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  • Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen .One day ,in an oral English class my fellow students and I had a heated discussion on the meaning of Beijing's bid for the 2008 Olympic Games.
  • 下午好,女士们,先生们.有一天,在一堂英语口语课上,我和我的同学对北京申办二零零八年奥运会的意义作了激烈的讨论.
  • They contributed different ideas.Some said,"Beijing 's environment with be improved steadily .
  • 他们都有不同的观点,有些说,"北京的环境会得到持续改善,
  • Beijing has made a long-term plan for environment improvement.Whether Beijing will finally with the bid or not,
  • 北京已经就环境改善的问题做了长远的计划.北京最终是否赢得申办,
  • the plan will remain the same."Some commented on its meaning in relation to the economy ,arguing that Beijing's bid can rally the whole nation's spirit to develop economy more rapidly .
  • 计划都会保持不变."有些人就有关经济方面评论后,争论说北京的申奥可以团结全国人民的精神,加速发展经济.
  • Other said."Beijing 's bid will be of great significance to the Olympic movement since China is the world's most populous country .
  • 其他人说,"北京的申奥对于奥林匹克运动会意义重大因为中国是世界上人口最多的国家,
  • An Olympic event in Beijing will increase the popularity of the Games."
  • 在北京举行奥运会将会提高运动会的受欢迎度."
  • I admit that I wholly agree with what my fellow students have said.However ,I am more willing to approach the meaning of Beijing's bid in another way .
  • 我承认我完全同意我同学说的话,但是,我更愿意用另外一种方式探索北京申奥的意义,
  • I'd like to view Beijing's bid as a special voice.A voice that comes the hearts of all the Chinese people .
  • 我把北京申奥作为一种特别的呼声,一种来自全中国人民心里的呼声.
  • What is this voice ?Maybe ,we can find the answer in a true story .More that half a year has passed since the Sydney Olympics.
  • 这是怎样的一种呼声?或许我们可以从一个真实的故事里找到答案.悉尼奥运会结束后,半年多已经过去了.
  • However ,it seems that the intervening days have not diminished the memories.In my memory,one of the most moving scenes of the Sydney Olympics was the moment when China's women football team left Canberra for home .
  • 但是那些日子还没从我们的记忆中褪去.在我的记忆里,悉尼奥运会中最感人的场面之一就是中国的足球姑娘们离开堪培拉回国的一幕.
  • China's team lost the game against Norway ,and was forced out of medal contention .
  • 中国队输给挪威,被逼退出奖牌的角逐.
  • After a sleepless night ,the Chinese girls said that they would not cry at the departure .
  • 经过一个不眠之夜,中国姑娘们说她们不会在离别的时候哭.
  • However ,tears streamed down their cheeks when they saw the American women footballers standing in a row to see them off.
  • 但是,当她们看到美国足球的姑娘们列队送行,泪水禁不住流下了脸颊,
  • Some waved a tearful farewell to them.
  • 一些人泪流满面地挥手道别.
  • Why did the tough Chinese girls all burst into tears?I think it is because of the voice ,which echoes in their hearts.
  • 为什么坚强的中国姑娘们会掉下来眼泪呢?我想是因为那种回荡在她们心中的呼声吧.
  • Dear friends ,you may have guessed what this voice is .Yet,it is a longing.
  • 亲爱的朋友,你可能已经猜到那是什么呼声了.是的,那是一种长久的.
  • It is a longing for mutual understanding and friendship.All the Chinese girls understood that winning was important.
  • 渴望的相互理解和友谊的长久的呼声.所有的中国姑娘都知道比赛获胜是重要的,
  • But it was more precious were the friendship and the mutual understanding forged in the Olympics and they would live forever in the hearts of all participants.
  • 但更珍贵的是与奥运会相连的友谊和相互理解,而且这种呼声将长存于每一位参赛者的心中.
  • Beijing's bid ,in essence ,is a voice of the Chinese pople.It is a longing to understand other poeple in the world ,and to be understood by them.
  • 北京申奥本质上是中国人民的呼声,那是了解世界其它民族和为他们所了解的渴望,
  • It is a longing to promote friendship with people from all over the world .
  • 那是促进与世界其它民族的友谊的渴望.
  • Chinese people's longing for mutual understanding and friendship can be traced back 700 years.
  • 中国人民对相互了解和友谊的渴望可以追溯到七百年前,
  • The message was brought to Europe by Marco Polo,but this voice was drowned in a sea of disbelief at that time.
  • 这种信息由马可.波罗带回欧洲,但他的呼声被当时如海洋般的不信任淹没了.
  • Even on his deathbed, he was urged by his friends to admit that he had made up all the stories about China.
  • 甚至在他弥留之际,他的朋友敦促他承认所有关于中国的东西都是谣传.
  • His last words were,"If you do not believe what I said ,just go and see with your own eyes."
  • 他临终之言是:如果你们不相信我所说的话,你们去亲眼看一下.
  • Now ,about 700 years later,in this millennium ,this opportunity presents itself.
  • 现在,大约七百年过去了,在新千年里,这种机会体现出来了.
  • If Beijing wins the bid,it will offer a golden chance for the world to come and see China for themselves,
  • 那将是世人用自己的眼睛看中国的黄金机会,
  • and for the Chinese people to get person -to -person contact with people from all parts of the world .
  • 因为中国人民将与全世界人民面对面接触.
  • Chinese people's longing is best manifested in Beijing's bid,Chinese people's voice is ringing in Beijing's bid.
  • 中国人民的愿望充分体现在北京的申奥上,中国人民的呼声在北京申奥中回响着.
  • And I believe that our voice can be heard and appreciated because it echoes the ever-lasting voice in the hearts of all human beings.
  • 我相信我们的呼声会被听到和赞赏,因为这各种回响,这种呼声永存在所有的人心中.
  • The voice conveys the common wish and the lofty idea of mankind.
  • 呼声传达了一种普通的愿望和人类的崇高理想.
  • The voice is not transient because it has been ringing from the past to the present,and will,of course ,ring into the future.
  • 呼声不是瞬间即逝的因为它已经响遍了过去和现在,当然会响到将来.
  • I believe in this voice .I believed that our voice for an opportunity to contribute to the sacred cause of promoting unity ,
  • 我相信在这种呼声中,我相信我们为促进团结,
  • friendship and progress will be answered.Thank you .
  • 友谊和进步而作出贡献的呼声将得到回应.谢谢.
  • Um,one of the things that you replied in response to special obligations that university students owe society is that,um ,parents want their children to be successful .
  • 大学生对于社会的特殊义务,你回答的其中之一就是父母期望子女成才.
  • If they um,haven't had opportunities they would like their children at least to have these opportunities and to be successful in their life.
  • 如果他们自身没有机会,他们至少希望自己的子女有机会在他们的人生里成功.
  • Um, what criteria would you use to measure success and when it's been reached ?
  • 你用来衡量成功的标准是什么?什么时候可以达到?
  • Uh, what would you ,what criteria would you use to determine if someone has been successful in their life?
  • 你用什么标准来衡量一个人在他的人生里是成功的?
  • Um,yes ,a lot of people think that success means achieving greatness.And we have actually discussed this topic um in last year's contest .
  • 是的,很多认为取得巨大的成就才算成功.事实上,我们在去年的演讲比赛中也探讨了这个问题.
  • And as Shakepeare told us,"Some people are born great , some people achieve greatness,others have greatness thrust upon them ."
  • 正如莎士比亚告诉我们,有些天生是伟人,有些人努力取得成就,有些人的成就从天而降.
  • So ,I think we have different definitions of greatness.And my definition of achieving greatness is that you have already um struggled.
  • 我想我们对于成功有不同的定义,我对成功的定义是你已经奋斗了,
  • You have strived for success.And if as long as you can do your best, as now I'm taking part in a contest like this ,I'm very nervous.
  • 你曾为成功奋斗过.只要你能竭尽全力,正如我现在参加这次比赛,我非常紧张,
  • But if I have displayed all that I can do.I've displayed my best.I think this is succes.I've already truly gained by participating.Thank you .
  • 但我已经展示了我能做的一切,我已经展示了我最好的一面,我想这是成功,通过参赛我已经真正取得成功.谢谢.
  • Thank you .Um,you said just now that um society has great hopes for university students and university students in return should repay society for this good education .
  • 谢谢,你刚才说社会对大学生寄予厚望,大学生也应该用他们的良好教育回报社会.
  • How do you expect students to repay society ,especially you were speaking of the brain drain?
  • 你怎样期望学生回报社会,尤其你在说到智力流失?
  • How do you expect people who have um received a good education here and then have gone abroad perhaps,how do you except them to repay?
  • 你怎样期望那些在这里接受良好教育而或许已经到国外发展的人,你怎样期望他们回报社会?
  • Um,yes,I've just mentioned in my speech that um a lot of college stuednts go abroad and never thinking about ,think about coming back to their country ,to their society which has reared them .
  • 是的,我已经在我的演讲里提到许多大学生出到国外,就从来没有想过回到培育他们的国家和社会.
  • What I mean is not to call them back.I want them just to think about making contributions for the society.
  • 我的意思不是要把他们叫回来,我只希望他们能为社会作贡献.
  • Maybe they can be uh , they can live in American ,or Britain ,uh for those Chinese students they can live in other developed countries ,
  • 或许他们可以住美国,或者是英国,那些中国学生可以住在其他发达国家,
  • but they can still make contributions for the society they lived in.We will never forget in the Sydney Olympics,
  • 但他们仍然可以为祖国贡献.我们不会忘记在悉尼奥运会上,
  • those overseas students um hand ,handing the national flag in their hands and singing the national anthem.
  • 那些华人学生一面手握国旗,一面唱着国歌.
  • We'll never forget that.They are also making contributions .I think the problem of brain drain can not be defined into uh confined into a very small limit.
  • 我们不会忘记,他们也是在作贡献.我想智力流失的问题不能局限在一个小范围里,
  • Um, we should adapt more open policies to let the students to come back.And if they don't want to come back,
  • 我们应该采取更开放的政策让那部分学生回来.如果他们不想回来,
  • they can also make contributions overseas.And ,that is my answer.Thank you .
  • 他们也可以在国外为祖国作贡献.这是我的回答.谢谢.


Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen .One day ,in an oral English class my fellow students and I had a heated discussion on the meaning of Beijing's bid for the 2008 Olympic Games.

They contributed different ideas.Some said,"Beijing 's environment with be improved steadily .
Beijing has made a long-term plan for environment improvement.Whether Beijing will finally with the bid or not,
the plan will remain the same."Some commented on its meaning in relation to the economy ,arguing that Beijing's bid can rally the whole nation's spirit to develop economy more rapidly .
Other said."Beijing 's bid will be of great significance to the Olympic movement since China is the world's most populous country .
An Olympic event in Beijing will increase the popularity of the Games."
I admit that I wholly agree with what my fellow students have said.However ,I am more willing to approach the meaning of Beijing's bid in another way .
I'd like to view Beijing's bid as a special voice.A voice that comes the hearts of all the Chinese people .
What is this voice ?Maybe ,we can find the answer in a true story .More that half a year has passed since the Sydney Olympics.
However ,it seems that the intervening days have not diminished the memories.In my memory,one of the most moving scenes of the Sydney Olympics was the moment when China's women football team left Canberra for home .
China's team lost the game against Norway ,and was forced out of medal contention .
After a sleepless night ,the Chinese girls said that they would not cry at the departure .
However ,tears streamed down their cheeks when they saw the American women footballers standing in a row to see them off.
Some waved a tearful farewell to them.
Why did the tough Chinese girls all burst into tears?I think it is because of the voice ,which echoes in their hearts.
Dear friends ,you may have guessed what this voice is .Yet,it is a longing.
It is a longing for mutual understanding and friendship.All the Chinese girls understood that winning was important.
But it was more precious were the friendship and the mutual understanding forged in the Olympics and they would live forever in the hearts of all participants.
Beijing's bid ,in essence ,is a voice of the Chinese pople.It is a longing to understand other poeple in the world ,and to be understood by them.
It is a longing to promote friendship with people from all over the world .
Chinese people's longing for mutual understanding and friendship can be traced back 700 years.
The message was brought to Europe by Marco Polo,but this voice was drowned in a sea of disbelief at that time.
Even on his deathbed, he was urged by his friends to admit that he had made up all the stories about China.
His last words were,"If you do not believe what I said ,just go and see with your own eyes."
Now ,about 700 years later,in this millennium ,this opportunity presents itself.
If Beijing wins the bid,it will offer a golden chance for the world to come and see China for themselves,
and for the Chinese people to get person -to -person contact with people from all parts of the world .
Chinese people's longing is best manifested in Beijing's bid,Chinese people's voice is ringing in Beijing's bid.
And I believe that our voice can be heard and appreciated because it echoes the ever-lasting voice in the hearts of all human beings.
The voice conveys the common wish and the lofty idea of mankind.
The voice is not transient because it has been ringing from the past to the present,and will,of course ,ring into the future.
I believe in this voice .I believed that our voice for an opportunity to contribute to the sacred cause of promoting unity ,
friendship and progress will be answered.Thank you .
Judge:Um,one of the things that you replied in response to special obligations that university students owe society is that,um ,parents want their children to be successful .
If they um,haven't had opportunities they would like their children at least to have these opportunities and to be successful in their life.
Um, what criteria would you use to measure success and when it's been reached ?
Uh, what would you ,what criteria would you use to determine if someone has been successful in their life?
Zhang Cong:Um,yes ,a lot of people think that success means achieving greatness.And we have actually discussed this topic um in last year's contest .
And as Shakepeare told us,"Some people are born great , some people achieve greatness,others have greatness thrust upon them ."
So ,I think we have different definitions of greatness.And my definition of achieving greatness is that you have already um struggled.
You have strived for success.And if as long as you can do your best, as now I'm taking part in a contest like this ,I'm very nervous.
But if I have displayed all that I can do.I've displayed my best.I think this is succes.I've already truly gained by participating.Thank you .
Judge:Thank you .Um,you said just now that um society has great hopes for university students and university students in return should repay society for this good education .
How do you expect students to repay society ,especially you were speaking of the brain drain?
How do you expect people who have um received a good education here and then have gone abroad perhaps,how do you except them to repay?
Zhang Cong:Um,yes,I've just mentioned in my speech that um a lot of college stuednts go abroad and never thinking about ,think about coming back to their country ,to their society which has reared them .
What I mean is not to call them back.I want them just to think about making contributions for the society.
Maybe they can be uh , they can live in American ,or Britain ,uh for those Chinese students they can live in other developed countries ,
but they can still make contributions for the society they lived in.We will never forget in the Sydney Olympics,
those overseas students um hand ,handing the national flag in their hands and singing the national anthem.
We'll never forget that.They are also making contributions .I think the problem of brain drain can not be defined into uh confined into a very small limit.
Um, we should adapt more open policies to let the students to come back.And if they don't want to come back,
they can also make contributions overseas.And ,that is my answer.Thank you .

重点单词   查看全部解释    
diminished [di'miniʃt]


adj. 减退了的;减弱的 v. 减少;削弱(dimin

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

movement ['mu:vmənt]


n. 活动,运动,移动,[音]乐章

definition [.defi'niʃən]


n. 定义,阐释,清晰度

improvement [im'pru:vmənt]


n. 改进,改善

popularity [.pɔpju'læriti]


n. 普及,流行,名望,受欢迎

contribute [kən'tribju:t]


vt. 捐助,投稿
vi. 投稿,贡献,是原因

contention [kən'tenʃən]


n. 争论,争辩,所持的论点 [计算机] 线路争夺

determine [di'tə:min]


v. 决定,决心,确定,测定

willing ['wiliŋ]


adj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的





