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第八章 海蒂把家里弄得一团乱(1)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Sara   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Chapter 8 Great Disturbances in the Sesemann House
  • 第八章 塞瑟曼家乱成一团
  • A short time after the tutor had arrived next morning, the door-bell rang so violently that Sebastian thought it must be Mr. Sesemann himself.
  • 第二天早晨,家庭教师来了不久,门铃响得很厉害,塞巴斯蒂安以为是塞瑟曼先生本人。
  • What was his surprise when a dirty street-boy, with a barrel-organ on his back, stood before him!
  • 塞巴斯蒂安打开门——他面前,一个衣衫破旧的男孩背着手摇风琴站在门口。
  • "What do you mean by pulling the bell like that?" the butler said.
  • 塞巴斯蒂安冲他喊,“你不知道怎么拉铃吗?有什么事?”
  • "I want to see Clara."
  • “我要见克拉拉。”男孩回答说。
  • "Can't you at least say 'Miss Clara', you ragged urchin?" said Sebastian harshly.
  • “你这可恶的流浪汉,能不能像别人那样叫她克拉拉小姐?”塞巴斯蒂安毫不客气地问。
  • "She owes me forty pennies," said the boy.
  • “她欠我40便士。”男孩说。
  • "You are crazy! How do you know Miss Clara lives here?"
  • “你有毛病吧!你从哪儿听说克拉拉小姐住在这儿的?”
  • "I showed her the way yesterday and she promised to give me forty pennies."
  • “昨天我给她指了路,她答应给我四十便士。”
  • "What nonsense! Miss Clara never goes out. You had better take yourself off, before I send you!"
  • “胡说八道。克拉拉小姐还一次没出去过。趁我还没赶你,快走开吧。”
  • The boy, however, did not even budge, and said:
  • 可是那男孩却一动也不动,说:
  • "I saw her. She has curly hair, black eyes and talks in a funny way."
  • “我看见她了。她有一头卷发,一双黑眼睛,说话的样子很滑稽。”
  • "Oh," Sebastian chuckled to himself, "that was the little Miss."
  • “哎呀呀,”塞巴斯蒂安心里嘀咕着,“这不是那个小姑娘吗。”
  • Pulling the boy into the house, he said: "All right, you can follow me.
  • 于是,他把男孩拽进来对他说:“好吧,待会儿你跟我来,
  • Wait at the door till I call you, and then you can play something for Miss Clara."
  • 在门口等我叫你,然后你就可以为克拉拉小姐演奏了。”
  • Knocking at the study-door, Sebastian said, when he had entered:
  • 塞巴斯蒂安上楼,敲敲学习室的门。进门后他说:
  • "A boy is here who wants to see Miss Clara."
  • “来了个男孩,说一定要见克拉拉小姐。”
  • Clara, delighted at his interruption, said: "Can't he come right up, Mr. Candidate?"
  • 克拉拉对这个小插曲感到很高兴,说:“可以让他进来吗,老师?”
  • But the boy was already inside, and started to play.
  • 但男孩已经进去了,开始演奏了。
  • Miss Rottenmeier was in the adjoining room when she heard the sounds.
  • 罗得迈尔听到声音时正在隔壁房间。
  • Where did they come from? Hurrying into the study, she saw the street-boy playing to the eager children.
  • 声音来自哪里?她急匆匆地走进书房,看见那个街头男孩正在为听得入迷的孩子们演奏。
  • "Stop! stop!" she called, but in vain, for the music drowned her voice.
  • “停下来!快停下来!”罗得迈尔冲屋子里喊。可声音被音乐盖住了。
  • Suddenly she made a big jump, for there, between her feet, crawled a black turtle.
  • 突然,她跳了一大步,因为在她两脚之间爬着一只黑色的海龟。
  • Only when she shrieked for Sebastian could her voice be heard.
  • 接着,她拼命向塞巴斯蒂安喊叫,这回叫声压过了音乐。
  • The butler came straight in, for he had seen everything behind the door, and a great scene it had been!
  • 塞巴斯蒂安直接进门,他躲在门后看见了一切,真是好热闹的一幕。
  • Glued to a chair in her fright, Miss Rottenmeier called: "Send the boy away! Take them away!"
  • 罗得迈尔害怕得瘫坐到椅子上。“把人和动物统统给我赶出去!快赶出去!”罗得迈尔喊。
  • Sebastian obediently pulled the boy after him; then he said:
  • 塞巴斯蒂安立刻照她吩咐的把男孩领到门外,说:
  • "Here are forty pennies from Miss Clara and forty more for playing.
  • “克拉拉小姐的40便士,还有你拉琴的40便士。
  • It was well done, my boy."With that he closed the door behind him.
  • 干得不错。”然后把他送出去,关上门。


Chapter 8 Great Disturbances in the Sesemann House

第八章 塞瑟曼家乱成一团

A short time after the tutor had arrived next morning, the door-bell rang so violently that Sebastian thought it must be Mr. Sesemann himself.


What was his surprise when a dirty street-boy, with a barrel-organ on his back, stood before him!


"What do you mean by pulling the bell like that?" the butler said.


"I want to see Clara."


"Can't you at least say 'Miss Clara', you ragged urchin?" said Sebastian harshly.


"She owes me forty pennies," said the boy.


"You are crazy! How do you know Miss Clara lives here?"


"I showed her the way yesterday and she promised to give me forty pennies."


"What nonsense! Miss Clara never goes out. You had better take yourself off, before I send you!"


The boy, however, did not even budge, and said:


"I saw her. She has curly hair, black eyes and talks in a funny way."


"Oh," Sebastian chuckled to himself, "that was the little Miss."


Pulling the boy into the house, he said: "All right, you can follow me.


Wait at the door till I call you, and then you can play something for Miss Clara."


Knocking at the study-door, Sebastian said, when he had entered:


"A boy is here who wants to see Miss Clara."


Clara, delighted at his interruption, said: "Can't he come right up, Mr. Candidate?"


But the boy was already inside, and started to play.


Miss Rottenmeier was in the adjoining room when she heard the sounds.


Where did they come from? Hurrying into the study, she saw the street-boy playing to the eager children.


"Stop! stop!" she called, but in vain, for the music drowned her voice.


Suddenly she made a big jump, for there, between her feet, crawled a black turtle.


Only when she shrieked for Sebastian could her voice be heard.


The butler came straight in, for he had seen everything behind the door, and a great scene it had been!


Glued to a chair in her fright, Miss Rottenmeier called: "Send the boy away! Take them away!"


Sebastian obediently pulled the boy after him; then he said:


"Here are forty pennies from Miss Clara and forty more for playing.


It was well done, my boy."With that he closed the door behind him.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
interruption [.intə'rʌpʃən]


n. 打岔,中断

budge [bʌdʒ]


v. 移动,妥协 n. 羔皮 adj. 浮夸的,庄严的

candidate ['kændidit]


n. 候选人,求职者

vain [vein]


adj. 徒劳的,无效的,自负的,虚荣的

turtle ['tə:tl]


n. 海龟

violently ['vaiələntli]


adv. 猛烈地,激烈地,极端地

scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景

tutor ['tju:tə]


n. 家庭教师,导师
v. 当家庭教师,当导师



adv. 严厉地;刺耳地;粗糙地





