Higher levels of anxiety, higher levels of staleness, lack of motivation,
高水平的焦虑 高水平的泄气 失去动力
as well as ultimately could lead to depression. This is a symptom of a perfectionism.
最终也可能导致抑郁 这是完美主义的一种症状
This is something that I experience when I was an athlete-overtraining, not recovering enough, and paying the price.
我在做运动员时就经历过这样的事 过度训练 恢复不足 并为此付出了代价
Physically of course with injuries, but also psychologically.
身体上自然是受了伤 而且心理上也受了伤
What I recommend is between 1 to 4 days of rest a week.
Ideally you want to exercise 5 or 6 times a week; at minimum I would say every other day.
理想情况下你想每周锻炼五到六次 我认为至少要保证每两天一次
So it could be 3 or 4 days a week. At minimum every other day.
这样每周就是三到四天 至少每两天一次
Ideally you may want a little bit more than that.

Each time, about 30 minutes; could go all the way up to an hour. The key here is to listen to your body.
每次半小时 也可以增加到一小时 关键是要听从你身体的需要
If your body is hurting beyond the slight discomfort of exercise which is natural, stop.
如果你的身体很痛苦 超出了正常的不舒适范围 赶快停止
If your muscle hurts, stop. Or on the side of too little rather than too much.
如果肌肉开始酸痛 停下来 宁可少也不要过度
Also one of the ways to listen to your body if you are not as sensitive to it,
还有一种聆听你身体的方法 如果你没那么敏感的话
is putting on a heart rate monitor, which is something not very expensive, very useful, very helpful.
就是戴个心率监控器 不是很贵 但非常非常有用
So I know my exercise would be around 70 percent of maximum heart rate.
这样我就知道我的锻炼 会保持在最高心率的70%左右
70 percent of maximum heart rate for me is about 128. So exercise around between 120 and 135.
我最高心率的70%大概是128 于是我就在120到135之间锻炼
And then once in a while I also introduce interval training,
while I go all the way up to 90 percent, which is about 165 heart rate for me.
达到90% 我的差不多是165
But very easy to find out about you know what your heart rate is-usually maximum heart rate
很容易发现你们的心跳 通常在最大心率
is around 220 minus your age. So if you are 20 your maximum is to 200.
是220减去你的年龄 所以如果你20岁 最大心率就是200