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  • Celebrating her 40th birthday, Katie & Jamie's Surprising Date Night
  • 庆祝40岁生日:凯蒂和杰米的美好约会之夜
  • Even a grown-up sometimes deserves an ice-cream party–and for her 40th birthday, Katie Holmes headed out for a sweet treat with two of the most important people in her life: her mom, Kathleen, and her boyfriend Jamie Foxx, 51.
  • 就算是成年人,有时也应该办一个冰淇淋派对——在凯蒂·赫尔姆斯40岁生日那天,她和她生命中最重要的两个人——她的妈妈凯瑟琳和她51岁的男朋友杰米·福克斯——一起去吃了一顿甜品。
  • While enjoying a strawberry sundae at the New York City dessert restaurant Serendipity 3 on Dec. 18, "Katie was all smiles," a source says.
  • 12月18日,凯蒂在纽约甜品店Serendipity 3享用草莓圣代时,“面带微笑,”知情人士透露道。
  • "She and Jamie were flirty." Lately the couple appear to be dropping some of their intense secrecy about their 4.5-year romance.
  • “她和杰米情意绵绵。”最近,这对情侣似乎不再隐藏他们之间长达四年半的秘密恋情。
  • After first being spotted dancing together in 2013 in the Hamptons a year after Holmes and her ex-husband Tom Cruise, 56, called it quits, the duo have gone to great lengths to keep their relationship under the radar, often arriving to and departing restaurants separately so as not to be photographed together.
  • 汉普顿和她的前夫,56岁的汤姆·克鲁斯决定分手一年后,2013年,这对情侣在汉普顿被发现一起跳舞,之后两人竭尽全力保密他们的关系,往返餐厅通常是分开的,以免被拍到在一起。
  • Yet Serendipity, a popular tourist attraction always bustling with people, is no undercover locale.
  • 然而,Serendipity作为一个总是熙熙攘攘的热门旅游景点,并非能够保密的地点。
  • "Their relationship seems so much more serious this year," says a source.
  • 一位消息人士称:“今年他们的关系似乎要严肃得多。”
  • "Katie and Jamie keep having public dates, and although they try to not be photographed together, they are clearly not as concerned about keeping their relationship private."
  • “凯蒂和杰米一直在公开场合约会,尽管他们尽量不被拍到在一起,但他们显然不太在意保持恋情的私密性。”
  • In November the two spent time together in New Orleans, where she was filming The Secret and he was working on an untitled sci-fi thriller for Netflix.
  • 11月,两人一起在新奥尔良度过了一段时间,当时她正在那里拍摄《秘密》(The Secret),而他正在为Netflix制作一部尚未命名的科幻惊悚片。
  • The pair were spotted at the same rental house, and Foxx visited Holmes on her set.
  • 这对情侣被发现在同一间出租屋里,福克斯在片场拜访了赫尔姆斯。
  • They also enjoyed a romantic dinner date at the trendy Restaurant R'evolution in the city's French Quarter.
  • 他们还在该市法国区的时尚餐厅R'evolution享受了浪漫的晚餐约会。
  • "He is very sweet and loving toward her," says another source. "They always seem to have a lot to talk about."
  • 另一位消息人士说:“他对她非常温柔体贴。”“他们似乎总是有很多话要说。”
  • Holmes also made frequent trips to visit Foxx in September while he filmed his upcoming movie Just Mercy in Georgia, where they were seen enjoying a bike ride and a gym session together.
  • 9月,福克斯在乔治亚州拍摄新片《正义的慈悲》时,赫尔姆斯也经常去看他,两人一起骑自行车、健身。
  • "Katie always acts super-excited and giddy when Jamie is around," says a source. "They are very cute together."
  • 有消息称:“当杰米在身边时,凯蒂总是表现得超级兴奋激动。”“他们在一起很可爱。”


Celebrating her 40th birthday, Katie & Jamie's Surprising Date Night

Even a grown-up sometimes deserves an ice-cream partyand for her 40th birthday, Katie Holmes headed out for a sweet treat with two of the most important people in her life: her mom, Kathleen, and her boyfriend Jamie Foxx, 51.
While enjoying a strawberry sundae at the New York City dessert restaurant Serendipity 3 on Dec. 18, "Katie was all smiles," a source says.
12月18日,凯蒂在纽约甜品店Serendipity 3享用草莓圣代时,“面带微笑,”知情人士透露道。


"She and Jamie were flirty." Lately the couple appear to be dropping some of their intense secrecy about their 4.5-year romance.

After first being spotted dancing together in 2013 in the Hamptons a year after Holmes and her ex-husband Tom Cruise, 56, called it quits, the duo have gone to great lengths to keep their relationship under the radar, often arriving to and departing restaurants separately so as not to be photographed together.
Yet Serendipity, a popular tourist attraction always bustling with people, is no undercover locale.
"Their relationship seems so much more serious this year," says a source.
"Katie and Jamie keep having public dates, and although they try to not be photographed together, they are clearly not as concerned about keeping their relationship private."
In November the two spent time together in New Orleans, where she was filming The Secret and he was working on an untitled sci-fi thriller for Netflix.
11月,两人一起在新奥尔良度过了一段时间,当时她正在那里拍摄《秘密》(The Secret),而他正在为Netflix制作一部尚未命名的科幻惊悚片。
The pair were spotted at the same rental house, and Foxx visited Holmes on her set.
They also enjoyed a romantic dinner date at the trendy Restaurant R'evolution in the city's French Quarter.
"He is very sweet and loving toward her," says another source. "They always seem to have a lot to talk about."
Holmes also made frequent trips to visit Foxx in September while he filmed his upcoming movie Just Mercy in Georgia, where they were seen enjoying a bike ride and a gym session together.
"Katie always acts super-excited and giddy when Jamie is around," says a source. "They are very cute together."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
intense [in'tens]


adj. 强烈的,剧烈的,热烈的

frequent ['fri:kwənt]


adj. 经常的,频繁的
vt. 常到,常去

source [sɔ:s]


n. 发源地,来源,原始资料

sacrifice ['sækrifais]


n. 牺牲,供俸,祭品
vt. 牺牲,祭祀,贱

evolution [.i:və'lu:ʃən]


n. 进化,发展,演变

mercy ['mə:si]


n. 怜悯,宽恕,仁慈,恩惠

concerned [kən'sə:nd]


adj. 担忧的,关心的

romantic [rə'mæntik]


adj. 浪漫的
n. 浪漫的人

bustling ['bʌsliŋ]


adj. 忙乱的;熙熙攘攘的

secrecy ['si:krisi]


n. 秘密,保密,隐蔽


关键字: 人物 凯蒂 英文杂志




