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编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Now I have two points to make
  • 我想说的有两点
  • First, this man who had lost nine of his ten children led me through that camp with a smile on his face,
  • 第一 这个男人失去了自己十个孩子中的九个 带着我参观营地的时候面带笑容
  • and never talked about anything but what those other people needed and what he wanted me to do for them
  • 除了大家需要什么 和他希望我能为大家做些什么之外 从未提起过其他任何事情
  • He honored his children by pouring himself into meeting the needs of the people left on earth, so we did the tour
  • 为了纪念自己的孩子 他全身心地投入到 满足这世上其他人的需求当中 我们就这样继续参观
  • Second point, they ended it at the health clinic cause they knew I've done a lot of work in this area
  • 第二点 他们最后来到的是卫生所 因为他们知道我在这方面经验颇丰
  • And they were talking and all of a sudden, the man's wife shows up again, this time holding a threedayold baby
  • 他们正在讲话的时候 忽然 他的妻子又过来了 这一次怀里抱着一个出生才三天的婴儿
  • She said this is our youngest resident, and we want you to name this child
  • 她说这是我们最小的居民 我们想让你给这个孩子起个名字
  • And she was carrying the baby, not the mother,
  • 是她抱着这个孩子 而不是孩子的母亲
  • I hate to have to tell you all this, but in their culture, when a mother gives birth to a new baby, she gets to go to bed for forty days and be waited on.
  • 我真不想跟你们讲这个 不过在他们的文化里 一个母亲生下孩子之后 就得在床上呆四十天 被人伺候着
  • You should, here is Congressman Cummings, ask him to introduce that next week see how far that gets in this Congress
  • 你们应该 下边坐着的有国会议员卡明斯 让他下周引进这种做法 我们看看国会能否通过这条提议
  • But anyway, so this woman, who had lost nine of her ten children, with a smile on her face is holding this baby
  • 总之 这个女人 失去了十个孩子中的九个 面带笑容 抱着新生儿
  • And I said, do you really want me to name the child? It was a boy
  • 我说 你真的想让我给这个孩子起名字 是个男孩
  • She said yes
  • 她说是的


Now I have two points to make


First, this man who had lost nine of his ten children led me through that camp with a smile on his face,

第一 这个男人失去了自己十个孩子中的九个 带着我参观营地的时候面带笑容

and never talked about anything but what those other people needed and what he wanted me to do for them

除了大家需要什么 和他希望我能为大家做些什么之外 从未提起过其他任何事情

He honored his children by pouring himself into meeting the needs of the people left on earth, so we did the tour

为了纪念自己的孩子 他全身心地投入到 满足这世上其他人的需求当中 我们就这样继续参观

Second point, they ended it at the health clinic cause they knew I've done a lot of work in this area

第二点 他们最后来到的是卫生所 因为他们知道我在这方面经验颇丰

And they were talking and all of a sudden, the man's wife shows up again, this time holding a threedayold baby

他们正在讲话的时候 忽然 他的妻子又过来了 这一次怀里抱着一个出生才三天的婴儿

She said this is our youngest resident, and we want you to name this child

她说这是我们最小的居民 我们想让你给这个孩子起个名字

And she was carrying the baby, not the mother,

是她抱着这个孩子 而不是孩子的母亲

I hate to have to tell you all this, but in their culture, when a mother gives birth to a new baby, she gets to go to bed for forty days and be waited on.

我真不想跟你们讲这个 不过在他们的文化里 一个母亲生下孩子之后 就得在床上呆四十天 被人伺候着

You should, here is Congressman Cummings, ask him to introduce that next week see how far that gets in this Congress

你们应该 下边坐着的有国会议员卡明斯 让他下周引进这种做法 我们看看国会能否通过这条提议

But anyway, so this woman, who had lost nine of her ten children, with a smile on her face is holding this baby

总之 这个女人 失去了十个孩子中的九个 面带笑容 抱着新生儿

And I said, do you really want me to name the child? It was a boy

我说 你真的想让我给这个孩子起名字 是个男孩

She said yes





