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第五章 风暴和余波(4)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Now comes their rotten unfairness:they all believed him. Can you beat it ?

看看, 他们又开始拿出不公平的态度对待我了, 竟然所有人都相信它的说法!真是岂有此理!

"I had to apologize or the dangerous little brute would have been at me with his sword.

我只好赔礼道歉, 不然那个阴险的小畜生又该拿剑指着我了。

And then Caspian showed up in his true colours as a brutal tyrant and said out loud for everyone to hear that anyone found‘stealing'water in future would‘get two dozen'.

这时凯斯宾终于露出暴君的丑恶嘴脸, 大声地说, "如果以后再发现有人偷水, 就罚扣两打。"

I didn't know what this meant till Edmund explained to me. It comes in the sort of books those Pevensie kids read.

爱德蒙跟我解释了之后, 我才明白是什么意思。原来这句话是从佩文西家的孩子看的那种书来的。

"After this cowardly threat Caspian changed his tune and started being patronizing.

凯斯宾虚张声势地吓唬我一通之后, 又改变了他的语气, 假装语重心长地说,

Said he was sorry for me and that everyone felt just as feverish as I did and we must all make the best of it, etc. , etc.

他对我完全没有办法, 非常抱歉。因为人人都跟我一样感觉自己在发烧, 但是大家都必须努力克制等等一大堆鬼话。

Odious stuck-up prig. Stayed in bed all day today.

真是个装腔作势, 自以为是的讨厌鬼, 我只好在床上躺了一整天。

"September 7. A little wind today but still from the west.

九月七日。有风, 仍然是西风。

Made a few miles eastward with part of the sail, set on what Drinian calls the jury-mast-that means the bowsprit set upright and tied(they call it‘lashed')to the stump of the real mast. Still terribly thirsty.

船用德里宁所谓的应急桅杆向着东方行驶了几英里后, 第一斜桅才被竖直起来, 绑( 他们称为捆) 上了真正的板子。我依旧感到口渴得要死。

"September 8. Still sailing east. I stay in my bunk all day now and see no one except Lucy till the two fiends come to bed.

九月八日。船向东行驶。现在我待在床上, 除了露茜, 什么人都见不到, 直到那两个讨厌鬼上床睡觉。

Lucy gives me a little of her water ration. She says girls don't get as thirsty as boys. I had often thought this but it ought to be more generally known at sea.

露茜给了我一些她的水。她还说女孩没有男孩口渴。其实我也这样认为, 可是船上的其他人却不这样想。

"September 9. Land in sight;a very high mountain a long way off to the south east.

九月九日, 终于看见陆地了, 东南方有一座高山。

"September 10. The mountain is bigger and clearer but still a long way off. Gulls again today for the first time since I don't know how long.

九月十日, 山越来越近, 也越来越清晰, 可是还有很远, 终于见到了久违的海鸥。

"September 11. Caught some fish and had them for dinner. Dropped anchor at about 7 p. m. in three fathoms of water in a bay of this mountainous island.

九月十一日, 我们抓了些鱼做午饭。晚上七点, 在海湾三英里深的水里抛锚。

That idiot Caspian wouldn't let us go ashore because it was getting dark and he was afraid of savages and wild beasts. Extra water ration tonight . "

凯斯宾不让我们上岸, 因为天黑之后, 可能会有野人和野兽出没, 今晚每个人会多分一些水。

What awaited them on this island was going to concern Eustace more than anyone else, but it cannot be told in his words because after September 11 he forgot about keeping his diary for a long time.

接下来这个岛上发生的事情关系到尤斯塔斯的命运, 比任何人的关系都大。可是这些不能用他自己的口吻来说, 因为九月十一日后, 他好多天都没再记日记了。

When morning came, with a low, grey sky but very hot, the adventurers found they were in a bay encircled by such cliffs and crags that it was like a Norwegian fjord.

"天亮了, 天空透出低沉的灰色, 空气闷热。这些探险家只见自己身在一个周围都是悬崖峭壁的海湾, 这里很像挪威海岸的峡湾。

In front of them, at the head of the bay, there was some level land heavily overgrown with trees that appeared to be cedars, through which a rapid stream came out.

他们面前, 是长满密密麻麻的树木的海湾滩头, 那些树像是雪松, 林间还有一条激流。

Beyond that was a steep ascent ending in a jagged ridge and behind that a vague darkness of mountains which ran into dull-coloured clouds so that you could not see their tops.

激流那头是个陡峭的山坡, 山顶很陡很高, 后面是苍茫的群山, 耸立在黑压压的云堆中, 叫人看不见山顶。

The nearer cliffs, at each side of the bay, were streaked here and there with lines of white which everyone knew to be waterfalls, though at that distance they did not show any movement or make any noise.

海湾峭壁的每一侧都有一道道银链, 大家都明白那是瀑布。虽然距离很近却看不清水流, 也听不见响声。

Indeed the whole place was very silent and the water of the bay as smooth as glass.

这个地方很是幽静, 海湾水面平滑如镜,

It reflected every detail of the cliffs.


The scene would have been pretty in a picture but was rather oppressive in real life. It was not a country that welcomed visitors.

作为景色这画面固然好看, 但身处其中, 却感觉很压抑。这是个不欢迎外人的地方。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
cowardly ['kauədli]


adj. 懦弱的,卑怯的,胆小的 adv. 懦弱地,卑怯

movement ['mu:vmənt]


n. 活动,运动,移动,[音]乐章

stream [stri:m]


n. (人,车,气)流,水流,组
v. 流动,

mast [mɑ:st]


n. 船桅,旗杆,天线杆 abbr. 磁性环形激波管(风

ridge [ridʒ]


n. 脊,山脊,山脉

steep [sti:p]


adj. 陡峭的,险峻的,(价格)过高的

tune [tju:n]


n. 曲调,调子,和谐,协调,调整
vt. 调

smooth [smu:ð]


adj. 平稳的,流畅的,安祥的,圆滑的,搅拌均匀的,可

beat [bi:t]


v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动
n. 敲打,

tyrant ['taiərənt]


n. 暴君,专制的君主,残暴的人





