"Use ?"replied Reepicheep. "Use, Captain? If by use you mean filling our bellies or our purses, I confess it will be no use at all.
"用处?"雷佩契普答, "用处吗, 船长?如果你所谓的用处只是填饱我们的肚子或腰包, 我承认没有用。
So far as I know we did not set sail to look for things useful but to seek honour and adventure.
据我所知, 我们扬帆远航并不是去找寻有用的东西, 而是寻求荣誉和奇遇。
And here is as great an adventure as ever I heard of, and here, if we turn back, no tittle impeachment of all our honours. "
眼前就有一场闻所未闻的奇遇, 如果往回走, 那我们的荣誉就要蒙受不明的指责。"
Several of the sailors said things under their breath that sounded like"Honour be blowed", but Caspian said:
几个水手一起低声嘟囔, 好像在说:"狗屁荣誉。"可是凯斯宾说:
"Oh, bother you, Reepicheep. I almost wish we'd left you at home.
"哎呀, 你真讨厌, 雷佩契普。我真希望一开始把你留在国内。
All right! If you put it that way, I suppose we shall have to go on. Unless Lucy would rather not?"
好啦! 既然你那样说, 我们只好往前走了, 除非露茜不愿意去?"
Lucy felt that she would very much rather not, but what she said out loud was, "I'm game. "
露茜心里非常不愿意去, 可是嘴里却大声说:"我愿意去。"
"Your Majesty will at least order lights ?"said Drinian.
"陛下下令吧, 至少点上灯?"德里宁说。
"By all means, "said Caspian. "See to it, Captain. "
"那还用说, "凯斯宾说, "一定要点, 船长。"
So the three lanterns, at the stern, and the prow and the masthead, were all lit, and Drinian ordered two torches amidships.
然后船尾、船头、桅顶三处的灯都亮了, 德里宁下令在船的中心点两个火把。
Pale and feeble they looked in the sunshine.
Then all the men except some who were left below at the oars were ordered on deck and fully armed and posted in their battle stations with swords drawn.
除了几个划桨的人之外, 所有人都奉命到甲板上去, 全副武装, 刀剑出鞘, 守在战斗岗位上。
Lucy and two archers were posted on the fighting top with bows bent and arrows on the string.
露茜和两个弓箭手被派到桅顶观测台上, 弓拉满, 箭上弦。
Rynelf was in the bows with his line ready to take soundings.
水手赖尼夫在船头, 拿着测深锤随时准备探测水深。
Reepicheep, Edmund, Eustace and Caspian, glittering in mail, were with him. Drinian took the tiller.
雷佩契普、爱德蒙、尤斯塔斯和凯斯宾都戴上头盔, 披上铠甲, 浑身闪闪发亮。在他边上, 德里宁掌着大舵。
"And now, in Aslan's name, forward !"cried Caspian.
"好了, 以阿斯兰的名义, 前进!"凯斯宾喊道,
"A slow, steady stroke. And let every man be silent and keep his ears open for orders. "
"桨要划得慢而稳。大家都别说话, 安静地等待命令。"
With a creak and a groan the Dawn Treader started to creep forward as the men began to row.
"随着船员划桨, 黎明踏浪号发出吱吱嘎嘎, 咿咿呀呀的声音, 悄然前进了。
Lucy, up in the fighting top, had a wonderful view of the exact moment at which they entered the darkness.
就在船开进那片黑暗的一瞬间, 露茜在桅顶观测台上看到了片刻的奇观。
The bows had already disappeared before the sunlight had left the stern. She saw it go.
阳光还照着船尾, 船头已经看不清楚了。
At one minute the gilded stern, the blue sea, and the sky, were all in broad daylight: next minute the sea and sky had vanished, the stern lantern-which had been hardly noticeable before-was the only thing to show where the ship ended.
这会儿镀金的船尾, 碧蓝的大海和天空, 还都在光天化日之下, 过一会儿海天都消失了, 刚才还看不见的船尾灯, 成了船尾的唯一标记。
In front of the lantern she could see the black shape of Drinian crouching at the tiller.
Down below her the two torches made visible two small patches of deck and gleamed on swords and helmets, and forward there was another island of light on the forecastle.
在她下面, 两支火把照在甲板上留下两个亮斑, 火光在刀剑和头盔上闪烁, 往前看, 船首楼上也有一片亮着。
Apart from that, the fighting top, lit by the masthead light which was only just above her, seemed to be a little lighted world of its own floating in lonely darkness.
除此之外, 她脑袋上方点着灯的观测台自成一个发亮的小天地, 漂浮在沉寂的黑暗中。
And the lights themselves, as always happens with lights when you have to have them at the wrong time of day, looked lurid and unnatural.
就像你有时不得不在白天, 或并不是点灯的时候点灯一样, 这些灯光看上去总是阴森森而不自然。
She also noticed that she was very cold.
How long this voyage into the darkness lasted, nobody knew.
Except for the creak of the rowlocks and the splash of the oars there was nothing to show that they were moving at all.
除了桨吱吱嘎嘎, 桨板哗啦哗啦的声音之外, 一点都不像船在行进。
Edmund, peering from the bows, could see nothing except the reflection of the lantern in the water before him.
爱德蒙从船头上向外张望, 除了面前水面上灯光的倒影之外, 其他什么都看不见。
It looked a greasy sort of reflection, and the ripple made by their advancing prow appeared to be heavy, small, and lifeless.
这倒影看上去黏糊糊的, 船头前进时激起的涟漪也变得凝重、细小、没有生气。
As time went on everyone except the rowers began to shiver with cold.
时间一分一秒地过去, 除了划桨的人, 大家都冷得直打哆嗦。
Suddenly, from somewhere-no one's sense of direction was very clear by now-there came a cry, either of some inhuman voice or else a voice of one in such extremity of terror that he had almost lost his humanity.
现在没有人还能分清方向, 忽然不知从哪儿传来一声喊叫, 听上去不像是人类的声音。要不就是谁被吓破了胆, 声音没了人样儿。