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第五章 风暴和余波(1)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Chapter Five The Storm And What Came Of It

第五章 风暴和余波

It was nearly three weeks after their landing that the Dawn Treader was towed out of Narrowhaven harbour.

他们在岛上待了三个星期左右, 才乘着黎明踏浪号离开了港口。

Very solemn farewells had been spoken and a great crowd had assembled to see her departure.

大家非常隆重地告别, 好多人都来送行。

There had been cheers, and tears too, when Caspian made his last speech to the Lone Islanders and parted from the Duke and his family, but as the ship, her purple sail still flapping idly, drew further from the shore, and the sound of Caspian's trumpet from the poop came fainter across the water, everyone became silent.

凯斯宾向孤独群岛的居民发表了临行前的讲话, 跟公爵一家人分手时, 流下眼泪, 但同时也很开心。等船起航之后, 紫色的风帆缓缓地飘了起来, 船离岸越来越远, 船尾的号声隔着海面传来, 声音越来越弱。

Then she came into the wind.


The sail swelled out, the tug cast off and began rowing back, the first real wave ran up under the Dawn Treader's prow, and she was a live ship again.

船上的帆鼓了起来, 他们解开了缆绳, 开始向身后划去。当第一个海浪迎上黎明踏浪号的船头, 这条船突然又活过来了。

The men off duty went below, Drinian took the first watch on the poop, and she turned her head eastward round the south of Avra.

除了值班的水手, 其他人都到舱房里去了。德里宁在船尾值第一轮班, 把船头向东转, 绕过了阿拉芙岛的南面。

The next few days were delightful. Lucy thought she was the most fortunate girl in the world;as she woke each morning to see the reflections of the sunlit water dancing on the ceiling of her cabin and looked round on all the nice new things she had got in the Lone Islands-seaboots and buskins and cloaks and jerkins and scarves.

接下来的几天都很愉快。露茜觉得她是天底下最幸运的女孩子, 因为每天早上醒来都能看见水面上反射的阳光在天花板上晃动;环顾四周, 这些都是她在孤独群岛上得到的宝贝----高筒防水靴、短靴、披风、小外套和披肩。

And then she would go on deck and take a look from the forecastle at a sea which was a brighter blue each morning and drink in an air that was a little warmer day by day.

她走上甲板, 眺望大海, 湛蓝的海面每天都是阳光灿烂, 她呼吸到的空气一天比一天温暖。

After that came breakfast and such an appetite as one only has at sea.

然后就去吃早餐, 那么好的胃口, 只有在海上旅行的人才有。

She spent a good deal of time sitting on the little bench in the stern playing chess with Reepicheep.

大多数时间, 她会坐在船尾和雷佩契普下棋。

It was amusing to see him lifting the pieces, which were far too big for him, with both paws and standing on tiptoes if he made a move near the centre of the board.

对它来说, 棋子简直太大了, 所以它只好走到棋盘中间, 两爪举着棋子, 踮起脚尖, 样子真是逗人。

He was a good player and when he remembered what he was doing he usually won.

不过它棋艺不错, 只要它还记得自己是在下棋, 往往都能取胜。

But every now and then Lucy won because the Mouse did something quite ridiculous like sending a knight into the danger of a queen and castle combined.

不过偶尔露茜也会取胜, 在那只老鼠把骑士( 马) 送到城堡( 车) 护驾的王后面前时。

This happened because he had momentarily forgotten it was a game of chess and was thinking of a real battle and making the knight do what he would certainly have done in its place.

因为雷佩契普有时会忘了自己是在下棋, 总是以为自己是在打仗, 所以骑士必须身先士卒。

For his mind was full of forlorn hopes, death-or-glory charges, and last stands.

那个时候它满脑子都是死亡和荣耀, 冲锋陷阵和死守阵地。

But this pleasant time did not last.


There came an evening when Lucy, gazing idly astern at the long furrow or wake they were leaving behind them, saw a great rack of clouds building itself up in the west with amazing speed.

一天傍晚, 露茜懒洋洋地在船尾盯着船开过时留下的深沟, 那也叫尾波时, 看见西方正有一大片浮云正以惊人的速度积聚起来, 越来越厚。

Then a gap was torn in it and a yellow sunset poured through the gap.

然后云层裂开了一个缝隙, 金黄的夕阳从云层的缝隙中射了出来。

All the waves behind them seemed to take on unusual shapes and the sea was a drab or yellowish color like dirty canvas.

船后的波涛却很古怪, 海面一片褐色, 一片土黄, 像一张破旧肮脏的帆。

The air grew cold. The ship seemed to move uneasily as if she felt danger behind her.

空气突然降温了, 船身瞬间摇摇晃晃, 危机四伏。

The sail would be flat and limp one minute and wildly full the next.

船帆一会儿鼓得满满的, 一会儿又瘪了下来。

While she was noting these things and wondering at a sinister change which had come over the very noise of the wind, Drinian cried, "All hands on deck. "

她看着这些变化, 心中有种不祥的预感。突然她听见德里宁在喊:"全体船员准备。"

In a moment everyone became frantically busy.


The hatches were battened down, the galley fire was put out, men went aloft to reef the sail.

封死舱口的扣板, 熄灭厨房的火, 水手收起桅杆顶的帆。

Before they had finished the storm struck them.

还没等收拾好, 风暴就袭来了。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
departure [di'pɑ:tʃə]


n. 离开,出发,分歧

bench [bentʃ]


n. 长凳,工作台,法官席
vt. 坐(

unusual [ʌn'ju:ʒuəl]


adj. 不平常的,异常的

cast [kɑ:st]


v. 投,掷,抛,铸造,丢弃,指定演员,加起来,投射(目

solemn ['sɔləm]


adj. 庄严的,严肃的,隆重的

drab [dræb]


adj. 土褐色的,单调的,乏味的 n. 邋遢女人,娼妓

ceiling ['si:liŋ]


n. 天花板,上限

ridiculous [ri'dikjuləs]


adj. 荒谬的,可笑的

galley ['gæli]


n. 单层甲板大帆船,(船或飞机的)厨房,[印]活版盘

amusing [ə'mju:ziŋ]


adj. 有趣的,引人发笑的





