different than it used to be.
  • 好的,你知道我们一直在努力,只是和以前不一样了。
  • It's different yeah, because maybe before when everyone was going into the office you didn't have to ask people to block off time because you could just go there.
  • 不一样了,是的,因为也许以前当每个人都去办公室的时候,你不必要求人们腾出时间,因为你可以直接去找他。
  • Yes, they were gonna be there between 9 and 5, but now things are totally different, so you actually have to be more intentional to ask people to block off time.
  • 是的,他们本来应该在9点到5点之间在那里,但现在情况完全不同了,所以你实际上必须要求人们腾出时间。
  • Yeah, that's absolutely true, so that's interesting.
  • 是的,这是绝对正确的,很有趣。
  • But yeah, so, guys, these are really good ones that you can use in business or outside of business whatever it would be. Let's do a role play with all of them. Let's get into it, Michelle.
  • 所以,伙计们,这些都是非常好的表达方式,你可以在商务场合或商务场合之外使用,无论是什么情况。让我们用所有这些表达方式来进行角色扮演。让我们开始吧,米歇尔。
  • So, here we are coworkers and it is the end of the day we're planning for the next day, so it's not a Friday, unfortunately. Not a Friday. Okay, okay.
  • 那么,我们现在是同事了,今天的工作结束了,我们正在为明天做计划,可惜不是星期五。不是星期五,好吧,好吧。
  • What's the plan for tomorrow? Well, I definitely think we should block off some time to talk about the Jolters account. Ooh definitely. We can't put that off any longer. It's really important.
  • 明天的计划是什么?嗯,我绝对认为我们应该抽出一些时间来谈谈Jolters账户的事。哦,绝对的。我们不能再拖延了。这真的很重要。
  • Okay, perfect, okay, I think I'm gonna log off now. Oh, what time do you get off? in 10 minutes. Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were here until 5. 30. Oh, no, it's 5. Gotcha. I'm gonna head off too soon.
  • 好的,很好,好的,我想我现在要下线了。哦,你什么时候下班?再过10分钟。哦,对不起。我以为你在这里待到5点30分。哦,不,是5点。明白了。我也很快就要走了。
  • Okay, great. Sorry, I'm gonna head off soon too. That's fine. Great! Yeah, you could say I'm gonna head off too soon.
  • 好的,太好了。抱歉,我也很快就要离开了。没事。太棒了!是的,你可以说我也很快就要离开了。
  • I suppose you could say that's a little awkward but I'm gonna head off like ,I'm gonna head off as well soon, right?
  • 我想你可以说,这有点尴尬,但我也很快就会走了,对吧?
  • You would say that like a little pause yeah, but yeah, you need to work with pauses there, but I'm gonna head off soon too. Love it.
  • 你会说,有一个小停顿,是的,但是,你需要在那里处理停顿,“I'm gonna head off soon too”。我喜欢这样。
  • Okay, Michelle. So what did we say here? Okay? So we started off. You said what's the plan for tomorrow?
  • 好的,米歇尔。那么我们在这里说了什么?好吗?所以我们开始了。你说,明天的计划是什么?
  • And I said I definitely think we should block off some time to talk about the Jolters account. This is I always enjoy making up names. I know, it's good.
  • 我说我得说我们应该抽出一些时间来谈谈Jolters账户的事。我一直喜欢编造名字。我知道,很好。
  • They say oh definitely, We can't put that off any longer.
  • 他们说,哦,当然,我们不能再拖延了。
  • So, clearly we have been postponed toning that putting it off and we can't do it anymore. Not anymore.
  • 那么,很明显我们已经推迟了那个,把它推迟了,我们不能再这样做了。再也不能了。
  • Okay, I think I'm going to log off now. Yes, and then I'm surprised. Because, oh, what time do you get off?
  • 好吧,我想我现在要下线了。是的,然后我很惊讶。因为,哦,你什么时候下班?
  • Right? and get off, get off what? Get off work, right?
  • 对吧?然后下班,下?下班,对吧?
  • Yes, so you will often hear that there's not gonna be a word after get off like it's implied there. Right, right.
  • 是的,所以你会经常听到get off后面没有单词,就好像它是隐含的。是的,是的。
  • And then you thought I got off later, but actually it's 5.
  • 然后你以为我晚点下班,但实际上是5点。
  • So, you were surprised and then you said gotcha, I'm gonna head off soon too. Yes, perfect leave. Yeah, and I think this is pretty typical.
  • 所以,你很惊讶,然后你说,明白了,我也很快就要离开了。是的,完美的离开。是的,我认为这很典型的。
  • You could come up with all these phrasal verbs in a conversation, you know we just use all of them.
  • 你可以在对话中想出所有这些短语动词,你知道我们只是使用它们。
  • Look, it's at work,they're not too casual, they're clear, they make the meaning clear.
  • 你看,在工作中,这些短语不是很随意,他们很明确,意思很清楚。
  • Okay, exactly, exactly. Yeah, so very, very helpful. So this was such a great question.
  • 好的,很对,很对。是啊,所以非常,非常有帮助。这真是个好问题
  • I mean Lindsay, what do you think as far as takeaways? I think phrasal verbs are crutial, right?
  • 我的意思是,林赛,你觉得有什么要点呢?我认为动词短语是至关重要的,对吧?
  • But I think we have to as we said before in All Ears' English, we have to have a little Grace for ourselves, give ourselves some Grace and learn them in context, right?
  • 但是我认为我们必须像我们之前在AllEars'English中说的那样,我们必须对自己宽容一点,给自己一些宽容,并在上下文中学习它们,对吧?
  • And these are a good place to start with these off phrasal verbs.
  • 并且这些是学习这些短语动词的好地方。
  • Yep, absolutely, and it was interesting to talk a little bit about working from home versus working in person and how these might be different depending on how you work in your business. Yeah, that is really interesting.
  • 是的,当然,谈论一下在家工作和在工位工作的区别,以及根据你在业务中的工作方式,这些可能会有何不同,这很有趣。是的,这真的很有趣。
  • Language evolves. Language is evolving even after the pandemic. So many people are at home and so.
  • 语言在不断演变。即使在疫情之后,语言也在不断演变。很多人都在家里,等等。
  • Certain words are being used more than others now certain phrasal verbs super interesting. Yeah, it is, it is alright.
  • 某些词现在的使用频率比其他词高,某些短语动词超级有趣。是的,很好。
  • Well thank you again to our listener Joseph for that question. That was a great one.
  • 好的,再次感谢我们的听众约瑟夫提出这个问题。这是一个很棒的问题。
  • Guys keep sending in your questions to support at allearsenglish. Com. And we can't wait to answer them. Excellent Michelle, you have a good day. I'll see you too. Alright, bye.
  • 大家继续把问题发送到。我们迫不及待地想回答这些问题。太棒了,米歇尔,祝你有美好的一天。待会见。好的,再见。


But what is now that I'm saying, Logging off?

但是,我现在说的什么?logging off吗?

What is the difference between logging off and logging out?

logging off”和“ logging out”有什么区别?

Oh my gosh, Michelle, we're getting into a can of worms.


I know. I just opened it, I just opened it and they're everywhere. We're gonna we're gonna have to come back to this. We're gonna add to do another episode.


Let's really get down to like sign in, sign out, shut down, sign on, yeah power up. There's a lot, there's a lot. we'll come back to them.


I agreebecause we could really get into it this one, but so we're dealing with "off" today.


So, but you could say could you can you log off and meet me in my office in 10 minutes? So, that's an example. Right, got it, got it.


And then we say I like. So, this one you asked me at the top of the show "block off", right? So, this was a great example.

然后我们说,可以。所以这就是你在节目开头问我的“block off”,对吧?这是一个很好的例子。

Let's borrow some time at the end of the day for a quick check in.


So when I say that to you, what am I asking you to do, Michelle?


You are asking me to reserve a special time for something, to not make any other plans to save time.


Exactly, exactly, so I'm going to expect that time will be available or I can block off your schedule tomorrow morning, so you can drop your daughter off at school.


This might be like, someone's assistant is managing someone's calendar, right? Right.

这可能就像,某人的助手在管理某人的日程安排,对吧? 对。

Yeah, if you're a personal assistant you definitely might be managing a calendar.


If you're a receptionist, maybe the doctor's office. Let's block off from 9 to 10 for the meeting before patients come in,something like that, exactly.


So that again, so blocking off and then what's the next one, Michelle?

那么,再一次,blocking off,然后下一个是什么,米歇尔?

The next one is "put off", so that one is different. That's to delay.

下一个是 putoff,这个不一样。它的意思是延迟。

So, we can put off that project until we finish this phone call.


Yeah, so "to delay", to postpone, to push it ahead. Right, these are all things we might say, yeah. And then should we see one more? Yep, "head off" is to leave.

是的,所以“to delay”,“to postpone”,“to push it ahead”。没错,这些都是我们可能会说的,是的。那我们再看一个吗?好的,“head off”是离开的意思。

I also, I actually more frequently say head out, right? Here's the can of worms again.

我也,我实际上更常说head out,对吧?这里又有一堆麻烦事了。

Oh yeah, we can get into that another day, but do you say "head off" more than "head out", Michelle, I'm gonna head off. I think I say either. I think I would say either.

哦,是的,我们可以改天再谈这个,但你说“head off”比“head out”多吗,米歇尔,我要走了。我觉得都有说。

Yeah, focusing on "off " , so I'm going to head off a little early today.


I like it, I like it having a little variety in your phrasal verbs is key. Yes yes, exactly, exactly okay, Michelle.


So which of these do we use in our conversations back and forth our emails around business? Mmm, good question, which one do we use the most?


I would say we use most "log off" and 'block off", "block off, block off,probably.

我得说我们最常使用的是“log off”和“block off”,“block offblock off,可能吧。”

Yeah, yeah, I think that because we talk a lot about advanced, scheduling, calendars, making sure we have certain chunks of time available.


That because we have busy lives outside of work, especially you, with kids and everything.


You need to block off time, block off time at the end of recording to talk about something, right? Right, actually we need to do that today. I found schedules. So, yeah, it works well for today.


But yeah, I think that that one is really good for scheduling because we're always everybody's always trying to, especially in this new way of working as you were talking about.


Right, you know we're always trying to,It's just different than it used to be.


It's different yeah, because maybe before when everyone was going into the office you didn't have to ask people to block off time because you could just go there.


Yes, they were gonna be there between 9 and 5, but now things are totally different, so you actually have to be more intentional to ask people to block off time.


Yeah, that's absolutely true, so that's interesting.


But yeah, so, guys, these are really good ones that you can use in business or outside of business whatever it would be. Let's do a role play with all of them. Let's get into it, Michelle.


So, here we are coworkers and it is the end of the day we're planning for the next day, so it's not a Friday, unfortunately. Not a Friday. Okay, okay.


What's the plan for tomorrow? Well, I definitely think we should block off some time to talk about the Jolters account. Ooh definitely. We can't put that off any longer. It's really important.


Okay, perfect, okay, I think I'm gonna log off now. Oh, what time do you get off? in 10 minutes. Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were here until 5. 30. Oh, no, it's 5. Gotcha. I'm gonna head off too soon.


Okay, great. Sorry, I'm gonna head off soon too. That's fine. Great! Yeah, you could say I'm gonna head off too soon.


I suppose you could say that's a little awkward but I'm gonna head off like ,I'm gonna head off as well soon, right?


You would say that like a little pause yeah, but yeah, you need to work with pauses there, but I'm gonna head off soon too. Love it.

你会说,有一个小停顿,是的,但是,你需要在那里处理停顿,“I'm gonna head off soon too”。我喜欢这样。

Okay, Michelle. So what did we say here? Okay? So we started off. You said what's the plan for tomorrow?


And I said I definitely think we should block off some time to talk about the Jolters account. This is I always enjoy making up names. I knowit's good.


They say oh definitely, We can't put that off any longer.


So, clearly we have been postponed toning that putting it off and we can't do it anymore. Not anymore.


Okay, I think I'm going to log off now. Yes, and then I'm surprised. Because, oh, what time do you get off?


Right? and get off, get off what? Get off work, right?


Yes, so you will often hear that there's not gonna be a word after get off like it's implied there. Right, right.

是的,所以你会经常听到get off后面没有单词,就好像它是隐含的。是的,是的。

And then you thought I got off later, but actually it's 5.


So, you were surprised and then you said gotcha, I'm gonna head off soon too. Yes, perfect leave. Yeah, and I think this is pretty typical.


You could come up with all these phrasal verbs in a conversation, you know we just use all of them.


Look, it's at workthey're not too casual, they're clear, they make the meaning clear.


Okay, exactly, exactly. Yeah, so very, very helpful. So this was such a great question.


I mean Lindsay, what do you think as far as takeaways? I think phrasal verbs are crutial, right?


But I think we have to as we said before in All Ears' English, we have to have a little Grace for ourselves, give ourselves some Grace and learn them in context, right?


And these are a good place to start with these off phrasal verbs.


Yep, absolutely, and it was interesting to talk a little bit about working from home versus working in person and how these might be different depending on how you work in your business. Yeah, that is really interesting.


Language evolves. Language is evolving even after the pandemic. So many people are at home and so.


Certain words are being used more than others now certain phrasal verbs super interesting. Yeah, it is, it is alright.


Well thank you again to our listener Joseph for that question. That was a great one.


Guys keep sending in your questions to support at allearsenglish. Com. And we can't wait to answer them. Excellent Michelle, you have a good day. I'll see you too. Alright, bye.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
episode ['episəud]


n. 插曲,一段情节,片段,轶事

variety [və'raiəti]


n. 多样,种类,杂耍

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

recording [ri'kɔ:diŋ]


n. 录音 动词record的现在分词

dealing ['di:liŋ]


n. 经营方法,行为态度

block [blɔk]


n. 街区,木块,石块
n. 阻塞(物), 障

delay [di'lei]


v. 耽搁,推迟,延误
n. 耽搁,推迟,延期

grace [greis]


n. 优美,优雅,恩惠
vt. 使荣耀,使优美

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟





