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  • Good afternoon ,honorable jusges,ladies and gentlemen :
  • 下午好,尊敬的评委,女士们,先生们:
  • I have admit that when I first saw the title of the speech I was at a loss as to how to begin.
  • 我必须承认当我第一次看到演讲的题目时,我真不知道如何开始.
  • The meaning of Beijing's bid for the 2008 Olympic Games,this is certainly too big a topic to be covered in five minutes.
  • 申办二零零八年奥运会的意义,是一个很大的主题,无法在五分钟内面面俱到.
  • Then I remembered a bid I myself took serveral months ago .At the time ,I was bidding against 18 other candidates to be chairperson of a debate contest held in my university .
  • 于是我想起了几个月前我自己参加的一个比赛,当时,我正参加大学里举行的辩论赛,与其他十八名选手角逐冠军的宝座.
  • It was a challenge,but could also be a good opportunity to better myself in many ways ,I thought.
  • 那是一个挑战,但我想也是一个在很多方面提高自己自我的好机会.
  • So I set high standards for myself to follow.I had a thorough analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of myself and the other candidates.
  • 于是我为自己设立高标准,按此标准办事.我对自己和其他选手的优势和劣势作了全面的分析,
  • I decided on a good strategy to bring out my own strengths.I made a full preparations.
  • 定下了一个好策略,以显示出我的实力,这样我做了充分的准备.
  • I presented myself to the best of my ability,giving full play to my strong points.
  • 我充分发挥了我的优势,把强项完全表现出来.
  • And eventually I won the bid,and I did turn out a better self.
  • 最后我赢得了比赛,训练出一个更优秀的自己.
  • In a sense , I think ,the same is true of Beijing's bid.
  • 在某种意义上,我想,北京申办奥运会也一样.
  • The bidding itself is also a process of self-appraisal and selfimprovement .To ensure the sucess of the bid,Beijing has to be very clear about its own strong and weak points as compared to the other four candidate cities.
  • 申办奥运会本身也是一个自我评估,自我提高的过程.为了确保申办的成功,与其他四个候选城市相比较,北京必须非常清楚自己的优势和劣势.
  • To my knowledge ,much of the world is quite familiar with the western culture embodied by Paris or Tornto,two formidable rivals of Beijing .
  • 据我所知,世人很多都对体现西方文化的巴黎和多伦多相当熟悉,这两个可是北京的强劲对手.
  • Now it is time for us to explore the beauty and richness of our Chinese culture and proudly present it to the world .
  • 现在是时候把我们中国美丽和富饶的文化挖掘出来,自豪地向世人展现出来.
  • It is time for us to rekindle the magnificence of the Forbidden City ,to revive the vigor of the dancing dragons and reaffirm our love for the 5000-year -old civilization flowing behind them .
  • 是时候重新振作紫禁城的雄风,恢复威力无比的舞龙和重申和我们对跟随他们后面的五千年文明的爱.
  • Fortunately ,Beijing has grasped the meaning of the Olympic bid.From an international airliner of Air China,an attractive pair of eyes of a Beijing opera actress are overlooking the vast ground beneath them.
  • 很幸运,北京已抓住了申办奥运的意义:从一个国际航班,中国航空公司的飞机上,一位京剧女演员用迷人的双眼看着广阔的土地.
  • And Beijing's bidding emblem ,an abstract figure playing Taiji,speaks the loudest of all.
  • 最能体现北京申办奥运的意义的标志是一个抽象的人正在打太极.
  • For Beijing,to proclaim to the world its dertermination to host the 2008 world sports gala means the beginnig of a new era in its development.
  • 对于北京,向全世界宣布她主办二零零八年的世界体育盛事的决心意味着她发展的新篇章的开始.
  • Mr.LiuJingmin,vice executive chairman of Beijing's bid committee,once said Beijing has less advantage in sports and facilities,
  • 北京申奥委常务副主席刘敬民曾经说过,北京在体育设施和环境方面缺乏优势,
  • but this also gives us boundless potential for development.Herein ,I think ,lies part of the meaning of the bid.
  • 但也给了我们发展的无限的潜力.我认为这里就包含了申奥的部分意义.
  • New Beijing ,Great Olympics ,this is not only a slogan that fires the imagination of the people but also a battle cry that rallies the whole Chinese nation .
  • Beijing has already made great strides both in its sport facilities and in the municipal infrastructure in general.
  • 北京已经在体育设施和总体市政基础设施方面向前跨了一大步,
  • Green Olympics,together with hi-tech Olympics and the people's Olympics has become a catchword.
  • 绿色奥运,科技奥运和人文奥运已经成了申奥的主题.
  • With these high standards Beijing sets for itself ,by the year 2008 ,our capital city will take on a fresh new look and a hi-tech and a green Beijing will be ready to welcome sportsmen and visitors from all over the world.
  • 按照这些高标准,在二零零八年,北京,我们的首都将会向来自世界各地的运动员和来访者展示一个崭新的面貌,一个高新技的,绿色的北京.
  • The bidding for the 2008 Olympic Games is a great chance for Beijing ,a chance to promote its popularity both as an ancient oriental capital and a modern metropolis,
  • 申办二零零八年的奥运会对北京来说是一个巨大的机会,那就是把它作为古典名都和现代大都市的结合体推广开来,
  • and to develop itself into a more beautiful and more environment friendly (place)to inhabit and work in .
  • 把它发展成一个适合居住和工作的更美丽,更环保的城市.
  • The bidding is also a great chance for China,a chance to share with the rest of the world its splendid culture ,
  • 申奥对于中国也是一个大好机会,是向世界展示辉煌文化的时机,
  • to learn from the other countries the cream of their civilization and to further integrate itself into the world community .
  • 汲取其他国家文明的精髓,加速融入世界大集体的步伐.
  • Beijing 2008 ,the meaning of the bid is symbolized by bidding emblem ,harmony ,vitality, mobitily ,unity ,cooperation ,exchange and development .Thank you .
  • 北京2008年:申奥意义之我见的象征由申奥的标志体现者:和谐,生机,灵活,团结,合作,交流和发展.谢谢.
  • Competitor number twenty-one ,thank you very much indeed for that .
  • 第二十一号选手,真的非常感谢你.
  • I'm sorry to take you back from controlling the world to just bidding for the Olympics and ,and ,you painted ,
  • 很抱歉把你从掌控世界带到申办奥运,你描绘,
  • a, a wonderful picture of ,um ,how life would be in,in Beijing when the Olympic bid is successful and all, all ,so on .
  • 一幅精彩的图画,即你为申办奥运成功后北京的生活等的图画.
  • But I wonder if you can think of any disadvantages there might be to putting so much energy into achieving success in the Olympic bid .
  • 但我想知道你是否想过花如此大的精力以取得申奥成功会存在着弊端.
  • Are there any down sides?
  • 是否存在着负面影响?
  • Xie Xue chao:Thank you .Uh, I believe that with everything there are always advantages and disadvantages.
  • 谢谢.我相信任何事物总有好处和坏处之分,
  • So,in this bid there will also be disadvantages.But,I think generally speaking ,uh ,since we are contributing a lot to support Beijing's bid.
  • 所以这次申奥也会存在着弊端.但是我想,总的来说,既然我们已经为北京申奥付出了那么多,
  • We are making great efforts to ensure that Beijing can win the bid.So ,this means that ,uh the people throughout China now that the advantages of this bid outweight the disadvantages of this bid.
  • 我们正在花大力气去确保北京能够申奥成功.所以这意味着全中国人民都知道这次申奥的好处胜于坏处,
  • So ,that's why we are paying so much attention to this bid .And that's why we are having such high expectations about this bid .
  • 那就是我们对这次申奥有如此高的期望的原因。
  • And ,I ,I believe that if Beijing can win this bid,um ,it will be a gret opportunity for people throughout the world to have a better understanding of our Chinese culture ,
  • 我相信如果北京这次申奥,那将是全世界人民更好地理解中国的文化.
  • of our Chinese people ,and also it will be a good opportunity to call the people throughout the world to pay much attention to what friendship and unity .
  • 号召全世界人民关注友谊和团结的大好时机.
  • Um,concerning the disadvantage ,if you really want to say that there is a disadvantage,
  • 有关坏处,如果你一定要说存在着坏处的话,
  • I believe the disadvantages is that Beijing is too enthusiastic about this Olympic bid and is going all out for this Olympic bid.
  • 那就是北京对于申奥太热情了,太过于全力以赴了.
  • But you have to understand that this is the way that our Chinese people used to do things.
  • 但你必须明白那是我们中国人办事的方式,
  • We're very diligent .We're fully devoted to everything we do .And that is our ,uh ,inborn characteristics.
  • 我们非常勤快,我们做每一件事都不遗余力,那是我们的天性.
  • So I believe that in this sense that advantages,uh ,can outweight disadvantages.And I believe that,uh,by making full use of this advantages to,uh,make up for all the disadvantages,
  • 所以我相信在这种意义上好处大于坏处.我相信通过充分利用这些优势,弥补所有这些不足,
  • we will ensure that Beijing can win this bid and I hope so .Thank you.
  • 我们坚信北京申奥一定会成功,我也希望如此.谢谢.
  • Thank you very much .Thank you contestant number twenty-one.Um,I'm going to give you back your power .You're now
  • 非常感谢.谢谢第二十号选手,我打算再给予你权力,你现在
  • again the Secretary General.
  • 又是秘书长了.
  • Thank you .
  • лл.
  • Power is fleeting as we know ,and ,um,I want to focus a little bit more on your idea of having representatives from various coutries get together ,not VIPs,but ordinary folks.
  • 我们都知道,权位常在变,我想以你从不同国家选拔代表参加聚会为焦点,那些不是重要人物,那是平民百姓.
  • Cause you had mentioned that it's important ,uh ,for such ,uh ,a meeting to take place in order to have an exchange of ideas and ask questions and hopefully deal with some misunderstandings that may ,um,be out there.
  • 因为你提过召开这样的会议很重要,是为了交流思想,提出问题和满怀希望能解决存在的问题.
  • So ,my question ,uh ,deals with what you consider to be,um,uh ,a misunderstanding that a lot of ,um ,people outside of China have about Chinese poeple .
  • 所以我的问题是,为了解决你考虑到的问题那就是国外的人对于中国人的看法.
  • What would you consider to be perhaps the most misunderstood thing about Chinese culture,Chinese people ,either one?
  • 有关中国文化,中国人民,两者中任何一个,你认为什么可能是最让人误会的?
  • Thank you .This is a very good question .Uh,I believe that,uh, a lot of people from the outside world used to think that China is quite a backward country.
  • 谢谢.这是一个非常好的问题.我相信国外很多人都认为中国是一个落后的国家,
  • Uh, in China all people walk very straight ,uh, on the street.They seldom smile .Uh,and they always wear very ,uh ,they wear clothes of very dark color.
  • 在中国,街上所有人都笔挺着身子走路,他们很少微笑.他们总是穿着非常黑的衣服,
  • And they seldom laugh at each other .They seldom,um,show their dynamic are energetic set.
  • 他们很少笑脸迎人,他们很少表现他们的精神和活力.
  • But ,actually Chinese people ,I believe that, uh, um ,after our foreign guests have come to China ,
  • 但实际上我相信,外国客人参观中国后,
  • you have seen that China is not like this.China is a very dynamic country and everyone in China is having high spirit in plunging into our economic,
  • 会明白中国人,中国人不是这样的.中国是一个充满生机的国家,每一个中国人都情绪高昂地致力于我们的经济
  • uh, development,uh, in carrying out social reforms ,etc.,and especially in supporting Beijing for this 2008 Olympic bid.
  • 发展,实施社会改革等,特别是支持北京申办二零零八年奥运会上.
  • And also ,people throughout China are very optimistic about the future ,uh ,about the further progress that we have ,
  • 中国人民也对将来,对于我们将来会取得的发展非常乐观.
  • we can make in the future.Uh, besides all the dramatic improv..uh progresses that we have made in past decades,
  • 除了在过去几十年我们取得的巨大发展,
  • I believe that,uh by this bid,by exerting our enthusiasm to communicate with people throughout the world,
  • 我相信,通过这次申奥,通过我们满腔热情地与全世界人民的交流,
  • to give more people the chance to come to China ,and to give more Chinese people the chance to go outside world to communicate with each other .
  • 让更多人的有机会来到中国,让更多中国人有机会走出去与国外彼此交流.
  • This kind of misunderstanding about the ,uh,pessimistic attitude of Chinese people will be eliminated very soon.Thank you .
  • 这种有关中国的消极态度,误会就会很快消除.谢谢.
  • Thank you.
  • лл.


Good afternoon ,honorable jusges,ladies and gentlemen :

I have admit that when I first saw the title of the speech I was at a loss as to how to begin.
The meaning of Beijing's bid for the 2008 Olympic Games,this is certainly too big a topic to be covered in five minutes.
Then I remembered a bid I myself took serveral months ago .At the time ,I was bidding against 18 other candidates to be chairperson of a debate contest held in my university .
It was a challenge,but could also be a good opportunity to better myself in many ways ,I thought.
So I set high standards for myself to follow.I had a thorough analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of myself and the other candidates.
I decided on a good strategy to bring out my own strengths.I made a full preparations.
I presented myself to the best of my ability,giving full play to my strong points.
And eventually I won the bid,and I did turn out a better self.
In a sense , I think ,the same is true of Beijing's bid.
The bidding itself is also a process of self-appraisal and selfimprovement .To ensure the sucess of the bid,Beijing has to be very clear about its own strong and weak points as compared to the other four candidate cities.
To my knowledge ,much of the world is quite familiar with the western culture embodied by Paris or Tornto,two formidable rivals of Beijing .
Now it is time for us to explore the beauty and richness of our Chinese culture and proudly present it to the world .
It is time for us to rekindle the magnificence of the Forbidden City ,to revive the vigor of the dancing dragons and reaffirm our love for the 5000-year -old civilization flowing behind them .
Fortunately ,Beijing has grasped the meaning of the Olympic bid.From an international airliner of Air China,an attractive pair of eyes of a Beijing opera actress are overlooking the vast ground beneath them.
And Beijing's bidding emblem ,an abstract figure playing Taiji,speaks the loudest of all.
For Beijing,to proclaim to the world its dertermination to host the 2008 world sports gala means the beginnig of a new era in its development.
Mr.LiuJingmin,vice executive chairman of Beijing's bid committee,once said Beijing has less advantage in sports and facilities,
but this also gives us boundless potential for development.Herein ,I think ,lies part of the meaning of the bid.
New Beijing ,Great Olympics ,this is not only a slogan that fires the imagination of the people but also a battle cry that rallies the whole Chinese nation .
Beijing has already made great strides both in its sport facilities and in the municipal infrastructure in general.
Green Olympics,together with hi-tech Olympics and the people's Olympics has become a catchword.
With these high standards Beijing sets for itself ,by the year 2008 ,our capital city will take on a fresh new look and a hi-tech and a green Beijing will be ready to welcome sportsmen and visitors from all over the world.
The bidding for the 2008 Olympic Games is a great chance for Beijing ,a chance to promote its popularity both as an ancient oriental capital and a modern metropolis,
and to develop itself into a more beautiful and more environment friendly (place)to inhabit and work in .
The bidding is also a great chance for China,a chance to share with the rest of the world its splendid culture ,
to learn from the other countries the cream of their civilization and to further integrate itself into the world community .
Beijing 2008 ,the meaning of the bid is symbolized by bidding emblem ,harmony ,vitality, mobitily ,unity ,cooperation ,exchange and development .Thank you .
Judge:Competitor number twenty-one ,thank you very much indeed for that .
I'm sorry to take you back from controlling the world to just bidding for the Olympics and ,and ,you painted ,
a, a wonderful picture of ,um ,how life would be in,in Beijing when the Olympic bid is successful and all, all ,so on .
But I wonder if you can think of any disadvantages there might be to putting so much energy into achieving success in the Olympic bid .
Are there any down sides?
Xie Xue chao:Thank you .Uh, I believe that with everything there are always advantages and disadvantages.
So,in this bid there will also be disadvantages.But,I think generally speaking ,uh ,since we are contributing a lot to support Beijing's bid.
We are making great efforts to ensure that Beijing can win the bid.So ,this means that ,uh the people throughout China now that the advantages of this bid outweight the disadvantages of this bid.
So ,that's why we are paying so much attention to this bid .And that's why we are having such high expectations about this bid .
And ,I ,I believe that if Beijing can win this bid,um ,it will be a gret opportunity for people throughout the world to have a better understanding of our Chinese culture ,
of our Chinese people ,and also it will be a good opportunity to call the people throughout the world to pay much attention to what friendship and unity .
Um,concerning the disadvantage ,if you really want to say that there is a disadvantage,
I believe the disadvantages is that Beijing is too enthusiastic about this Olympic bid and is going all out for this Olympic bid.
But you have to understand that this is the way that our Chinese people used to do things.
We're very diligent .We're fully devoted to everything we do .And that is our ,uh ,inborn characteristics.
So I believe that in this sense that advantages,uh ,can outweight disadvantages.And I believe that,uh,by making full use of this advantages to,uh,make up for all the disadvantages,
we will ensure that Beijing can win this bid and I hope so .Thank you.
Judge:Thank you very much .Thank you contestant number twenty-one.Um,I'm going to give you back your power .You're now
again the Secretary General.
Xie Xuechao:Thank you .
Judge:Power is fleeting as we know ,and ,um,I want to focus a little bit more on your idea of having representatives from various coutries get together ,not VIPs,but ordinary folks.
Cause you had mentioned that it's important ,uh ,for such ,uh ,a meeting to take place in order to have an exchange of ideas and ask questions and hopefully deal with some misunderstandings that may ,um,be out there.
So ,my question ,uh ,deals with what you consider to be,um,uh ,a misunderstanding that a lot of ,um ,people outside of China have about Chinese poeple .
What would you consider to be perhaps the most misunderstood thing about Chinese culture,Chinese people ,either one?
Xie Xuechao:Thank you .This is a very good question .Uh,I believe that,uh, a lot of people from the outside world used to think that China is quite a backward country.
Uh, in China all people walk very straight ,uh, on the street.They seldom smile .Uh,and they always wear very ,uh ,they wear clothes of very dark color.
And they seldom laugh at each other .They seldom,um,show their dynamic are energetic set.
But ,actually Chinese people ,I believe that, uh, um ,after our foreign guests have come to China ,
you have seen that China is not like this.China is a very dynamic country and everyone in China is having high spirit in plunging into our economic,
uh, development,uh, in carrying out social reforms ,etc.,and especially in supporting Beijing for this 2008 Olympic bid.
And also ,people throughout China are very optimistic about the future ,uh ,about the further progress that we have ,
we can make in the future.Uh, besides all the dramatic improv..uh progresses that we have made in past decades,
I believe that,uh by this bid,by exerting our enthusiasm to communicate with people throughout the world,
to give more people the chance to come to China ,and to give more Chinese people the chance to go outside world to communicate with each other .
This kind of misunderstanding about the ,uh,pessimistic attitude of Chinese people will be eliminated very soon.Thank you .
Judge:Thank you.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
harmony ['hɑ:məni]


n. 和弦,协调,和睦,调和

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

attractive [ə'træktiv]


adj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的

formidable ['fɔ:midəbl]


adj. 强大的,可怕的,难对付的

challenge ['tʃælindʒ]


n. 挑战
v. 向 ... 挑战

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

contest ['kɔntest,kən'test]


n. 竞赛,比赛
vt. 竞赛,争取

disadvantage [.disəd'væntidʒ]


n. 不利,不利条件,损害,损失

popularity [.pɔpju'læriti]


n. 普及,流行,名望,受欢迎

candidate ['kændidit]


n. 候选人,求职者





