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第八章 海蒂把家里弄得一团乱(4)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Sara   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "For mercy's sake, the child is crazy!" exclaimed Miss Rottenmeier, running up the stairs.
  • “天哪,这孩子该不是有什么毛病了吧。”罗得迈尔喊着,慌忙跑上楼梯,
  • In her hurry she had bumped into Sebastian,who was just then coming down.
  • 却和往下走的塞巴斯蒂安脑袋撞了个正着。
  • "Bring the unlucky child up!" she called to him, rubbing her head.
  • “快把这可怜的孩子带上来!”罗得迈尔一边喊一边揉脑袋。
  • "All right, many thanks," answered the butler, rubbing his head, too, for he had encountered something far harder than she had.
  • “是是,实在抱歉。”塞巴斯蒂安也揉揉脑袋,他撞得比罗得迈尔还厉害。
  • When the butler came down, he saw Heidi standing near the door with flaming eyes, trembling all over.
  • 塞巴斯蒂安下了楼,看见小海蒂站在门口,两眼发光,激动得浑身发抖。
  • Cheerfully he asked: "What has happened, little one? Do not take it to heart, and cheer up.
  • “小家伙,又怎么了?”塞巴斯蒂安开心地问。又说:“别往心里去,高兴一点!
  • She nearly made a hole in my head just now, but we must not get discouraged. Oh, no!
  • 你看我脑袋上差点没被她撞出个洞来,可是我也没闷闷不乐呀!别这样,
  • Come, up with you; she said so!"
  • 上去吧,这是她的命令呀。”
  • Heidi walked up-stairs very slowly. Seeing her so changed, Sebastian said:
  • 海蒂慢慢地上楼。看到她变了样,塞巴斯蒂安说:
  • "Don't give in! Don't be so sad! You have been so courageous till now;I have never heard you cry yet.
  • “别垂头丧气的,别难过啊,你一直都很勇敢,到了这儿之后还一次也没哭过。
  • Come up now, and when the lady's away we'll go and look at the kittens. They are running round like wild!"
  • 现在上来吧,等那位女士不在的时候,我们去看看那些小猫。它们疯了似的跑来跑去!”
  • Nodding cheerlessly, the child disappeared in her room.
  • 海蒂微微点了点头,样子一点都不开心,然后走进了房间。
  • That night at supper Miss Rottenmeier watched Heidi constantly, but nothing happened.
  • 晚饭时,罗得迈尔不停地看看海蒂,但什么都没发生。
  • The child sat as quiet as a mouse, hardly touching her food, except the little roll.
  • 可是小海蒂像只小老鼠一样安静,饭菜没怎么动,除了小面包。
  • Talking with the tutor next morning, Miss Rottenmeier told him her fears about Heidi's mind.
  • 第二天早上和导师谈话时,罗得迈尔告诉他她担心海蒂的心理。
  • But the teacher had more serious troubles still, for Heidi had not even learned her A, B, C in all this time.
  • 现在比这更让人头疼的,是这孩子这么长时间连ABC都没学会。
  • Heidi was sorely in need of some clothes, so Clara had given her some.
  • 海蒂急需一些衣服,所以克拉拉给了她一些。
  • Miss Rottenmeier was just busy arranging the child's wardrobe, when she suddenly returned.
  • 罗得迈尔正忙着整理海蒂的衣柜,但突然跑了回来。
  • "Adelheid," she said contemptuously, "what do I find? A big pile of bread in your wardrobe! I never heard the like. Yes, Clara, it is true."
  • “阿尔菲特!”罗得迈尔带着轻蔑的口气喊道,“看我翻出了什么?衣柜里全是面包!真是让我开了眼。克拉拉,不信你看。”
  • Then, calling Tinette, she ordered her to take away the bread and the old straw hat she had found.
  • 然后她又喊齐娜,让她把衣柜里的干面包扔掉,还有那顶破草帽。


"For mercy's sake, the child is crazy!" exclaimed Miss Rottenmeier, running up the stairs.


In her hurry she had bumped into Sebastian,who was just then coming down.


"Bring the unlucky child up!" she called to him, rubbing her head.


"All right, many thanks," answered the butler, rubbing his head, too, for he had encountered something far harder than she had.


When the butler came down, he saw Heidi standing near the door with flaming eyes, trembling all over.


Cheerfully he asked: "What has happened, little one? Do not take it to heart, and cheer up.


She nearly made a hole in my head just now, but we must not get discouraged.


Oh, no!--Come, up with you; she said so!"


Heidi walked up-stairs very slowly. Seeing her so changed, Sebastian said:


"Don't give in! Don't be so sad! You have been so courageous till now;I have never heard you cry yet.


Come up now, and when the lady's away we'll go and look at the kittens. They are running round like wild!"


Nodding cheerlessly, the child disappeared in her room.


That night at supper Miss Rottenmeier watched Heidi constantly, but nothing happened.


The child sat as quiet as a mouse, hardly touching her food, except the little roll.


Talking with the tutor next morning, Miss Rottenmeier told him her fears about Heidi's mind.


But the teacher had more serious troubles still, for Heidi had not even learned her A, B, C in all this time.


Heidi was sorely in need of some clothes, so Clara had given her some.


Miss Rottenmeier was just busy arranging the child's wardrobe, when she suddenly returned.


"Adelheid," she said contemptuously, "what do I find? A big pile of bread in your wardrobe! I never heard the like. Yes, Clara, it is true."


Then, calling Tinette, she ordered her to take away the bread and the old straw hat she had found.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

wardrobe ['wɔ:drəub]


n. 衣柜,衣橱
n. 全部服装

tutor ['tju:tə]


n. 家庭教师,导师
v. 当家庭教师,当导师

courageous [kə'reidʒəs]


adj. 勇敢的

constantly ['kɔnstəntli]


adv. 不断地,经常地

mercy ['mə:si]


n. 怜悯,宽恕,仁慈,恩惠





