In other words, what exercise does is simply bring us back to where we are supposed to be all along,
换句话说 锻炼的作用 就是将我们带回我们本来应有的水平
which explains why most diets fail if not associate with physical exercise as well.
Because our bodies will always fight to go back to the base level to where we are supposed to be.
因为我们的身体会拼命想要回到原来的水平 我们本该有的水平
And if we don't exercise, we will struggle even harder.
如果我们不锻炼 就会挣扎得更辛苦
Chronical disease, whether it's diabetes, whether it's heart disease, whether it's cancer.
慢性疾病 不管是糖尿病 还是心脏病 抑或是癌症
Once again numbers are staggering, absolutely staggering.
Diabetes, certain types of diabetes were only experienced by people 45 years and older.
糖尿病 有些糖尿病原本只有45岁以上的人才会获得
Today kids in elementary school are getting this kind of diabetes

and the association is mostly because of nutrition and lack of exercise.
People who exercise are much less prone to these chronical diseases.
Reducing significantly the likelihood of diabetes; reducing by 50 percent or more
患糖尿病的可能性大大降低 减少了50%以上
the likelihood of heart failure and the likelihood of certain kinds of cancer.
By over 50 percent reducing their likelihood-again, a wonder drug.
可以降低50%的可能性 它是灵药
People who exercise regularly have a stronger immune system. Well I have to prep you for this.
经常锻炼的人免疫系统更强 我要给你们打好提前量
And finally if you haven't been convinced until now, hopefully this will convince you.
最后 如果你现在还没被说服 希望这个能说服你
(Better Sex) Both men and women. Strengthens libido-their sexual desire; enhances the likelihood of orgasms.
(更好的性行为) 不管男人还是女人 都能增强性欲 对性的渴望 能够增加高潮的可能性
People who exercise more regularly have more and better sex.