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第五章 风暴和余波(2)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


It seemed to Lucy that a great valley in the sea opened just before their bows, and they rushed down into it, deeper down than she would have believed possible.

露茜觉得大海突然裂开了一个深谷, 他们一下子扎了进去, 而且水深得难以预料。

A great grey hill of water, far higher than the mast, rushed to meet them; it looked certain death but they were tossed to the top of it. Then the ship seemed to spin round.

深灰色的海浪从船头打过来, 比桅杆还高。这情况看来他们只有死路一条了, 可是船身突然就被抛到浪顶, 来回不停地打转。

A cataract of water poured over the deck;the poop and forecastle were like two islands with a fierce sea between them.

海水像瀑布一样冲到甲板上。船头和船尾成了两座孤岛, 中间是一片汪洋大海。

Up aloft the sailors were lying out along the yard desperately trying to get control of the sail.

桅杆高处的水手企图用自己的身体稳住船帆, 不幸的是,

A broken rope stood out sideways in the wind as straight and stiff as if it was a poker.

有一根缆绳突然崩断了, 像一根硬邦邦的拨火棍伸了出来。

"Get below, Ma'am, "bawled Drinian.

"女王陛下, 你应该下去。"德里宁吼道。

And Lucy, knowing that landsmen--and landswomen--are a nuisance to the crew, began to obey.

露茜知道无论男女, 陆地上的人对水手来说都是一个大麻烦, 能做的也只有听从他们。

It was not easy. The Dawn Treader was listing terribly to starboard and the deck sloped like the roof of a house.

不过此时要顺利到达桅杆下面不太容易, 因为右舷倾斜得厉害, 甲板也是倾斜的。

She had to clamber round to the top of the ladder, holding on to the rail, and then stand by while two men climbed up it, and then get down it as best she could.

她只好爬了一圈, 回到梯子上面, 抓住栏杆。这时候有两个水手爬上梯子, 她从一边爬了下去。

It was well she was already holding on tight for at the foot of the ladder another wave roared across the deck, up to her shoulders.

幸运的是, 第二个浪头打来, 海浪袭到她肩头的时候, 她已经抓住了楼梯脚。

She was already almost wet through with spray and rain but this was colder.

她的衣服早已湿透, 这个浪来得让人心惊。

Then she made a dash for the cabin door and got in and shut out for a moment the appalling sight of the speed with which they were rushing into the dark, but not of course the horrible confusion of creakings, groanings, snappings, clatterings, roarings and boomings which only sounded more alarming below than they had done on the poop.

后来她飞快地奔向舱门, 冲到里面, 把恐怖的情景挡到外面。可怕的混乱声: 吱吱嘎嘎、哼哼唧唧、噼噼啪啪、咔嗒咔嗒、呼噜呼噜、轰隆轰隆的大合唱, 不断传入她的耳朵, 这一切比在船尾听时更让人惊心动魄。

And all next day and all the next it went on. It went on till one could hardly even remember a time before it had begun.

第二天, 第三天, 接连好几天都是这样, 简直都记不清到底是多少天了。

And there always had to be three men at the tiller and it was as much as three could do to keep any kind of a course.

船上始终有三个人在掌舵, 任何人都不敢懈怠, 因为只有三个人才能使航向保持平稳。

And there always had to be men at the pump.


And there was hardly any rest for anyone, and nothing could be cooked and nothing could be dried, and one man was lost overboard, and they never saw the sun.

大家都没法休息, 没有吃的, 一个水手还失踪了。外面暗无天日。

When it was over Eustace made the following entry in his diary:

风暴过后, 尤斯塔斯才在日记中写道:

"September 3. The first day for ages when I have been able to write.

九月三日。好多天了, 我终于又能写日记了。

We had been driven before a hurricane for thirteen days and nights.

我们顺着十二级大风开船, 已经有十三天十三夜了。

I know that because I kept a careful count, though the others all say it was only twelve.

没有人比我更清楚到底是多少天, 虽然他们都说只有十二个昼夜,但我知道自己比任何人都记得清楚。

Pleasant to be embarked on a dangerous voyage with people who can't even count right!

跟一批连时间都记不准的人一起冒险航海, 真是太危险了。

I have had a ghastly time, up and down enormous waves hour after hour, usually wet to the skin, and not even an attempt at giving us proper meals.

我吃了不少苦, 在巨浪上颠簸了连续几个小时, 浑身湿淋淋的, 还吃不上饭。

Needless to say there's no wireless or even a rocket, so no chance of signalling anyone for help.

更别提无线电报和火箭了, 我们没法给任何船只发信号求救。

It all proves what I keep on telling them, the madness of setting out in a rotten little tub like this.

这一切都证明我的论断一点都没错, 坐这样一条小破船出海的他们简直是疯了。

It would be bad enough even if one was with decent people instead of fiends in human form.

跟正人君子出海已经够糟的了, 更何况是披着羊皮的狼,

Caspian and Edmund are simply brutal to me.


The night we lost our mast(there's only a stump left now), though I was not at all well, they forced me to come on deck and work like a slave.

我们桅杆折断的那晚上( 现在只剩一块木板了), 我身体根本吃不消, 他们还是把我赶上甲板, 让我像奴隶一样卖命。

Lucy shoved her oar in by saying that Reepicheep was longing to go only he was too small.

露茜还火上浇油, 说雷佩契普巴不得去干活呢, 只是他个子太小了。

I wonder she doesn't see that everything that little beast does is all for the sake of showing off.

真是见鬼, 她难道看不出那个小畜生是为了显摆自己有多了不起吗。

Even at her age she ought to have that amount of sense.

虽然她年龄还小, 但不该这么缺心眼啊。

Today the beastly boat is level at last and the sun's out and we have all been jawing about what to do.

今天, 这条该死的船终于稳下来了, 太阳也出来了。我们却只是在侃大山, 压根不知道该做什么。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
confusion [kən'fju:ʒən]


n. 混乱,混淆,不确定状态

pump [pʌmp]


n. 泵,抽水机,打气筒,抽水,打气
v. 打

appalling [ə'pɔ:liŋ]


adj. 令人震惊的,可怕的

longing ['lɔŋiŋ]


n. 渴望,憧憬 adj. 渴望的

spin [spin]


v. (使)旋转,疾驰,纺织,结网,眩晕

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

brutal ['bru:tl]


adj. 野蛮的,残暴的

crew [kru:]


n. 全体船员,全体乘务员,(一组)工作人员

diary ['daiəri]


n. 日记,日记簿

ladder ['lædə]


n. 梯子,阶梯,梯状物
n. (袜子)





