Caspian was still trying to speak-his mouth was too dry-when the shrill voice of Reepicheep, which sounded louder than usual in that silence, was heard.
凯斯宾的喉咙很干, 但他还是想开口说话, 这时只听见雷佩契普那独特的嗓音, 在寂静中格外响亮。
"Who calls ?"it piped. "If you are a foe we do not fear you, and if you are a friend your enemies shall be taught the fear of us. "
"是谁在叫?"他尖声说, "如果你是敌人, 我们可不怕你。如果你是朋友, 我们就同仇敌忾, 共同杀敌。"
"Mercy !"cried the voice. "Mercy! Even if you are only one more dream, have merry.
"可怜可怜吧, "那声音叫道, "行行好吧!即使只不过又是一个梦, 也行行好吧。
Take me on board. Take me, even if you strike me dead. But in the name of all mercies do not fade away and leave me in this horrible land. "
让我上船。收留我吧, 哪怕你们会打死我。可是, 千万行行好, 不要再消失, 把我扔在这个可怕的鬼地方。"
"Where are you ?"shouted Caspian. "Come aboard and welcome. "
"你在哪儿?"凯斯宾叫道, "上来吧!"
There came another cry, whether of joy or terror, and then they knew that someone was swimming towards them.
又听到了一声喊叫, 不知这是出于喜悦还是出于恐惧, 随后他们听到有人正向他们游来。
"Stand by to heave him up, men, "said Caspian.
"伙计们, 把他拉上来。"凯斯宾说。
"Aye, aye, your Majesty, "said the sailors.
"是, 陛下。"水手们说。
Several crowded to the port bulwark with ropes and one, leaning far out over the side, held the torch.
几个人拿着缆绳, 挤到左舷, 一个人举着火把, 身子远远探到船舷外面。
A wild, white face appeared in the blackness of the water, and then, after some scrambling and pulling, a dozen friendly hands had heaved the stranger on board.
一张抓狂的白脸从漆黑的水里冒出来, 经过一阵攀登和牵拉, 十几只手总算把这个人拉上了船。
Edmund thought he had never seen a wilder-looking man.
Though he did not otherwise look very old, his hair was an untidy mop of white, his face was thin and drawn, and, for clothing, only a few wet rags hung about him.
虽然他看上去并不很老, 头发却像一团乱蓬蓬的白雪, 他的脸非常瘦削, 紧紧绷着, 身上只挂着一些湿淋淋的破布条。
But what one mainly noticed were his eyes, which were so widely opened that he seemed to have no eyelids at all, and stared as if in an agony of pure fear.
不过更引人注意的是他张得很大的眼睛, 好像没有眼皮一样, 直愣愣的, 吓得没命似的。
The moment his feet reached the deck he said:
"Fly ! Fly ! About with your ship and fly ! Row, row, row for your lives away from this accursed shore."
"逃呀!逃呀!船和人一起逃呀!划呀, 划呀, 拼命划呀, 快离开这个晦气的海岸。"
"Compose yourself, "said Reepicheep, "and tell us what the danger is. We are not used to flying."
"冷静一下, "雷佩契普说, "告诉我们这里的危险, 我们可不习惯逃跑。"
The stranger started horribly at the voice of the Mouse, which he had not noticed before.
陌生人听到老鼠的声音吓坏了, 他刚才没看到有老鼠。
"Nevertheless you will fly from here, "he gasped. "This is the Island where Dreams come true. "
"不管怎样你们一定要从这里逃走, "他气喘吁吁地说, "在这个岛, 梦会变成真的。"
"That's the island I've been looking for this long time, "said one of the sailors.
"I reckoned I'd find I was married to Nancy if we landed here. "
"我想, 如果我们在这里上岸, 我就可以跟南茜结婚了。
"And I'd find Tom alive again, "said another.
"Fools !"said the man, stamping his foot with rage.
"That is the sort of talk that brought me here, and I'd better have been drowned or never born.
"我就是听了这些胡说八道的话才到这儿来的, 我真恨不得淹死, 或是没生出来。
Do you hear what I say ? This is where dreams-dreams, do you understand, come to life, come real. Not daydreams: dreams. "
你们在听我说话吗?这里是梦……梦变成真实的地方。不是白日梦, 是噩梦。"
There was about half a minute's silence and then, with a great clatter of armour, the whole crew were tumbling down the main hatch as quick as they could and flinging themselves on the oars to row as they had never rowed before; and Drinian was swinging round the tiller, and the boatswain was giving out the quickest stroke that had ever been heard at sea.
大家沉默了几十秒, 只听见盔甲铿铿锵锵的声音, 所有人连滚带爬地冲下了主舱口, 拿起桨就划, 从没见人这么卖力地划桨;德里宁扭转舵柄, 让船来个大转弯, 船长使出航海技术中史无前例的划法。
For it had taken everyone just that half minute to remember certain dreams they had had-dreams that make you afraid of going to sleep again-and to realize what it would mean to land on a country where dreams come true.
就在那半分钟里, 人人都想起了自己做过的梦, 那是让人吓得不敢再入睡的梦----大家都明白了踏上那片会使噩梦成真的地方会有什么后果。
Only Reepicheep remained unmoved.
"Your Majesty, your Majesty, "he said, "are you going to tolerate this mutiny, this poltroonery? This is a panic, this is a rout. "
"陛下, 陛下, "它说, "你打算纵容这种造反, 临阵脱逃行为吗? 这是惊慌失措, 真是溃不成军啊!"
"Row, row, "bellowed Caspian. "Pull for all our lives. Is her head right, Drinian?
"划啊, 划啊, "凯斯宾大吼道, "加油划啊!方向对吗, 德里宁?
You can say what you like, Reepicheep. There are some things no man can face. "
你爱怎么说就怎么说吧, 雷佩契普, 有些事情没有人能应付得了的。"
"It is, then, my good fortune not to be a man, "replied Reepicheep with a very stiff bow.
"如此说来, 幸亏我不是人了。"雷佩契普僵硬地鞠躬说。