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第十一章 独脚怪欢天喜地(5)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


And they had races, and bottles of wine were lowered down to them from the ship as prizes, and the sailors stood leaning over the ship's sides and laughed till their own sides ached.

他们还进行比赛, 大船还给他们一瓶瓶酒作奖品。水手们趴在大船舷上看他们的模样, 笑得肚子都痛了。

The Duffers were also very pleased with their new name of Monopods, which seemed to them a magnificent name though they never got it right.

那些笨蛋对"独脚怪"的新名称兴致盎然, 虽然他们念不准, 可是在他们心中这似乎是个了不起的名字。

"That's what we are, "they bellowed, "Moneypuds, Pomonods, Poddymons.

"我们就叫这个, "他们大吼大叫道, "独角怪, 怪独角, 角怪独。

Just what it was on the tips of our tongues to call ourselves."


But they soon got it mixed up with their old name of Duffers and finally settled down to calling themselves the Dufflepuds; and that is what they will probably be called for centuries.

一眨眼的工夫, 他们就把新称呼与旧称呼"笨蛋"搞混了, 叫着叫着就叫成了"笨蛋怪"。他们大概还会叫上好几百年吧。

That evening all the Narnians dined upstairs with the Magician, and Lucy noticed how different the whole top floor looked now that she was no longer afraid of it.

那天晚上, 所有纳尼亚的客人都在楼上和魔法师共进晚餐, 露茜注意到整个楼都变了, 感觉一点都不可怕。

The mysterious signs on the doors were still mysterious but now looked as if they had kind and cheerful meanings, and even the bearded mirror now seemed funny rather than frightening.

门上的神秘符号还是神秘的, 可是现在看上去却也是善良可亲, 甚至长胡子的镜子现在看上去也没有那么吓人, 而是很有趣的样子。

At dinner everyone had by magic what everyone liked best to eat and drink, and after dinner the Magician did a very useful and beautiful piece of magic.

席间, 靠魔法的力量, 大家都尝到自己最喜爱的菜肴和饮料。饭后, 魔法师还使出了另外一种非常实用的魔法。

He laid two blank sheets of parchment on the table and asked Drinian to give him an exact account of their voyage up to date: and as Drinian spoke, everything he described came out on the parchment in fine clear lines till at last each sheet was a splendid map of the Eastern Ocean, showing Galma, Terebinthia, the Seven Isles, the Lone Islands, Dragon Island, Burnt Island, Deathwater, and the land of the Duffers itself, all exactly the right sizes and in the right positions.

他在桌上铺了两张羊皮纸, 让德里宁精确地讲述到目前的全部航程:德里宁一开始讲, 纸上就清晰地显出他讲的细节, 最后每张纸都成了一幅绝妙的东方海洋的地图, 上边标注了加尔马、特里宾西亚、七群岛、孤独群岛、龙岛、火烧岛、死水岛和野蛮人居住的地方, 比例、位置、方向丝毫不差。

They were the first maps ever made of those seas and better than any that have been made since without magic.

这是那片海域的第一次张地图, 比后来他们不用魔法制作的地图好得多。

For on these, though the towns and mountains looked at first just as they would on an ordinary map, when the Magician lent them a magnifying glass you saw that they were perfect little pictures of the real things, so that you could see the very castle and slave market and streets in Narrowhaven, all very clear though very distant, like things seen through the wrong end of a telescope.

这两张地图上标注的城镇和山脉乍一看和普通地图一模一样, 可是魔法师给他们一个放大镜后, 看到的就是活的真实景物的缩小版了, 能看见狭港那个城堡和奴隶市场还有街道, 虽然很远, 却很清晰, 就跟用望远镜看到的东西一样。

The only drawback was that the coastline of most of the islands was incomplete, for the map showed only what Drinianhad seen with his own eyes.

唯一的缺陷是大部分岛屿的海岸线都不是完整的, 因为地图只能根据德里宁亲眼看到的来标注。

When they were finished the Magician kept one himself and presented the other to Caspian: it still hangs in his Chamber of Instruments at Cair Paravel.

地图完成之后, 魔法师就留下一幅, 另一幅送给了凯斯宾, 这幅地图至今仍然挂在凯尔帕拉维尔仪器馆里。

But the Magician could tell them nothing about seas or lands further east.

然后, 魔法师却无法告诉他们再往东航行的海洋和陆地的情况。

He did, however, tell them that about seven years before a Narnian ship had put in at his waters and that she had on board the lords Revilian, Argoz, Mavramorn and Rhoop: so they judged that the golden man they had seen lying in Deathwater must be the Lord Restimar.

他告诉他们, 七年前有一艘纳尼亚船来过这里, 船上有雷维廉、阿尔戈兹、马弗拉蒙、罗普几位公爵。于是大家一致推断那个躺在死水里的金人就是雷斯蒂玛公爵。

Next day, the Magician magically mended the stern of the Dawn Treader where it had been damaged by the Sear Serpent and loaded her with useful gifts.

第二天, 魔法师用魔法修理好黎明踏浪号上被海蛇破坏的船尾, 还送给他们很多有用的礼物。

There was a most friendly parting, and when she sailed, two hours after noon, all the Dufflepuds paddled out with her to the harbour mouth, and cheered until she was out of sound of their cheering.

大家友好的道别, 下午两点起航时, 所有的笨蛋怪都划着桨到港口, 一直欢呼直到船上听不到他们的声音。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
castle ['kɑ:sl]


n. 城堡
v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易

cheerful ['tʃiəfəl]


adj. 高兴的,快乐的

frightening ['fraitniŋ]


adj. 令人恐惧的,令人害怕的 动词frighten的

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

mysterious [mis'tiəriəs]


adj. 神秘的,不可思议的

sear [siə]


adj. 枯萎的,烤焦的 n. 烤焦的痕迹 vt. 使

coastline ['kəustlain]


n. 海岸线

incomplete [.inkəm'pli:t]


adj. 不完全的,不完整的

settled ['setld]


adj. 固定的;稳定的 v. 解决;定居(settle





