Hi. Nice to see you again. Adam from engvid.com
and today I want to talk to you about something that's very confusing for most students.
It's when you take phrasal verbs, for example, "make up" and you squeeze them together to make nouns or adjectives.
This is very confusing because sometimes the sound changes the meaning changes.
So we're going to look at this today. Now, before I start I want to tell you something.
Those of you, who are going to take the IELTS test, pay very close attention.
This is very important for you, lots of points to be lost or gained here.
So let's start. We all know the word "Makeup".
What does the makeup mean? Notice, I say it quickly together.
Makeup as a noun has a few meanings. One is the stuff you put on your face.
You put a lipstick; you put eyeshadow other stuff. I don't know I don't put on makeup.
Makeup can also be used to talk about something that you redo, for example:
a makeup exam okay? In this case I'm using it as a noun with another noun.
So the first one is really used like an adjective: a makeup exam.
What does that mean? If you missed your test or your exam,
your teacher will give you an opportunity to do it again: a makeup exam.
What does elle, what else does makeup mean? Again as an adjective okay,
you know what, before we do the adjective, let's go to the verb, how about that?
Make up. What does make up mean? First notice the different stress.
“make up”是什么意思呢?首先注意不同的重音。
Make up - the stress is on the make. Make up - the stress is on the up.
This is the phrasal verb, meaning, a verb and a preposition together with slightly different meaning, okay.
To make up. What are some meanings? What can you think of?
One is to do again okay? To make up an assignment, to make up a test, to make up for lost time.
okay? What's another meaning for make up? Well, you can put on your makeup, you make up your face.
okay, great. What else can make up mean? Make up can mean create. You can make up a story.
You create something from nothing. okay? So now we have the verb make up.
When we put it together, we have makeup. You can do the makeup exam, means, you do it again.
You can put on makeup, because medics, lipstick and all that stuff or you can okay, we'll leave that for now. Made up.
你可以化妆,涂口红,用各种化妆品。就先讲到这里。“made up”。
Here, we have an adjective and notice, it's not make up.
这是一个形容词,注意它不是“make up”。
It's made up, okay? When I use it as an adjective, it's always going to be about the past tense.
是“made up”。把它当做形容词使用时,它总是关于过去时。
for example: a made up story okay? You told somebody a story. Why didn't you come to my party?
Oh, I had to go somewhere and do something. So, it's a made up story.
When we use it like this, I put in The hyphen (-), okay? Now, again, for the IELTS students out there.
Very important, on the test they're going to in the listening section.
For example, they want know, if you can hear the difference in the stress between these two
and also when you're filling in answers, spelling counts, spelling is important.
This no space or space can cost you points, very important to understand, where do you find out?
Which word is being used or the different meanings of all these words.
In the dictionary of course, use your dictionary, use it a lot. So here we have some things.
Now, what else can make up mean? And I just thought of another one, maybe you did too.
“make up”还有什么意思?我刚想起了另外一个意思,或许你也想起来了。
If you have a fight, you and someone fight. You argue, not fisticuffs, but argue.
After you decide to be nice to each other again - you make up means, end the fight.
你们决定恢复友好相处,“make up”意思就是结束争论。
And And for the couples out there, the boys and girls who have boyfriends girlfriends, you can have makeup sex.
Very good stuff. Preferably don't fight, but if you fight at least you know there's a good side to it coming after.
okay. Lots of these words in English that becomes very confusing.
Let's look at a couple more examples. okay, so let's look at some more examples.
pop, I put in a cup of surprise ones just to show you how crazy English is.
First of all I have back up and backup. verb - noun.
首先,我有“back up”和“backup”。动词,名词。
Do you hear the difference? stress, stress Very important.
get up - getup. What's the difference? Again, verb - noun.
“get up”,“getup”。区别是什么?一个是动词,一个是名词。
I think everybody knows this one: check in and check-in. Now, here you have to be careful.
我想大家都知道这个:“check in”,“check-in”。大家得仔细。

Here you notice that getup and backup are one word. Here check-in this is two words, but it's still a noun.
verb and a noun, still. Hang up. I think everybody knows this phrasal verb.
动词和名词。“Hang up”,我想大家都知道这个动词短语。
Hang up and hang-up. Again verb and noun. Let's look at some of these meanings.
“Hang up”和“hang-up”。一个动词,一个名词。我们来看下它们的意思。
What does that mean to back up? One meaning is to support. You back someone up when they go for a fight.
“back up”是什么意思?其中一个意思是支持。当他们打架时,你支持某个人。
Your friend is going to have a fight; you back him up just in case or on your computer.
Most of you are using a computer, Obviously. You want to back up your files.
You want to have a copy. Back up also means go in reverse.
你想有一份拷贝。“back up”也有倒退的意思。
You back up your car ok. Lots of different meanings. Backup. What is a backup? One, it is a copy.
For example, you have a backup of all your files on your hard disk. Backup can also mean reinforcements.
I'll write this word for you. Reinforcement.
This is usually the people or sometimes the things that do the support.
For example, if you saw the movie. The Matrix.
When Neo and Trinity go into the building to save Morpheus and they shoot the cop.
The other cops are... their walkie-talkies was: backup, send backup.
That's what he's talking about, he wants more soldiers to come and fight, ok.
So that's backup. Let's go to another one - get up. Do you know this word?
这就是“back up”。让我们看另外一个,“get up”。你认识这个词吗?
I think you do this every day, actually every morning you get up, means, you wake up.
You get out of bed or you get up, means stand.
But, who knows what getup means? Very strange word, you've probably not heard it often before.
Getup means clothes. What you're wearing.
So, my getup is very casual today, just wearing a shirt, jeans, and shoes, no problem. Getup, interesting word.
Check in. What is check in mean? Check in means, for example, at a hotel,
“Check in”。它是什么意思?意思是,比如,在一家酒店,
you go to the front desk, give your name, and give you a credit card.
Get your room and you check in. Check in also means, call in to say where you are, what you're doing, etc.
So, for example, a security guard is walking around the building. There's other security guards.
Every once in a while they will call: yea, this is security guard number two.
Everything is clear on the southwest corner, so he's checking in. Check-in is the process of checking in at the hotel.
You can also use it as an adjective, the check-in desk.
This is where you go in the hotel to check in.
It could also be the medical office, like a doctor's office.
You go to check-in, you check in at the reception, etc.
Hang up. I think all of you know what hang up means. When you hang up, you close the phone,
“Hang up”。我想大家都知道它的意思。当你挂断电话时,你就挂了电话。
you hang up the phone or turn off the phone or you hang up a picture.
What is a hang-up? Now this is a noun. You've probably not heard this word before.
I hope everybody has some hang-ups, don't worry about it. But, I hope you don't have any crazy hang-ups.
A hang-up is like a mental dislike of something.
Something that you just really don't like, but you don't know why.
Everybody has them. I have them and you have them.
One of my hang-ups is red. I don't like red. You will never see me wearing a red shirt.
Why? I don't know; I just don't like it. It's my own personal hang-up. Okay, now again.
How are you going to find out what a particular word means?
Check your dictionary, okay. All of these are in your dictionary.
There's lots of online dictionaries by the way.
If you need... if you don't have a dictionary, and you have internet m-w.com.
Merriam Webster's dictionary. American/English very good dictionary you go use it.
Now, before I go, I want to tell you there is a quiz on in engvid.com.
Go, check it out, but, be careful. Some of these words are there but, there are some other words on this quiz.
If you don't use a dictionary you'll have a bit of a hard time on this quiz, okay?
I hope that helps you out for the IELTS students.
Keep this in mind, study hard and I'll see you again soon. Thanks.