"Oh, don't! I must keep my hat! The bread is for grandmother," cried Heidi in despair.
"You stay here, while we take the rubbish away," said the lady sternly.
Heidi threw herself down now on Clara's chair and sobbed as if her heart would break.
"Now I can't bring grandmother any rolls! Oh, they were for grandmother!" she lamented.
"Heidi, don't cry anymore," Clara begged.
"Listen! When you go home some day, I am going to give you as many rolls as you had, and more.
They will be much softer and better than those stale ones you have kept.
Those were not fit to eat, Heidi. Stop now, please, and don't cry anymore!"
Only after a long, long time did Heidi become quiet.
When she had heard Clara's promise, she cried: "Are you really going to give me as many as I had?"
At supper, Heidi's eyes were swollen and it was still hard for her to keep from crying.
Sebastian made strange signs to her that she did not understand. What did he mean?
Later, though, when she climbed into her high bed, she found her old beloved straw hat hidden under her cover.
So Sebastian had saved it for her and had tried to tell her!
She crushed it for joy, and wrapping it in a handkerchief, she hid it in the furthest corner of her wardrobe.