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编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • I said, through my interpreter, what's the word in your... do you have a word in your language that could be a name that means new beginning?
  • 我通过翻译问她 你们有没有一个词 你们的语言中有没有一个能用来做名字的词语 意为新的开始
  • And this woman got a big smile on her face, and she said to me through the interpreter, she said yes, lucky for you
  • 这位女士挂着大大的笑容 通过翻译告诉我 她说 有的 正巧
  • In our language, the word dawn DAWN is a boy's name, not a girl's name
  • 在我们的语言中 黎明这个词 可以用作男孩的名字 不是女孩的名字
  • We will name this boy Dawn
  • 我们给这个男孩起名叫黎明
  • And he will be the symbol of our new beginning
  • 他会象征着 我们的新的开始
  • I am telling you this because no matter what happens to you,
  • 我跟你们讲这个故事 是因为无论你们遇到什么挫折
  • it is highly unlikely that you will ever face anything as awful as what happened to that mother and father
  • 你们基本不可能 会面临着比这家的父亲母亲 还要悲惨的遭遇
  • They somehow found the strength to treasure the one who remained, and to serve others
  • 他们找到了力量 去珍爱幸存的孩子 去为大众服务
  • That is the heritage you take with you from Howard
  • 这就是你们从霍华德离开时要继承的传统
  • That is what your people are doing in Rwanda half a world away
  • 这就是和你们一样的人在半个地球之外的卢旺达在做的事情
  • If you do what makes you happy, and you don't give up, and you keep serving,
  • 如果你们能做让自己感到开心的事 而且不言放弃 为大众而服务
  • I think you will live the most interesting, prosperous and peaceful time in human history
  • 我认为你们会赶上人类历史上最为有趣 丰富多彩的和平年代
  • Good luck and God bless you all
  • 祝你们好运 上帝保佑你们


I said, through my interpreter, what's the word in your... do you have a word in your language that could be a name that means new beginning?

我通过翻译问她 你们有没有一个词 你们的语言中有没有一个能用来做名字的词语 意为新的开始

And this woman got a big smile on her face, and she said to me through the interpreter, she said yes, lucky for you

这位女士挂着大大的笑容 通过翻译告诉我 她说 有的 正巧

In our language, the word dawn DAWN is a boy's name, not a girl's name

在我们的语言中 黎明这个词 可以用作男孩的名字 不是女孩的名字

We will name this boy Dawn


And he will be the symbol of our new beginning

他会象征着 我们的新的开始

I am telling you this because no matter what happens to you,

我跟你们讲这个故事 是因为无论你们遇到什么挫折

it is highly unlikely that you will ever face anything as awful as what happened to that mother and father

你们基本不可能 会面临着比这家的父亲母亲 还要悲惨的遭遇

They somehow found the strength to treasure the one who remained, and to serve others

他们找到了力量 去珍爱幸存的孩子 去为大众服务

That is the heritage you take with you from Howard


That is what your people are doing in Rwanda half a world away


If you do what makes you happy, and you don't give up, and you keep serving,

如果你们能做让自己感到开心的事 而且不言放弃 为大众而服务

I think you will live the most interesting, prosperous and peaceful time in human history

我认为你们会赶上人类历史上最为有趣 丰富多彩的和平年代

Good luck and God bless you all

祝你们好运 上帝保佑你们

重点单词   查看全部解释    
interpreter [in'tə:pritə]


n. 译员,口译者,解释程序

unlikely [ʌn'laikli]


adj. 不太可能的

peaceful ['pi:sfəl]


adj. 安宁的,和平的

symbol ['simbəl]


n. 符号,标志,象征





