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  • Her brave escape: Missing Teen Jayme Closs Found Alive
  • 勇敢的逃脱:失踪少女杰米·克洛斯生还
  • The 13-year-old girl who survived 88 days of captivity after her parents were murdered in front of her breaks free. Inside her shocking ordeal—and joyous first days home
  • 这名13岁的女孩目睹父母被谋杀,遭囚禁88天后幸存下来,得以逃生。骇人折磨和昔日家庭温暖最是难忘。
  • After 3 hours in the car, Jeanne Nutter's golden retriever Henry Standing Bear wouldn't sit still.
  • 在车里待了3个小时后,珍妮·纳特的金毛猎犬亨利·站熊坐不住了。
  • Usually when the retired social worker and her husband, Forrest, first got to their weekend cabin in the woods of Gordon, Wisc., Nutter would settle in by building a fire and stowing her jewelry—including her bracelet with the medal of St. Christopher, the patron saint of travelers.
  • 通常,当这位退休的社会工作者和她的丈夫福雷斯特(Forrest)刚刚来到威斯康辛州戈登(Gordon)森林里的周末小屋时,纳特会在那里生火,把她的珠宝——包括镶有旅行者守护神圣克里斯托弗勋章的手镯——收藏起来。
  • But on Thursday, Jan. 10, the dog would not wait for his walk. "Henry was antsy, and the road was nothing but ice," Nutter says.
  • 但在1月10日,周四这天,这只狗却迫不及待地要去散步。纳特说:“亨利坐立不安,路上除了冰什么都没有。”
  • "I thought, 'I'm leaving my bracelet on so I don't fall and break my hip.'"
  • “我想,‘我要把手镯戴上,这样我就不会摔到臀部了。’”
  • But whatever powers the Catholic-school alum, now 66, ascribed to her religious medal had a higher calling that frigid afternoon when a thin young girl, wearing only a baggy sweatshirt and too-big men's sneakers on the wrong feet, stumbled across the ice toward Nutter and Henry.
  • 她现年66岁,是天主教学校校友。宗教奖章赋予她的力量,在那个寒冷的下午却有了更大的意义。当时,一个瘦小的女孩,只穿着一件宽松的运动衫,脚上穿着一双男式运动鞋(非常大而且穿错脚了),跌跌撞撞地在冰上走向纳特和亨利。
  • "She said, 'I need help.' I recognized her immediately. Her pictures are everywhere," recalls Nutter. "She was crying. She told me, 'I'm Jayme.'"
  • “她说,‘我需要帮助。’我立刻认出了她。她的照片到处都是,”纳特回忆说。“她在哭。她告诉我,‘我叫杰米。’”
  • They were two words that thousands across Wisconsin—and the world—had been waiting to hear.
  • 这句话是威斯康辛州数千人乃至全世界一直在期盼的。
  • Eighty-eight days earlier, on Oct. 15, Jayme Closs, 13, had been declared "missing and endangered" after her parents, James and Denise Closs, were found fatally shot in their Barron, Wisc., home.
  • 88天前的10月15日,13岁的杰米·克洛斯(Jayme Closs)被宣布“失踪并面临危险”,此前有人发现她的父母詹姆斯·克洛斯(James Closs)和丹尼斯·克洛斯(Denise Closs)在威斯康辛州巴伦县他们的家中被枪杀。
  • Since then Barron County sheriff Chris Fitzgerald, his officers and FBI agents had combed through more than 3,500 tips yet had no leads, no suspect, no motive—until Nutter's harrowing encounter 70 miles to the north.
  • 从那以后,巴伦县警长克里斯·菲茨杰拉德、他的警员们和联邦调查局探员梳理了3500多条线索,但没有头绪,没有嫌疑人,也没有动机——直到纳特在北部70英里处与杰米偶遇,当时的场景十分令人痛心。
  • Within the hour an unemployed local whom police identified as Jake Patterson, 21, was in jail, charged with kidnapping Jayme and killing her parents.
  • 不到一个小时,当地一名21岁的失业男子杰克·帕特森(Jake Patterson)就被关进了监狱,罪名是绑架杰米并杀害她的父母。
  • And by the next morning, Jayme was reunited with extended family—and her pup Molly—at the home of her aunt and legal guardian, Jennifer Smith (Denise's sister), who had Christmas gifts wrapped and waiting for her miracle homecoming.
  • 第二天早上,杰米和她的大家庭——还有她的小狗莫莉——在她的姨妈兼法定监护人詹妮弗·史密斯(丹妮丝的妹妹)的家里团聚了。詹妮弗·史密斯把圣诞礼物包好,等着她奇迹般地回家。
  • "Jayme is still in shock," says Smith's daughter Lindsey, 22.
  • “杰米仍然很害怕,”史密斯22岁的女儿林赛说。
  • That first night in her new home—"getting comfortable in my mom's house, eating meat and cheese and snacks...watching the Hallmark Channel"—Jayme was, her cousin says, "nothing but smiles."
  • 在新家的第一个晚上——“在我妈妈的家里变得放松,吃肉、奶酪和零食……看贺曼国际电影台”——杰米的表妹说,她“只是微笑。”
  • Getting there was pure terror. After Jayme described how close the house of her captivity was to where they stood in the road, Nutter realized she had to get the girl to safety, but no one answered at the first house they tried.
  • 到那里完全是恐怖的经历。杰米描述了她被囚禁的房子离他们站在路上的地方有多近,纳特意识到她必须把女孩带到安全的地方,但在他们第一次敲别人家门的时候没有人回应。
  • "My brain was racing," says Nutter. "I said, 'Oh, Jayme, we'll find somebody. I know a teacher who lives down the road.' I was talking calmly, but I was freaking out inside."
  • 纳特说:“我的大脑在飞速运转。”“我说,‘哦,杰米,我们会找到人的。’我认识一位住在路那头的老师。我当时说话很平静,但内心却很紧张。”
  • When that teacher, Kristin Kasinskas, answered her door, Nutter told her, "Call 911. And get a weapon."
  • 当那位名叫克里斯汀·卡辛斯卡(Kristin Kasinskas)的老师来开门时,纳特告诉她:“打911。拿个武器。”


Her brave escape: Missing Teen Jayme Closs Found Alive

The 13-year-old girl who survived 88 days of captivity after her parents were murdered in front of her breaks free. Inside her shocking ordeal—and joyous first days home
After 3 hours in the car, Jeanne Nutter's golden retriever Henry Standing Bear wouldn't sit still.
Usually when the retired social worker and her husband, Forrest, first got to their weekend cabin in the woods of Gordon, Wisc., Nutter would settle in by building a fire and stowing her jewelry—including her bracelet with the medal of St. Christopher, the patron saint of travelers.


But on Thursday, Jan. 10, the dog would not wait for his walk. "Henry was antsy, and the road was nothing but ice," Nutter says.

"I thought, 'I'm leaving my bracelet on so I don't fall and break my hip.'"
But whatever powers the Catholic-school alum, now 66, ascribed to her religious medal had a higher calling that frigid afternoon when a thin young girl, wearing only a baggy sweatshirt and too-big men's sneakers on the wrong feet, stumbled across the ice toward Nutter and Henry.
"She said, 'I need help.' I recognized her immediately. Her pictures are everywhere," recalls Nutter. "She was crying. She told me, 'I'm Jayme.'"
They were two words that thousands across Wisconsin—and the world—had been waiting to hear.
Eighty-eight days earlier, on Oct. 15, Jayme Closs, 13, had been declared "missing and endangered" after her parents, James and Denise Closs, were found fatally shot in their Barron, Wisc., home.
88天前的10月15日,13岁的杰米·克洛斯(Jayme Closs)被宣布“失踪并面临危险”,此前有人发现她的父母詹姆斯·克洛斯(James Closs)和丹尼斯·克洛斯(Denise Closs)在威斯康辛州巴伦县他们的家中被枪杀。
Since then Barron County sheriff Chris Fitzgerald, his officers and FBI agents had combed through more than 3,500 tips yet had no leads, no suspect, no motive—until Nutter's harrowing encounter 70 miles to the north.
Within the hour an unemployed local whom police identified as Jake Patterson, 21, was in jail, charged with kidnapping Jayme and killing her parents.
不到一个小时,当地一名21岁的失业男子杰克·帕特森(Jake Patterson)就被关进了监狱,罪名是绑架杰米并杀害她的父母。
And by the next morning, Jayme was reunited with extended family—and her pup Molly—at the home of her aunt and legal guardian, Jennifer Smith (Denise's sister), who had Christmas gifts wrapped and waiting for her miracle homecoming.
"Jayme is still in shock," says Smith's daughter Lindsey, 22.
That first night in her new home—"getting comfortable in my mom's house, eating meat and cheese and snacks...watching the Hallmark Channel"—Jayme was, her cousin says, "nothing but smiles."
Getting there was pure terror. After Jayme described how close the house of her captivity was to where they stood in the road, Nutter realized she had to get the girl to safety, but no one answered at the first house they tried.
"My brain was racing," says Nutter. "I said, 'Oh, Jayme, we'll find somebody. I know a teacher who lives down the road.' I was talking calmly, but I was freaking out inside."
When that teacher, Kristin Kasinskas, answered her door, Nutter told her, "Call 911. And get a weapon."
当那位名叫克里斯汀·卡辛斯卡(Kristin Kasinskas)的老师来开门时,纳特告诉她:“打911。拿个武器。”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
miracle ['mirəkl]


n. 奇迹

channel ['tʃænl]


n. 通道,频道,(消息)渠道,海峡,方法

joyous ['dʒɔiəs]


adj. 充满快乐的,使人高兴的

hallmark ['hɔ:lmɑ:k]


n. 纯度标记,标志,特征 vt. 标纯度

jewelry ['dʒu:əlri]


n. 珠宝,珠宝类

legal ['li:gəl]


adj. 法律的,合法的,法定的

patron ['peitrən]


n. 赞助人,保护人,老主顾

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

motive ['məutiv]


adj. 发动的,运动的,积极的,动机的

ordeal [ɔ:'di:l, ɔ:'di:əl]


n. 严酷的考验,痛苦的经验,神裁法





