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  • Lord Slynt, Tyrion called out, "I believe you know Ser Jacelyn Bywater, our new Commander of the City Watch."
  • “史林特大人,”提利昂叫道,“我想您和杰斯林·拜瓦特爵士——咱们新任都城守备队司令——应该是老交情了。”
  • We have a litter waiting for you, my lord, Ser Jacelyn told Slynt.
  • “大人,轿子正在外面等您。”杰斯林爵士对史林特说:
  • "The docks are dark and distant, and the streets are not safe by night. Men."
  • “请您见谅,去码头的路又远又黑,这阵子街上又不大安全。来人!”
  • As the gold cloaks ushered out their onetime commander, Tyrion called Ser Jacelyn to his side and handed him a roll of parchment.
  • 于是六名金袍卫士架走了他们昔日的总司令,提利昂把杰斯林爵士叫到身边,交给他一张羊皮纸。
  • "It's a long voyage, and Lord Slynt will want for company. See that these six join him on the Summer's Dream."
  • “旅途遥远,史林特大人想必需人作陪。就让这六个人和他一起搭乘‘夏日之梦号’出海。”
  • Bywater glanced over the names and smiled. "As you will."
  • 拜瓦特瞄了名单一眼,笑道:“遵命。”
  • There's one, Tyrion said quietly. "Deem.
  • “这一个,”提利昂轻声道,“叫狄姆,
  • Tell the captain it would not be taken amiss if that one should happen to be swept overboard before they reach Eastwatch."
  • 你去跟船长说:倘若此人在抵达东海望之前,不慎被海浪卷走,断不会有人见怪。”
  • I'm told those northern waters are very stormy, my lord.
  • “是,大人,听说最近北方洋面时有雷暴发生。”
  • Ser Jacelyn bowed and took his leave, his cloak rippling behind him.
  • 杰斯林爵士鞠躬后转身离去,披风在身后猎猎抖动。
  • He trod on Slynt's cloth-of-gold cape on his way.
  • 他踩在史林特的金丝披风上。
  • Tyrion sat alone, sipping at what remained of the fine sweet Dornish wine.
  • 提利昂独坐桌边,浅酌剩下的冬恩佳酿。
  • Servants came and went, clearing the dishes from the table.
  • 仆人来来去去,清理碟碗餐盘。
  • He told them to leave the wine.
  • 他吩咐他们把酒留下。
  • When they were done, Varys came gliding into the hall, wearing flowing lavender robes that matched his smell.
  • 等一切收拾妥当后,瓦里斯轻步滑了进来,一身淡紫长袍,散发出薰衣草的香味。
  • "Oh sweetly done, my good lord."
  • “亲爱的大人,您干得可真漂亮哟!”
  • Then why do I have this bitter taste in my mouth? He pressed his fingers into his temples.
  • “那我为何满嘴苦涩?”他伸手揉揉太阳穴,
  • "I told them to throw Allar Deem into the sea. I am sorely tempted to do the same with you."
  • “我叫他们把亚拉尔·狄姆扔进海里,真想把你也丢进去!”


Lord Slynt, Tyrion called out, "I believe you know Ser Jacelyn Bywater, our new Commander of the City Watch."

We have a litter waiting for you, my lord, Ser Jacelyn told Slynt. "The docks are dark and distant, and the streets are not safe by night. Men."
As the gold cloaks ushered out their onetime commander, Tyrion called Ser Jacelyn to his side and handed him a roll of parchment. "It's a long voyage, and Lord Slynt will want for company. See that these six join him on the Summer's Dream."
Bywater glanced over the names and smiled. "As you will."

There's one, Tyrion said quietly. "Deem. Tell the captain it would not be taken amiss if that one should happen to be swept overboard before they reach Eastwatch."

I'm told those northern waters are very stormy, my lord. Ser Jacelyn bowed and took his leave, his cloak rippling behind him. He trod on Slynt's cloth-of-gold cape on his way.
Tyrion sat alone, sipping at what remained of the fine sweet Dornish wine. Servants came and went, clearing the dishes from the table. He told them to leave the wine. When they were done, Varys came gliding into the hall, wearing flowing lavender robes that matched his smell. "Oh sweetly done, my good lord."
Then why do I have this bitter taste in my mouth? He pressed his fingers into his temples. "I told them to throw Allar Deem into the sea. I am sorely tempted to do the same with you."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
cape [keip]


n. 岬,海角,披肩

flowing ['fləuiŋ]


adj. 流动的;平滑的;上涨的 v. 流动;起源;上涨

commander [kə'mɑ:ndə]


n. 司令官,指挥官





