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来源:可可英语 编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • You might be disappointed by the result, Varys replied.
  • “这样做,只怕您会失望哟。”瓦里斯答道,
  • "The storms come and go, the waves crash overhead, the big fish eat the little fish, and I keep on paddling.
  • “暴风来了又走,巨浪冲刷过头,大鱼吃掉小鱼,可我依旧好端端地在海里划水呢。
  • Might I trouble you for a taste of the wine that Lord Slynt enjoyed so much?"
  • 让我也尝尝这酒?我瞧史林特大人挺喜欢哪。”
  • Tyrion waved at the flagon, frowning.
  • 知道再多有什么用提利昂皱紧眉头,朝酒瓶挥挥手。
  • Varys filled a cup. "Ah. Sweet as summer." He took another sip. "I hear the grapes singing on my tongue."
  • 瓦里斯倒了一杯,“哎呀,像夏天一样甜美。”他又啜一口,“葡萄在我舌尖歌唱呢。”
  • I wondered what that noise was. Tell the grapes to keep still, my head is about to split. It was my sister.
  • “我还在想到底是什么噪音。叫葡萄给我安静,我的头快裂了。原来是我老姐。
  • That was what the oh-so-loyal Lord Janos refused to say. Cersei sent the gold cloaks to that brothel.
  • 就算那位‘忠心耿耿’的杰诺斯大人不肯直说,我也明白,是瑟曦派金袍子去了妓院。”
  • Varys tittered nervously. So he had known all along.
  • 瓦里斯有些紧张地吃吃窃笑。没错,他早就知道。
  • You left that part out, Tyrion said accusingly.
  • “为什么不早说?”提利昂语带控诉地问。
  • Your own sweet sister, Varys said, so grief-stricken he looked close to tears.
  • “因为她是您亲姐姐嘛,”瓦里斯彷佛受了极大的委屈,泫然欲泣,
  • "It is a hard thing to tell a man, my lord. I was fearful how you might take it. Can you forgive me?"
  • “大人,这种事本来就很难启齿,我就是害怕您听了不知会有何反应。您愿意原谅我吗?”
  • No, Tyrion snapped. "Damn you. Damn her."
  • “不愿意!”提利昂斥道,“你这家伙该死,她更该死!”
  • He could not touch Cersei, he knew. Not yet, not even if he'd wanted to, and he was far from certain that he did.
  • 他知道自己动不了瑟曦,起码现在动不了——即便他有这种想法,而他可是一点也不确定自己究竟想不想。
  • Yet it rankled, to sit here and make a mummer's show of justice by punishing the sorry likes of Janos Slynt and Allar Deem,
  • 然而坐在这里,只拿到杰诺斯·史林特和亚拉尔·狄姆这种听命行事的走狗,演一出主持正义、惩奸除恶的假戏,
  • while his sister continued on her savage course.
  • 自己老姐却继续专权乱政,真是想了就有气。


You might be disappointed by the result, Varys replied. "The storms come and go, the waves crash overhead, the big fish eat the little fish, and I keep on paddling. Might I trouble you for a taste of the wine that Lord Slynt enjoyed so much?"

Tyrion waved at the flagon, frowning.
Varys filled a cup. "Ah. Sweet as summer." He took another sip. "I hear the grapes singing on my tongue."
I wondered what that noise was. Tell the grapes to keep still, my head is about to split. It was my sister. That was what the oh-so-loyal Lord Janos refused to say. Cersei sent the gold cloaks to that brothel. Varys tittered nervously. So he had known all along.

You left that part out, Tyrion said accusingly.

Your own sweet sister, Varys said, so grief-stricken he looked close to tears. "It is a hard thing to tell a man, my lord. I was fearful how you might take it. Can you forgive me?"
No, Tyrion snapped. "Damn you. Damn her." He could not touch Cersei, he knew. Not yet, not even if he'd wanted to, and he was far from certain that he did. Yet it rankled, to sit here and make a mummer's show of justice by punishing the sorry likes of Janos Slynt and Allar Deem, while his sister continued on her savage course.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
disappointed [.disə'pɔintid]


adj. 失望的

fearful ['fiəfəl]


adj. 担心的,可怕的

savage ['sævidʒ]


adj. 野性的,凶猛的,粗鲁的,荒野的

split [split]


n. 劈开,裂片,裂口
adj. 分散的

sip [sip]


n. 啜饮
v. 啜饮,啜

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的





