You are much more creative after exercise, I mean if you have exercise for a few days.
锻炼之后你会更有创造力 如果你已经锻炼了一段时间的话
And also it helps us release these chemicals in the exact right amount-no more, no less than we need.
同时它能帮助我们释放恰好够量的这种化学物质 不多也不少
Why? Because this is nature. Knows best what we need.
为什么 因为这是自然 自然比我们更懂我们需要什么
And we release these exact right amount of chemicals that we are at our best.
我们释放这刚好足量的化学物质 就达到了我们的最好状态
This is by the way why again as I mentioned earlier religiously I run before every lecture.
这又是一种方式 我之前提到过的 我每堂课之前都去跑步
Well, I don't always run. I like running outside but it's not always possible.
不是次次都能去跑 我喜欢在外面跑 但不是每次都可以
So I jump on my trampoline at home. I have you know one of the small ones.
所以我有时会跳家里的蹦床 我有一个小的

And I jump on them. And I have my pulse meter on me. Shouldn't have told you this? No. OK.
我在上面跳 戴着脉冲计 不应该告诉你们这个吗 好吧
And I can feel when I haven't, when I don't exercise before lecture.
我能感觉到如果我不这样做 在上课之前不做锻炼
You know, for example, when I travel, I arrive right before lecture and don't have time to work out,
比如说我去旅行 刚好赶在上课前回来 没时间去锻炼
I can feel when I read, my retention rates, my concentration levels, cause as I said earlier,
我能感觉到我阅读时 我的记忆保留率 集中程度 我之前说过
I have mild case of ADHD. And again, exercise is my drug. Physical benefits.
我有轻微的注意力缺陷多动症 锻炼是我的药 身体上的好处
Again I am not saying anything new to you here. But here is a way to think about it.
我现在跟你们讲的不是什么新内容 但你要这样来想它
We all have a genes/God-given level of weight, of the right weight for us.
我们都有一个基因决定的体重水平 适合我们的体重水平
Now when we exercise, we are there. And that is healthy. That is where we should be.
当我们锻炼时 我们在那儿 这样就是健康的 是我们应该达到的
When we don't exercise we are going above this weight. Just like we go below our base level of well being.
当我们不锻炼时 体重就会超过这个 就像降低幸福水平一样