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来源:可可英语 编辑:Melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "I might have ended up like John," she said. "I always wanted to soar through life like he did, but with a child around you have to be alert, so the best you can do is hop."
  • “我可能会像约翰一样,”她说。“我一直想像他那样飞翔,但有个孩子在身边,你必须保持警惕,所以你最多也就是能跳跃。”
  • What Marshall rarely did was cut herself a break. "I'm all nose and teeth," she said of her looks.
  • 马歇尔很少做的事就是休息。“我脸上除了鼻子就是牙齿,”她说到自己的容貌。
  • A proud neurotic, she hated driving, rarely left the house and guzzled milk and Pepsi, the odd cocktail also favored by her TV alter ego Laverne DeFazio.
  • 她骄傲而神经质,讨厌开车,很少出门,喝牛奶和百事可乐,还有一种奇怪的鸡尾酒,也是她在电视上的另一个身份拉凡·德法齐奥(Laverne DeFazio)喜欢喝的。
  • "If Penny has nothing to do," summed up her big brother Garry, "she will choose to have a depressing thought."
  • “如果佩妮没事可做,”她的哥哥加里总结道,“她会选择一个令人沮丧的想法。”
  • Diagnosed with lung cancer and a brain tumor in 2009, she was only able to give up her beloved Marlboros for eight months after chemo and radiation treatments saved her life.
  • 2009年,她被诊断出患有肺癌和脑瘤,化疗和放疗挽救了她的生命后,她只能放弃心爱的万宝路8个月。
  • "When the thumb came out of my mouth, the cigarette went in," she said. What irked her more than endless tabloid speculation about her demise was gaining 60 lbs. during treatment.
  • “我不吃手的时候就开始吸烟了,”她说。比小报上没完没了的关于她死亡的猜测更让她恼火的是,治疗期间她的体重增加了60磅。
  • "Everybody else loses weight," she said. "Somehow I got fat." The one-liners were a defense mechanism honed in childhood.
  • “其他人都在变瘦,”她说。“不知怎么的,我变胖了。”这些俏皮话是小时候磨练出来的防御机制。
  • Marshall's father, Anthony Masciarelli, was an industrial filmmaker, and her mother, Marjorie, ran a dancing school.
  • 马歇尔的父亲安东尼·马西阿雷利(Anthony Masciarelli)是一名工业电影制作人,母亲马乔里(Marjorie)经营着一所舞蹈学校。
  • All three Marshall kids (Garry, who died in 2016, became a famed director and producer, while sister Ronny, 81, was a casting director) were primed for show business careers.
  • 马歇尔家的三个孩子(2016年去世的加里成为了著名导演和制片人,81岁的姐姐罗尼(Ronny)是选角导演)都为演艺事业做好了准备。
  • Trapped in a bad marriage, Marjorie pushed her youngest onstage, tap-dancing, but Penny was a jock who preferred playing ball with the boys.
  • 陷入糟糕婚姻的马乔里把她最小的女儿推上了舞台,跳踢踏舞,但佩妮喜欢运动,更喜欢和男孩子们一起打球。
  • Marjorie's disappointment was cutting. "You were a miscarriage, but you were stubborn and held on," Marshall recalled her mother saying, those biting words.
  • 马乔里的失望让她心痛。马歇尔回忆母亲说:“你是我的失败,但你很固执,坚持了下来。”
  • "They were implanted in your soul, unfortunately," she said in 2012. "At that age you don't hold grudges. My parents did what they had to do to survive, and we turned out very well."
  • “不幸的是,这些话已经植入了你的灵魂,”她在2012年说。“在这个年纪,你不会心怀怨恨。我的父母为了生存做了他们必须做的事情,我们最终发展很好。”
  • Marshall went to the University of New Mexico, where she met a football player named Michael Henry, they got married and she dropped out.
  • 马歇尔去了新墨西哥大学,在那里她遇到了一位名叫迈克尔·亨利的橄榄球运动员,结婚后她辍学。
  • Tracy—Marshall's only child—was born in 1964. By 1966 the marriage was over, and Marshall headed to Los Angeles to find herself.
  • 马歇尔唯一的孩子特蕾西出生于1964年。1966年,他们的婚姻结束了,马歇尔前往洛杉矶寻找自我。


"I might have ended up like John," she said. "I always wanted to soar through life like he did, but with a child around you have to be alert, so the best you can do is hop."

What Marshall rarely did was cut herself a break. "I'm all nose and teeth," she said of her looks.
A proud neurotic, she hated driving, rarely left the house and guzzled milk and Pepsi, the odd cocktail also favored by her TV alter ego Laverne DeFazio.
她骄傲而神经质,讨厌开车,很少出门,喝牛奶和百事可乐,还有一种奇怪的鸡尾酒,也是她在电视上的另一个身份拉凡·德法齐奥(Laverne DeFazio)喜欢喝的。


"If Penny has nothing to do," summed up her big brother Garry, "she will choose to have a depressing thought."

Diagnosed with lung cancer and a brain tumor in 2009, she was only able to give up her beloved Marlboros for eight months after chemo and radiation treatments saved her life.
"When the thumb came out of my mouth, the cigarette went in," she said. What irked her more than endless tabloid speculation about her demise was gaining 60 lbs. during treatment.
"Everybody else loses weight," she said. "Somehow I got fat." The one-liners were a defense mechanism honed in childhood.
Marshall's father, Anthony Masciarelli, was an industrial filmmaker, and her mother, Marjorie, ran a dancing school.
马歇尔的父亲安东尼·马西阿雷利(Anthony Masciarelli)是一名工业电影制作人,母亲马乔里(Marjorie)经营着一所舞蹈学校。
All three Marshall kids (Garry, who died in 2016, became a famed director and producer, while sister Ronny, 81, was a casting director) were primed for show business careers.
Trapped in a bad marriage, Marjorie pushed her youngest onstage, tap-dancing, but Penny was a jock who preferred playing ball with the boys.
Marjorie's disappointment was cutting. "You were a miscarriage, but you were stubborn and held on," Marshall recalled her mother saying, those biting words.
"They were implanted in your soul, unfortunately," she said in 2012. "At this age you don't hold grudges. My parents did what they had to do to survive, and we turned out very well."
Marshall went to the University of New Mexico, where she met a football player named Michael Henry, they got married and she dropped out.
TracyMarshall's only childwas born in 1964. By 1966 the marriage was over, and Marshall headed to Los Angeles to find herself.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
mechanism ['mekənizəm]


n. 机制,原理
n. 机械,机构,结构

survive [sə'vaiv]


vt. 比 ... 活得长,幸免于难,艰难度过

disappointment [.disə'pɔintmənt]


n. 失望,令人失望的人或事

radiation [.reidi'eiʃən]


n. 辐射,放射线

speculation [.spekju'leiʃən]


n. 沉思,推测,投机

alert [ə'lə:t]


adj. 警觉的,灵敏的
n. 警戒,警报

demise [di'maiz]


n. 死亡,转让房产,让位 vt. 让渡,遗赠,转让 v

stubborn ['stʌbən]


adj. 顽固的,倔强的,难对付的

director [di'rektə, dai'rektə]


n. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演

remission [ri'miʃən]


n. 宽恕,赦免期,(疾病等)减轻,豁免





