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第五章 风暴和余波(3)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


We have food enough, pretty beastly stuff most of it, to last for sixteen days.

粮食还够吃十六天, 大部分食物都难吃。

(The poultry were all washed overboard. Even if they hadn't been, the storm would have stopped them laying .)

( 露茜养的鸡被冲到海里去了, 即使没有被冲进去, 风暴一来, 它们一样没法下蛋。)

The real trouble is water. Two casks seem to have got a leak knocked in them and are empty. (Narnian efficiency again .)

最难的是船上缺少淡水, 两只水桶都裂开缝了, 水都流光了。( 这就是纳尼亚人的办事效率啊。)

On short rations, half a pint a day each, we've got enough for twelve days.

我们只好缩减配给, 每天只能喝半瓶水, 即便这样水也只够喝十二天。

(There's still lots of rum and wine but even they realize that would only make them thirstier.)

( 朗姆酒和葡萄酒还有很多, 不过没有人喝, 因为越喝酒越渴。)

"If we could, of course, the sensible thing would be to turn west at once and make for the Lone Islands.

我认为, 现在最明智的做法是马上掉头开回孤独群岛去。

But it took us eighteen days to get where we are, running like mad with a gale behind us.

不过开到这里, 一路顺风已经十八天了。

Even if we got an east wind it might take us far longer to get back.


And at present there's no sign of an east wind --in fact there's no wind at all.


As for rowing back, it would take far too long and Caspian says the men couldn't row on half a pint of water a day.

划桨回去的话, 需要的时间更长, 凯斯宾说水手一天喝半瓶水, 也划不动桨。

I'm pretty sure this is wrong. I tried to explain that perspiration really cools people down, so the men would need less water if they were working.

这话根本不对。我给他们解释说, 出汗能降低体温。比如水手工作的时候, 需要的水并不多。

He didn't take any notice of this, which is always his way when he can't think of an answer.

可是他一点也不听, 碰到他不知道的事, 他总是这样。

The others all voted for going on in the hope of finding land.

其他人都赞同应该往前开去, 希望能找到陆地。

I felt it my duty to point out that we didn't know there was any land ahead and tried to get them to see the dangers of wishful thinking.

我必须负责地说, 所有人都不知道前面是否会有陆地, 他们一意孤行是冒险的行为。

Instead of producing a better plan they had the cheek to ask me what I proposed.

他们没有更好的主意, 却来问我到底想怎样。

So I just explained coolly and quietly that I had been kidnapped and brought away on this idiotic voyage without my consent, and it was hardly my business to get them out of their scrape.

我只好冷静地说, 我是被拐骗过来的, 没有经过我的同意就把我拉过来远航, 所以我没有责任帮他们摆脱困境。

"September 4. Still becalmed. Very short rations for dinner and I got less than anyone.

九月四日。今天依旧风平浪静。分给我的午饭依然很少, 比任何人的都少。

Caspian is very clever at helping and thinks I don't see!

凯斯宾在分饭时表现得很精明, 还以为我看不出来。

Lucy for some reason tried to make up to me by offering me some of hers but that interfering prig Edmund wouldn't let her.

不知为何, 本来他打算把露茜的饭分一些给我, 可是那个讨厌鬼爱德蒙不让。

Pretty hot sun. Terribly thirsty all evening.

太阳热辣辣的, 整个晚上都口渴难耐。

"September 5. Still becalmed and very hot. Feeling rotten all day and am sure I've got a temperature.

九月五日。依旧风平浪静, 空气却很热。一整天, 我都感到不舒服, 应该是发烧了。

Of course they haven't the sense to keep a thermometer on board.


"September 6. A horrible day. Woke up in the night knowing I was feverish and must have a drink of water. Any doctor would have said so.

九月六日。真是可怕的一天。我发烧了, 夜里醒来, 我很想喝水, 医生们肯定也会这样建议。我这辈子从不愿意占别人的便宜。

Heaven knows I'm the last person to try to get any unfair advantage but I never dreamed that this water-rationing would be meant to apply to a sick man.

但我做梦都没想过, 不管是不是病人, 每人每天依旧只有那么多水。

In fact I would have woken the others up and asked for some only I thought it would be selfish to wake them.

我原本可以叫醒别人说我需要水, 可是吵醒别人未免有点自私。

So I just got up and took my cup and tiptoed out of the Black Hole we slept in, taking great care not to disturb Caspian and Edmund, for they've been sleeping badly since the heat and the short water began.

所以我只好起身, 拿着我的杯子, 蹑手蹑脚地走出我们睡觉的那个黑窟窿。我尽量不打扰到凯斯宾和爱德蒙, 因为自从天热和缺水以来, 他们一直睡不好。

I always try to consider others whether they are nice to me or not.

不管别人对我如何, 我总是尽力为别人着想。

I got out all right into the big room, if you can call it a room, where the rowing benches and the luggage are.

我慢慢走出房间, 我们姑且把它称作"房间"吧, 这里只能看到划桨时坐的小凳子和行李。

The thing of water is at this end. All was going beautifully, but before I'd drawn a cupful who should catch me but that little spy Reep.

水在另外一侧, 一切都很顺利。可是我还没倒满一杯水就被逮住了。如果不是碰见雷佩契普, 一定不会有人抓住我。

I tried to explain that I was going on deck for a breath of air(the business about the water had nothing to do with him)and he asked me why I had a cup.

我说我想去甲板呼吸呼吸新鲜空气( 水的问题, 关它屁事), 可是它问我为什么拿着杯子。

He made such a noise that the whole ship was roused.

它这么吵吵闹闹, 结果全船的人都醒了。

They treated me scandalously. I asked, as I think anyone would have, why Reepicheep was sneaking about the water cask in the middle of the night.

他们对我的态度真让人反感。我问雷佩契普为什么三更半夜在水桶那里, 换了其他人也会这么想的。

He said that as he was too small to be any use on deck, he did sentry over the water every night so that one more man could go to sleep.

它说, 因为它个子太小, 不能在甲板划桨, 只好每天值班察看汛情, 这样就可以多一个人去休息。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
prig [prig]


n. 道学先生,自命不凡者,纨绔子弟 n. 小偷 vt.

thirsty ['θə:sti]


adj. 口渴的,渴望的

row [rəu,rau]


n. 排,船游,吵闹
vt. 划船,成排

wishful ['wiʃful]


adj. 渴望的,愿望的;寄予希望的

temperature ['tempritʃə(r)]


n. 温度,气温,体温,发烧

efficiency [i'fiʃənsi]


n. 效率,功率

sensible ['sensəbl]


adj. 可察觉的,意识到的,实用的
n. 可

luggage ['lʌgidʒ]


n. 行李

spy [spai]


n. 间谍,侦探,侦察
vt. 侦探,看到,找

consent [kən'sent]


n. 同意,许可
v. 同意,承诺





