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第四章 凯斯宾略施巧计(5)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


He walked up to Caspian and said, "I see. As usual. Been enjoying yourself somewhere while the rest of us were prisoners. I suppose you haven't even found out about the British Consul. Of course not. "

他走近凯斯宾, 说:"原来如此, 老把戏了。我们其他人当俘虏, 你自己在别的地方逍遥自在。我看, 你没打听到英国领事馆的事吧, 这儿肯定没有。"

That night they had a great feast in the castle of Narrowhaven and then, "Tomorrow for the beginning of our real adventures !"said Reepicheep when he had made his bows to everyone and went to bed.

那天晚上, 他们在狭港的城堡里举行一场盛大宴会。之后, 雷佩契普向大家鞠躬行礼, 说道:"明天, 我们真正的冒险生活就要开始了!"说完他就去睡了。

But it could not really be tomorrow or anything like it. For now they were preparing to leave all known lands and seas behind them and the fullest preparations had to be made.

没想到, 第二天大家却没办法走了。他们现在要准备离开已经探明的陆地和海面, 必须得做好准备。

The Dawn Treader was emptied and drawn on land by eight horses over rollers and every bit of her was gone over by the most skilled shipwrights.

黎明踏浪号被清空了, 被放置在滚轴上, 靠着八匹马拖上陆地, 熟练的修船工检测了船的每个小细节。

Then she was launched again and victualled and watered as full as she could hold--that is to say for twenty-eight days.

然后再试着下水, 船上准备了充足的粮食和饮用水----用上二十八天都没问题。

Even this, as Edmund noticed with disappointment, only gave them a fortnight's eastward sailing before they had to abandon their quest.

爱德蒙注意到尽管准备得如此充足, 他们也只有十四天的时间可以向东航行, 此后就不得不放弃搜寻计划了, 不禁大为扫兴。

While all this was being done Caspian missed no chance of questioning all the oldest sea captains whom he could find in Narrowhaven to learn if they had any knowledge or even any rumours of land further to the east.

做好这一切的同时, 凯斯宾又趁机在狭港召集到最老的船长们, 向他们打听继续往东行驶, 还会有什么陆地, 哪怕他们只是听回来的。

He poured out many a flagon of the castle ale to weather-beaten men with short grey beards and clear blue eyes, and many a tall yarn he heard in return.

凯宾斯把城堡内的酒打开, 招待那些水手, 他们饱经风雨, 长着灰白的短胡须, 清澈的蓝眼睛, 他们曾听过许许多多的海上传说。

But those who seemed the most truthful could tell of no lands beyond the Lone Islands, and many thought that if you sailed too far east you would come into the surges of a sea without lands that swirled perpetually round the rim of the world--"And that, I reckon, is where your Majesty's friends went to the bottom."

无奈的是, 诚实的水手们根本说不清, 除了孤独群岛, 这里是否还存在陆地。大家一致认为, 一直向东航行, 肯定会撞进茫茫的大海中, 看不到陆地, 只有汹涌的波涛, 围绕着世界的边缘不停打转…… "我认为, 那里就是陛下的朋友们卷入海底的地方。"

The rest had only wild stories of islands inhabited by headless men, floating islands, waterspouts, and a fire that burned along the water.

其他的谈话更是天方夜谭了, 都是些无头人的岛屿, 漂浮的岛屿, 龙卷风卷起的水之柱, 或者海面上曾燃烧起大火之类的传说。

Only one, to Reepicheep's delight, said, "And beyond that, Aslan's country.

只有一个人的说辞, 让雷佩契普颇为动心。他说:"外面应该是阿斯兰的王国了。

But that's beyond the end of the world and you can't get there. "But when they questioned--him he could only say that he'd heard it from his father.

可惜那是世界的尽头, 你们无法到达。"当大家追问他时, 他只是说这是从父亲那里听到的故事。

Bern could only tell them that he had seen his six companions sail away eastward and that nothing had ever been heard of them again.

伯恩告诉他们, 当初看到自己的六个伙伴, 一直向东航行而去, 此后就再也没有打听到他们的下落。

He said this when he and Caspian were standing on the highest point of Avra looking down on the eastern ocean.

说这话时, 他正和凯宾斯站在东大洋阿芙拉岛的最高处。

"I've often been up here of a morning, "said the Duke, "and seen the sun come up out of the sea, and sometimes it looked as if it were only a couple of miles away.

"我常常在早晨来这里, "公爵说, "太阳从海面升起, 仿佛离自己只有两三英里那么远。

And I've wondered about my friends and wondered what there really is behind that horizon.

我很想知道朋友们在哪里, 想知道遥远的天际外究竟是怎样的。

Nothing, most likely, yet I am always half ashamed that I stayed behind. But I wish your Majesty wouldn't go. We may need your help here.

也许什么都没有吧, 我为自己当初选择留下来深感内疚。不过, 我还是劝陛下不要冒险。我们这里依旧需要您的帮助。

This closing the slave market might make a new world;war with Calormen is what I foresee. My liege, think again. "

这次, 虽然成功地取缔了奴隶市场, 但我有种预感, 我们同卡乐门会有一场战争, 望您三思。"

"I have an oath, my lord Duke, "said Caspian. "And anyway, what could I say to Reepicheep ?"

"我发誓, 公爵阁下", 凯斯宾说, "不管怎样, 我对雷佩契普也应该有个交代吧?"

重点单词   查看全部解释    
castle ['kɑ:sl]


n. 城堡
v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易

delight [di'lait]


n. 高兴,快乐
v. (使)高兴,(使)欣喜

quest [kwest]


n. 探索,寻求
v. 寻找,搜索

abandon [ə'bændən]


v. 放弃,遗弃,沉溺
n. 放纵

foresee [fɔ:'si:]


v. 预见,预知

questioning ['kwestʃəniŋ]


n. 质问 v. 询问,审问(question的现在分词

disappointment [.disə'pɔintmənt]


n. 失望,令人失望的人或事

consul ['kɔnsəl]


n. 领事,(古罗马)执行官员,(1799年至1804年

yarn [jɑ:n]


n. 纱

truthful ['tru:θfəl]


adj. 诚实的,真实的





