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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Here is the study. This is done by Wing and Jerry, two psychologists.
  • 还有个研究 由温和杰里两名心理学家完成的
  • What they did was introduce individuals to a 4 month program that included behavioral change,
  • 他们所做的是让人参与一个为期四月的项目 包括行为改变
  • that included diet change and that included exercise change for 4 months.
  • 包括饮食改变 包括锻炼上的改变 为期四月
  • The two conditions were either with social support-doing it with your friend and a family member,
  • 分为两种情况 一种是有社会的支持 和你的朋友或者家人一起做
  • or without social support. Those without social support, who did it by themselves,
  • 或者没有社会支持 那些没有社会支持 自己完成的人
  • 76 percent completed the 4 month program and 24 percent were still doing it 6 months later.
  • 有76%的人完成了这个为期四月的项目 有24%的人还保持到了六个月
  • So 76 percent did it during the 4 months; 24 percent only, less than a quarter,
  • 76%保持了四个月 只有24% 不到四分之一的人
  • did it 6 months later. Kept up with the behavioral, exercise as well as diet change.
  • 保持到了六个月 能够保持行为上的 锻炼上的 以及饮食上的改变
  • The group that had social support, 95 percent completed the 4 months.
  • 有他人支持的一组 95%完成了四个月的项目
  • 95 as opposed to the 76 percent. And 67 percent continued with the regime
  • 95%而不是76% 同时67%的人维持了这个计划
  • once the study was over for 6 months later. So it enhanced the likelihood of success a great deal.
  • 保持到了六个月以后 也就是成功的可能性大大地增加了
  • Let me show you one last example of social support. OK. So this is not exactly what I mean.
  • 再给你们看一个社会支持的例子 这不是我想说的意思
  • But social support helps. So start if you haven't started, start today. I'll see you on Thursday.
  • 但社会支持确实是有帮助的 所以如果你还没开始 那就从今天开始吧 周四见


Here is the study. This is done by Wing and Jerry, two psychologists.

还有个研究 由温和杰里两名心理学家完成的
What they did was introduce individuals to a 4 month program that included behavioral change,
他们所做的是让人参与一个为期四月的项目 包括行为改变
that included diet change and that included exercise change for 4 months.
包括饮食改变 包括锻炼上的改变 为期四月
The two conditions were either with social support-doing it with your friend and a family member,
分为两种情况 一种是有社会的支持 和你的朋友或者家人一起做
or without social support. Those without social support, who did it by themselves,
或者没有社会支持 那些没有社会支持 自己完成的人

76 percent completed the 4 month program and 24 percent were still doing it 6 months later.

有76%的人完成了这个为期四月的项目 有24%的人还保持到了六个月
So 76 percent did it during the 4 months; 24 percent only, less than a quarter,
76%保持了四个月 只有24% 不到四分之一的人
did it 6 months later. Kept up with the behavioral, exercise as well as diet change.
保持到了六个月 能够保持行为上的 锻炼上的 以及饮食上的改变
The group that had social support, 95 percent completed the 4 months.
有他人支持的一组 95%完成了四个月的项目
95 as opposed to the 76 percent. And 67 percent continued with the regime
95%而不是76% 同时67%的人维持了这个计划
once the study was over for 6 months later. So it enhanced the likelihood of success a great deal.
保持到了六个月以后 也就是成功的可能性大大地增加了
Let me show you one last example of social support. OK. So this is not exactly what I mean.
再给你们看一个社会支持的例子 这不是我想说的意思
But social support helps. So start if you haven't started, start today. I'll see you on Thursday.
但社会支持确实是有帮助的 所以如果你还没开始 那就从今天开始吧 周四见

重点单词   查看全部解释    
opposed [ə'pəuzd]


adj. 反对的,敌对的 v. 和 ... 起冲突,反抗

regime [rei'ʒi:m]


n. 政体,制度
n. 养生法(=regime

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

likelihood ['laiklihud]


n. 可能性

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会





