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  • "I was divorced, I had a kid, and I temped as a secretary," she said. "Basically you took acting classes to get laid."
  • “我离婚了,有了一个孩子,还当过秘书,”她说。“基本上,你上表演课就是上床。”
  • When it came to getting parts, she didn't fit the mold: "I wasn't perky—it was the years of Sally Field and The Flying Nun."
  • 当说到获得角色时,她并不符合这个模式:“我并不快乐——那是莎莉·菲尔德和《快乐的修女》的年代。”
  • She bonded with other "misfits" trying to break into Hollywood, including Reiner, whom she wed in 1971. By then he was starring in TV's All in the Family. And by the way he adopted her daughter Tracy.
  • 她与其他试图打入好莱坞的“不合群者”建立了联系,其中包括与她在1971年结婚的赖纳。那时他已经主演了电视剧《全家福》。(他收养了特蕾西。)
  • Marshall got her own break when her brother cast her in his show The Odd Couple. A few years later he hired her and Cindy Williams to guest-star as "fast girls" on Happy Days.
  • 马歇尔的哥哥让她出演了他的电视剧《奇怪的一对》,这让她得到了自己的机会。几年后,他聘请她和辛迪·威廉姆斯(Cindy Williams)在《欢乐时光》里客串角色。
  • Laverne and Shirley soon got their own hit spin-off. "It's like we have telepathy," Williams said of their chemistry on the 1976-1983 series.
  • 拉文和雪莉很快就有了自己的热门衍生剧。“就像我们有心灵感应一样,”威廉姆斯在谈到他们在1976年至1983年拍摄的这部电视剧中的化学反应时说。
  • "You can't slip a playing card between us." Stardom caused tension between the costars, and in 1982 Williams quit.
  • “你不能在我们之间打牌。”明星身份导致了两位主演之间的紧张关系,1982年威廉姆斯辞职。
  • But Marshall, who divorced Reiner in 1981, found a new passion directing episodes of the show.
  • 但马歇尔在1981年与雷纳离婚后,对于导演这部电视剧更有激情。
  • After the series ended, she directed the 1986 movie Jumpin' Jack Flash. Two years later the megahit Big made her an A-list director.
  • 电视剧结束后,她导演了1986年的电影《东西战争》。两年后,这部轰动一时的电影使她成为一线导演。
  • "Penny brought pathos, truth, vulnerability, humor and a brilliant performance out of Tom Hanks," says costar Elizabeth Perkins. "He trusted her. And I trusted her."
  • “佩妮激发了汤姆·汉克斯悲情、真实、脆弱、幽默和精彩的表演,”联合主演伊丽莎白帕金斯(Elizabeth Perkins)说。”他信任她。我信任她。”
  • Marshall said she made her vulnerability a secret weapon. "I have a massive insecurity complex combined with a huge ego," she said.
  • 马歇尔说她把自己的脆弱当成了秘密武器。她说:“我有一种巨大的不安全感和强烈的自我意识。”
  • "I never say, 'Do it this way because I want it this way.' I just mumble and make people keep asking my opinion until they get it out of me."
  • “我从不说,‘这样做,因为我想这样做。’我只是喃喃自语,让人们不停地问我的意见,直到他们从我嘴里问出来。”
  • Although her health declined, and her last movie was 2001's Riding in Cars with Boys, Marshall never truly retired, taking TV directing gigs and even guesting on the new version of The Odd Couple in 2016.
  • 尽管马歇尔的健康状况每况愈下,上一部电影是2001年的《与男孩同车》(Riding in Cars with Boys),但她从未真正退休,参加过电视导演工作,甚至在2016年客串了新版《怪夫妻》(the Odd Couple)。
  • "She was shocked at her surprising success—it never went to her head," says Cindi Miller, Marshall's friend and seatmate at L.A. Clippers games for the past 16 years.
  • 马歇尔的朋友、过去16年洛杉矶快船队比赛的邻座辛迪·米勒说:“她对自己的意外成功感到震惊,但她从来没有想过。”
  • "She was so sweet but rough around the edges—like a barbecued marshmallow, crispy on the outside and the most mushy marshmallow on the inside. She was always the girl from back in the Bronx."
  • 她如此甜美,但边缘粗糙——就像一个烤棉花糖,外面酥脆,里面最粘稠的棉花糖。她总是那个来自布朗克斯的女孩。”


"I was divorced, I had a kid, and I temped as a secretary," she said. "Basically you took acting classes to get laid."

When it came to getting parts, she didn't fit the mold: "I wasn't perkyit was the years of Sally Field and The Flying Nun."
She bonded with other "misfits" trying to break into Hollywood, including Reiner, whom she wed in 1971. By then he was starring in TV's All in the Family. And by the way he adopted her daughter Tracy.


Marshall got her own break when her brother cast her in his show The Odd Couple. A few years later he hired her and Cindy Williams to guest-star as "fast girls" on Happy Days.

马歇尔的哥哥让她出演了他的电视剧《奇怪的一对》,这让她得到了自己的机会。几年后,他聘请她和辛迪·威廉姆斯(Cindy Williams)在《欢乐时光》里客串角色。
Laverne and Shirley soon got their own hit spin-off. "It's like we have telepathy," Williams said of their chemistry on the 1976-1983 series.
"You can't slip a playing card between us." Stardom caused tension between the costars, and in 1982 Williams quit.
But Marshall, who divorced Reiner in 1981, found a new passion directing episodes of the show.
After the series ended, she directed the 1986 movie Jumpin' Jack Flash. Two years later the megahit Big made her an A-list director.
"Penny brought pathos, truth, vulnerability, humor and a brilliant performance out of Tom Hanks," says costar Elizabeth Perkins. "He trusted her. And I trusted her."
“佩妮激发了汤姆·汉克斯悲情、真实、脆弱、幽默和精彩的表演,”联合主演伊丽莎白帕金斯(Elizabeth Perkins)说。”他信任她。我信任她。”
Marshall said she made her vulnerability a secret weapon. "I have a massive insecurity complex combined with a huge ego," she said.
"I never say, 'Do it this way because I want it this way.' I just mumble and make people keep asking my opinion until they get it out of me."
Although her health declined, and her last movie was 2001's Riding in Cars with Boys, Marshall never truly retired, taking TV directing gigs and even guesting on the new version of The Odd Couple in 2016.
尽管马歇尔的健康状况每况愈下,上一部电影是2001年的《与男孩同车》(Riding in Cars with Boys),但她从未真正退休,参加过电视导演工作,甚至在2016年客串了新版《怪夫妻》(the Odd Couple)。
"She was shocked at her surprising successit never went to her head," says Cindi Miller, Marshall's friend and seatmate at L.A. Clippers games for the past 16 years.
"She was so sweet but rough around the edgeslike a barbecued marshmallow, crispy on the outside and the most mushy marshmallow on the inside. She was always the girl from back in the Bronx."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
mumble ['mʌmbl]


v. 喃喃而语,咕哝
n. 喃喃而语,咕哝

acting ['æktiŋ]


n. 演戏,行为,假装 adj. 代理的,临时的,供演出

mold [məuld]


n. 模子,模型,类型,模式,雏型,真菌,软土

brilliant ['briljənt]


adj. 卓越的,光辉的,灿烂的
n. 宝石

tension ['tenʃən]


n. 紧张,拉力,张力,紧张状态,[电]电压

performance [pə'fɔ:məns]


n. 表演,表现; 履行,实行
n. 性能,本

pretend [pri'tend]


v. 假装,装作
adj. 假装的

massive ['mæsiv]


adj. 巨大的,大规模的,大量的,大范围的

vulnerability [.vʌlnərə'biliti]


n. 易受攻击,弱点,[计]漏洞

director [di'rektə, dai'rektə]


n. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演





