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第十一章 独脚怪欢天喜地(4)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


"But I don't think you are at all, "said Lucy, shouting to make herself heard. "I think you look very nice. "

"可是我一点也不觉得你们丑, "露茜提高声音说, 好让大家听见, "我觉得你们很好看。"

"Hear her, hear her, "said the Monopods.

"她说得对, 她说得对, "独脚怪说,

"True for you, Missie. Very nice we look. You couldn't find a handsomer lot."

"小姑娘, 你说得不错, 我们非常好看, 没有更漂亮的人了。"

They said this without any surprise and did not seem to notice that they had changed their minds.

他们毫不惊讶, 而且根本没注意到自己已经改变主意了。

"She's a-saying, "remarked the Chief Monopod, "as how we looked very nice before we were uglified. "

"她说的是, "独脚怪的头儿说, "我们大家比以前好看。"

"True for you, Chief, true for you, "chanted the others. "That's what she says. We heard her ourselves. "

"说得对, 头儿, 说得太对了, "其他人又喊, "她就是这么说的, 我们亲耳听到的。"

"I did not, "bawled Lucy. "I said you're very nice now. "

"我没那么说, "露茜大声喊着, "我是说你们现在好看。"

"So she did, so she did, "said the Chief Monopod, "said we were very nice then. "

"她是那么说的, 就是那么说的, "独脚怪的头儿说, "说我们那时候非常好看。"

"Hear‘ em both, hear'em both, "said the Monopods. "There's a pair for you. Always right. They couldn't have put it better. "

"他们两个说的都对, 他们两个说得都对, "独脚怪说, "你们太默契了, 一向是这样, 他们说得再好不过了。"

"But we're saying just the opposite, "said Lucy, stamping her foot with impatience.


"So you are, to be sure, so you are, "said the Monopods. "Nothing like an opposite. Keep it up, both of you. "

"一点不假, 她是这意思, 就是这意思, "独脚怪说, "不相反, 你们两个都说下去。"

"You're enough to drive anyone mad, "said Lucy, and gave it up.

"你们真是胡搅蛮缠, 我简直快疯了。"露茜干脆不说了。

But the Monopods seemed perfectly contented, and she decided that on the whole the conversation had been a success.

可是独脚怪好像心满意足的样子。然后她得出结论, 这次谈话算得上是成功的。

And before everyone went to bed that evening something else happened which made them even more satisfied with their one-legged condition.

"那天临睡前又出了些事, 使那些独脚怪对于自己的现状更加满意了。

Caspian and all the Narnians went back as soon as possible to the shore to give their news to Rhince and the others on board the Dawn Treader, who were by now very anxious.

凯斯宾和所有纳尼亚人回到岸边, 向赖因斯和黎明踏浪号上的其他人报信, 船上的人都急坏了。

And, of course, the Monopods went with them, bouncing like footballs and agreeing with one another in loud voices till Eustace said, "I wish the Magician would make them inaudible instead of invisible."

不用说, 那些独脚怪也跟他们一起去, 一边像足球似的蹦蹦跳跳, 一边一唱一和, 直到尤斯塔斯说了句: "我真希望魔法师不是把他们变成隐形人, 而是无声人。"

(He was soon sorry he had spoken because then he had to explain that an inaudible thing is something you can't hear, and though he took a lot of trouble he never felt sure that the Monopods had really understood, and what especially annoyed him was that they said in the end, "Eh, he can't put things the way our Chief does.

(说完他就后悔了, 因为他不得不跟他们解释无声就是听不见声音。尽管他费了不少口舌, 但是也不知道他们是不是真的明白了。更让他恼火的是, 最后他们竟然说:"嗯, 他不能像我们的老大那样会讲话。

But you'll learn, young man. Hark to him. He'll show you how to say things. There's a speaker for you !")

不过你会明白的, 年轻人。听老大讲话吧, 他会教你怎么讲, 多会演讲的人呀!")

When they reached the bay, Reepicheep had a brilliant idea.

大家来到海滩, 雷佩契普想到一个好主意。

He had his little coracle lowered and paddled himself about in it till the Monopods were thoroughly interested.

它放下自己的小筏子, 坐在里面划船, 独脚怪非常感兴趣。

He then stood up in it and said, "Worthy and intelligent Monopods, you do not need boats.

于是他站起来说:"聪明的独脚先生, 你们用不着小船。

Each of you has a foot that will do instead. Just jump as lightly as you can on the water and see what happens. "

你们的脚可以当船用, 只要尽量在水面上轻轻地跳就行了。"

The Chief Monopod hung back and warned the others that they'd find the water powerful wet, but one or two of the younger ones tried it almost at once; and then a few others followed their example, and at last the whole lot did the same.

独脚怪的头儿缩在后面, 警告其他人水是潮湿的, 可是一两个年轻人还是决定去试试, 接着又有几个跟着, 最后所有人都到水里去了。

It worked perfectly.


The huge single foot of a Monopod acted as a natural raft or boat, and when Reepicheep had taught them how to cut rude paddles for themselves, they all paddled about the bay and round the Dawn Treader, looking for all the world like a fleet of little canoes with a fat dwarf standing up in the extreme stern of each.

独脚怪的大脚可以当一只天然筏子或小船, 雷佩契普教他们做简单的桨, 他们就在海湾绕着黎明踏浪号划过来划过去, 看上去像一支小筏子组成的船队, 每条小筏子的船尾都站着一个胖胖的小矮人。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
contented [kən'tentid]


adj. 满足的,心安的 动词content的过去式和过

rude [ru:d]


adj. 粗鲁的,无礼的
adj. 粗糙

impatience [im'peiʃəns]


n. 不耐烦

raft [rɑ:ft]


n. 筏,救生艇,大量 v. 乘筏,制成筏

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话



adj. 恼怒的;烦闷的 v. 使烦恼;打扰(annoy

dwarf [dwɔ:f]


n. 矮子,侏儒
vt. 使矮小

invisible [in'vizəbl]


adj. 看不见的,无形的
n. 隐形人(或物

inaudible [in'ɔ:dəbl]


adj. 听不见的;不可闻的

intelligent [in'telidʒənt]


adj. 聪明的,智能的





