Janos Slynt was a butcher's son, and he laughed like a man chopping meat. "More wine?" Tyrion asked him.
I should not object, Lord Janos said, holding out his cup. He was built like a keg, and had a similar capacity. "I should not object at all. That's a fine red. From the Arbor?"
Dornish. Tyrion gestured, and his serving man poured. But for the servants, he and Lord Janos were alone in the Small Hall, at a small candlelit table surrounded by darkness. "Quite the find. Dornish wines are not often so rich."

Rich, said the big frog-faced man, taking a healthy gulp. He was not a man for sipping, Janos Slynt. Tyrion had made note of that at once. "Yes, rich, that's the very word I was searching for, the very word. You have a gift for words, Lord Tyrion, if I might say so. And you tell a droll tale. Droll, yes."
I'm pleased you think so... but I'm not a lord, as you are. A simple Tyrion will suffice for me, Lord Janos.
As you wish. He took another swallow, dribbling wine on the front of his black satin doublet. He was wearing a cloth-ofgold half cape fastened with a miniature spear, its point enameled in dark red. And he was well and truly drunk.