1967 Continues to train hard. 2 years later, over-trains again. Gets injured again.
1967年 他继续努力训练 两年之后再次训练过度 又再次受伤
And once again, for over a month he can't run at all and then enters the Belgium marathon.
又一次他没法跑步 然后他去参加了比利时马拉松比赛
Breaks his own personal best, breaks the world record:
又打破了他的个人记录 也打破了世界记录
2 hours 8 minute and 33 seconds, a world record, world best that holds for 12 years.
两小时8分33秒 世界纪录 保持了12年的世界纪录
This is when trainers and athletes began to understand the importance of tapering,
这时教练和运动员就开始明白 适可而止的重要性
the importance of taking time off, the importance of recovery.
适当休息的重要性 恢复的重要性
There can be too much of a good thing. Very similar story. Joan Benoit.
有时过犹不及 很相似的故事 琼·贝罗蒂
Ended up winning the 1984 Los Angeles Marathon after having been injured and having, was forced to take time off.
最终赢得了1984年洛杉矶马拉松 在受伤了 被迫休息之后

The Danish Soccer team. Another example. I think that's 1991.
还有丹麦足球队 另一个例子 我想应该是1991年
Ended up winning the European Championship after being out of the competition,
最终赢得了欧冠 之前都没在比赛中
being brought in the last minute because Yugoslavia was just breaking apart at the time.
在最后一刻才加入 因为当时南斯拉夫正搞分裂
So they came in as a replacement for Yugoslavia, literally taking the Danish team
于是他们作为了南斯拉夫的替补 在预选赛淘汰了之后
after it was eliminated from prelims, bringing them from the beach to play the tournament.
把丹麦队又找过来 把他们从沙滩上带来打冠军赛
But they had recovered, they were refresh, they were ready to go.
因为他们恢复了 振作了 于是他们准备好了
Recovery is important in sports. It's important on the psychological level.
恢复在运动中很重要 在心理层面同样很重要
OK. So exercise is good. It's the wonder drug.
锻炼是很好的 是一种灵药
The first part of the cocktail, I would argue, well, one of the most important ones.
鸡尾酒的第一个成分 我觉得算是最重要的成分
And yet, most people, not at Harvard necessary, but most people around the world don't exercise.
然而很多人 不仅仅在哈佛 世界上很多人都不锻炼