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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Mine, being 37, is 183. Again, more or less. And then you want to be around 70 percent of it.
  • 我37岁 所以就是183 差不多吧 然后你就保持在70%的水平
  • 65 percent to 75 percent of it for moderate effective benefit of exercise.
  • 65%到75%的水平 来获得锻炼的最温和的效果
  • And to keep in mind that the quantity does affect quality.
  • 记住数量确实会影响质量
  • And once again we have the graph that we see so often: the curve linear relationship.
  • 我们再次画个图表 我们经常看到的线性曲线图
  • So if on this side of the graph, we had psychological plus physiological benefit,
  • 在图的这边 是心理和生理的好处
  • and here we have effort or amount of work, the graph looks like this, where too little effort is not good.
  • 这里是运动量 那么图画出来就是这样 太少了不好
  • We are compromising on our base level of happiness. Too much effort is also not good.
  • 我们要达到基本的幸福水平才行 太多了也不好
  • That's when we experience the staleness and the anxiety.
  • 这时我们就会感到泄气和焦虑
  • And what we want to get to is more or less around our optimum level.
  • 我们想要达到的是差不多到最适水平
  • And also optimum level given how much time we have.
  • 而这个最适水平也在于我们能投入多少时间
  • Yeah, in an ideal world, I would work out six times a week for one hour each time.
  • 在理想情况下 我每周锻炼六次 每次一个小时
  • In an ideal world. But I want to do many other things.
  • 在理想情况下是这样 但我还想做很多别的事
  • So I exercise at least 4 times a week, 30 minutes each time.
  • 所以我每周至少锻炼四次 每次半小时
  • It's good enough for me. Identify what's good enough for you.
  • 这对我来说就足够了 要搞清楚什么对你是足够的
  • Recovery is important. We talked about recovery on the psychological level.
  • 恢复也很重要 我们从心理学层面上讲过恢复
  • Recovery is very important. Let me share with you just a quick story about Derek Clayton.
  • 恢复很重要 我简要地和你们分享一下德里克·克莱顿的故事吧
  • Derek Clayton was a runner in the early 60s, one of the best long distance runners in the world.
  • 德里克·克莱顿是60年代早期的一个长跑运动员 世界上最好的长跑运动员之一


Mine, being 37, is 183. Again, more or less. And then you want to be around 70 percent of it.

我37岁 所以就是183 差不多吧 然后你就保持在70%的水平
65 percent to 75 percent of it for moderate effective benefit of exercise.
65%到75%的水平 来获得锻炼的最温和的效果
And to keep in mind that the quantity does affect quality.
And once again we have the graph that we see so often: the curve linear relationship.
我们再次画个图表 我们经常看到的线性曲线图
So if on this side of the graph, we had psychological plus physiological benefit,
在图的这边 是心理和生理的好处
and here we have effort or amount of work, the graph looks like this, where too little effort is not good.
这里是运动量 那么图画出来就是这样 太少了不好
We are compromising on our base level of happiness. Too much effort is also not good.
我们要达到基本的幸福水平才行 太多了也不好
That's when we experience the staleness and the anxiety.

And what we want to get to is more or less around our optimum level.

And also optimum level given how much time we have.
Yeah, in an ideal world, I would work out six times a week for one hour each time.
在理想情况下 我每周锻炼六次 每次一个小时
In an ideal world. But I want to do many other things.
在理想情况下是这样 但我还想做很多别的事
So I exercise at least 4 times a week, 30 minutes each time.
所以我每周至少锻炼四次 每次半小时
It's good enough for me. Identify what's good enough for you.
这对我来说就足够了 要搞清楚什么对你是足够的
Recovery is important. We talked about recovery on the psychological level.
恢复也很重要 我们从心理学层面上讲过恢复
Recovery is very important. Let me share with you just a quick story about Derek Clayton.
恢复很重要 我简要地和你们分享一下德里克·克莱顿的故事吧
Derek Clayton was a runner in the early 60s, one of the best long distance runners in the world.
德里克·克莱顿是60年代早期的一个长跑运动员 世界上最好的长跑运动员之一

重点单词   查看全部解释    
effective [i'fektiv]


adj. 有效的,有影响的

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

anxiety [æŋ'zaiəti]


n. 焦虑,担心,渴望

affect [ə'fekt]


vt. 影响,作用,感动

quantity ['kwɔntiti]


n. 量,数量,大量

moderate ['mɔdəreit,'mɔdərit]


adj. 适度的,稳健的,温和的,中等的

identify [ai'dentifai]


vt. 识别,认明,鉴定
vi. 认同,感同身

quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的

recovery [ri'kʌvəri]


n. 恢复,复原,痊愈

graph [grɑ:f]


n. 图表,示意图
vt. (以图表)表示





